4.30 star(s) 255 Votes


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019

View attachment 3129718
View attachment 3129717

Hi, sorry for my absence. I took a few weeks off for my health (both mentally and physically), I was getting pretty frustrated working on the chapter and ended up burning myself out a bit, but now I'm back.
As I did before when I took a break, I'm going to deactivate the payment cycle for this month. (This month is free; Patreon won't charge you).

I'm having a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I think slow-burners like me will love it. I'm also planning to tweak the script a bit to add a certain character to the scene that I've been neglecting a little bit, well see. I'd love to give you more details, but I don't want to spoil anything

I hope you're well, especially health-wise, which is the most important thing.
Thank you so much for your continued support!

  • Writing = 80%
  • Code = 20%
  • Images = 30%
This guy is just ridiculous, nothing changed, hope is dead on faster updates. Another 7-8 months development coming up, great :FacePalm:
Jan 28, 2023

View attachment 3129718
View attachment 3129717

Hi, sorry for my absence. I took a few weeks off for my health (both mentally and physically), I was getting pretty frustrated working on the chapter and ended up burning myself out a bit, but now I'm back.
As I did before when I took a break, I'm going to deactivate the payment cycle for this month. (This month is free; Patreon won't charge you).

I'm having a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I think slow-burners like me will love it. I'm also planning to tweak the script a bit to add a certain character to the scene that I've been neglecting a little bit, well see. I'd love to give you more details, but I don't want to spoil anything

I hope you're well, especially health-wise, which is the most important thing.
Thank you so much for your continued support!

  • Writing = 80%
  • Code = 20%
  • Images = 30%
I hope is about father
  • Thinking Face
  • Haha
Reactions: taraqtau and aggy16
Sep 21, 2017
i miss stephanie. i wish there is an update for christmas or new year with a sprinkle of threesome with....who was that kylee's friend again? nvm.....yeah a stephanie threesome in that apartment with video or it didn't happen! :BootyTime::BootyTime::BootyTime: i actually just want to wank to some new stephanie kinky lewd scenes.....so yeah i'm horny for steph


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
His hemorrhoids must be acting up again.
Cause there's nothing funnier than making fun of other people's health problems, right? Do some people embellish their health issues for attention or as excuses? Sure. Can I tell through the internet when that is the case? Not a super power of mine, sadly. I'm off to go mock all the kids at the pediatric cancer ward! See you there.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2020
This guy is just ridiculous, nothing changed, hope is dead on faster updates. Another 7-8 months development coming up, great :FacePalm:
What's ridiculous is the inane belief that these games are generated by some sort of programmed machines that all work the same way on a fixed schedule in some magical Willy Wonka game factory or something. They're being generated by human beings, each working under their own completely incomparable working conditions. I make no excuses for nor elevate any criticisms against the developers for this. This practice of going period to period salivating over incomplete works that may or may not ever reach conclusion is a new phenomenon. It was fostered by this patron platform nonsense. I think it's awful and creatively destructive. It rewards complacency and laziness, and removes accountability from the artist to actually generate art. I expect that it has certainly helped a few struggling but dedicated artists get the support they needed to fulfill their dreams. The vast majority are the rest, a bunch of no hit wonders sponging the mentally vulnerable of their money. Expecting cookie cutter results in this genre. That's what's ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I all too frequently find all the whining and entitled "milking " remarks help identify the people who still rely on their Mothers to wipe their bums and do their laundry etc. When has any of this really propelled any developer to push a game update out to f95zone that they had already completed and were just waiting for a "reminder"? Do you think you are helping anything when you post demands here? If you are paying for this then complain on the payment site (Patreon? Suscribestar?). God help us all - I really don't think the human race has any future with some of the posts we see here.


Sep 20, 2019
"Doesn't scam, puts in honest work"...:KEK: Simple galley slave. :KEK: As well as the developers of Sims and many other similar stupidity, that sell add-ons (snippets), skins and another junk for the price of a full game or almost a whole game.
Anyone who milks them (those who pay for years for such a "good attitude" towards himself, fully deserves it), but at least ever releases something with a frequency of 2-3 times more rarely (once per 6 or even 9-12 months), than he primarily speaks, is already a hero. It's called: "Have lived up to". Okay, keep waiting for the weather from the sea and the chapter 18-20 (or until what time will it be milked) in the 2028-2030 year, if lucky and Milkrav will get sick dozens more times during this time, if he not will be abducted by aliens, his woman|man will leave him or for many other reasons, that may happen during this time, and through which he will simply stop doing it and he will leave his game abandoned, like many others devs. Instead of 2025 or at the worst in 2026 year for the release of the same chapters 18-20. :WeSmart:Fools are not mammoths. They continue to believe in non-existent decency, because the fee has not been removed, not removed for anything. :LOL: :KEK: :ROFLMAO:
If you don't like it go and create a better game oh wait! you're busy in copy/past patreon post of games that nobody cares!

anda pa'ya bobooo
4.30 star(s) 255 Votes