4.30 star(s) 259 Votes


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2024
So it had nothing to do with any tags then? It's because they felt they weren't active?
I think the other poster was making a joke. Ultimately, unless the dev pops up and lets us know, we're in the dark as to the actual reason. Only the dev receives the notification which gives the reason (so they can work to rectify whatever problem is pointed out). Plenty of games have had the dev's Patreons put under review with the reason being "incest" and the "proof" being a link to the game thread on this forum though, so it is likely to be the case here.

I could be wrong, but I don't know that there's a mechanism for Patreon to put an account under review for inactivity. Partly, this is because they can't tell for sure that it's inactive, unless they base it purely on activity on their site. The creator could be really active, and fulfilling perks elsewhere, such as on Discord, for instance. The only way I believe Patreon would have something to work on in this respect would be if a Patron raised a complaint to them. I don't know if there is anything they have in place for this, but it stands to reason that if such a complaint is raised, they would investigate it - however, I don't think it would be proper for the account to go under review immediately for this, as some sort of "proof" would presumably be required first.

Long story short, it's almost 100% because of the incest, and not the inactivity, but this is just my reasoned opinion.
Dev have discord right? any update there?
I am not a member, but some posts have been made here recently that suggest the server is also dead, or at least it is so far as involvement from the dev goes.


New Member
Dec 12, 2022
People, I think it's the end from what I was able to find out, there will be no version 0.9 and if there is there was also 1.0 but I don't believe it.

They don't put the "abandoned" label because they can't contact the developer.

End ⚰️


New Member
May 29, 2022

- If you like Stephanie, you are clearly a PDF file and nothing will change that.
- Stephanie is likely the reason the page is under the review.
- The page being under review for so long probably means it is not coming back.
- It's probably not coming back because it's clearly PDF file material.
- Amelie deserved better than this.

Why is Stephanie a child?
- Smaller frame, considerably shorter than her SISTER who's clearly just around 18
- Behaves like a child, wants attention, is annoying, doesn't understand social concepts
- Underdeveloped body

Even if at some point xenorav explicitly says "blah blah they are both above 18" you would have to be an absolute moron to not realize she's at most 12 years old, and Patreon probably realized this as well.

Amelie's character and her relationship was a beautifully executed concept with how the MC would slowly turn her into his toy, cumslut, milkmaid, whatever. It had infinite potential and her model was beautiful and the animations clean as hell. It's truly a shame that Xenorav is unreliable pathological liar and probably a PDF file and that you guys fed into it so hard.

React with thumbs up if you agree that Stephanie is a child and everyone who's into her is a PDF file
React with angry if I'm wrong


Mar 4, 2018
I don't understand Patreon's logic at all, why they show so much sensitivity about the content of Shota or incest, because first of all, these are not real, that is, they are not even movies or series, they are only games, I can even say that they are not pictures, paintings are ,Why are they banning the developer?! Why should we not be able to enjoy this content in the fantasy world?! Game characters and content we play in the game that are not us or our families. I don't understand.
  • Like
Reactions: pedrohefe


Dec 28, 2022
I don't understand Patreon's logic at all, why they show so much sensitivity about the content of Shota or incest, because first of all, these are not real, that is, they are not even movies or series, they are only games, I can even say that they are not pictures, paintings are ,Why are they banning the developer?! Why should we not be able to enjoy this content in the fantasy world?! Game characters and content we play in the game that are not us or our families. I don't understand.
Dont try to understand this world's puritan and hypocritical morals and censorship. You will only frustrate yourself.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2021

- If you like Stephanie, you are clearly a PDF file and nothing will change that.
- Stephanie is likely the reason the page is under the review.
- The page being under review for so long probably means it is not coming back.
- It's probably not coming back because it's clearly PDF file material.
- Amelie deserved better than this.

Why is Stephanie a child?
- Smaller frame, considerably shorter than her SISTER who's clearly just around 18
- Behaves like a child, wants attention, is annoying, doesn't understand social concepts
- Underdeveloped body

Even if at some point xenorav explicitly says "blah blah they are both above 18" you would have to be an absolute moron to not realize she's at most 12 years old, and Patreon probably realized this as well.

Amelie's character and her relationship was a beautifully executed concept with how the MC would slowly turn her into his toy, cumslut, milkmaid, whatever. It had infinite potential and her model was beautiful and the animations clean as hell. It's truly a shame that Xenorav is unreliable pathological liar and probably a PDF file and that you guys fed into it so hard.

React with thumbs up if you agree that Stephanie is a child and everyone who's into her is a PDF file
React with angry if I'm wrong
For me she's 18.

If you'd get out of yo mama's basement, you'd know there are 18+ girls in the world who have underdeveloped body, smaller frame, annoying, wanting attention...

She doesn't actually act ike someone who's 18 but from where I'm from I have seen less mature girls like her and the dev himself says she's 18.

Even at the off chance she's found 18, I don't give a shit and I certainly don't think I am a pdf file for enjoying her content (which i don't, coz she's annoying) nor is the dev for making her...because it's just pixels. It's like saying killing NPC's in GTA is bad and it'll make you a criminal.

If you are not a pdf file, what are you doing here playing this supposed pdf file's game containing pdf contents.

And no one actually cares about your comment so you'll probably get no reactions at all.


Aug 19, 2019
2024-02-06 03:46:41
Hey guys, the chapter is going great!
Sorry if the post seems a bit dry but I can't think of much else to say haha. Just wanted to let you know this chapter is going to be so good

Code = 20%
Writing = 80%
Images = 85% (350 images)
Animations = 5

This is last time he posted before he dipped


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020

- If you like Stephanie, you are clearly a PDF file and nothing will change that.
- Stephanie is likely the reason the page is under the review.
- The page being under review for so long probably means it is not coming back.
- It's probably not coming back because it's clearly PDF file material.
- Amelie deserved better than this.

Why is Stephanie a child?
- Smaller frame, considerably shorter than her SISTER who's clearly just around 18
- Behaves like a child, wants attention, is annoying, doesn't understand social concepts
- Underdeveloped body

Even if at some point xenorav explicitly says "blah blah they are both above 18" you would have to be an absolute moron to not realize she's at most 12 years old, and Patreon probably realized this as well.

Amelie's character and her relationship was a beautifully executed concept with how the MC would slowly turn her into his toy, cumslut, milkmaid, whatever. It had infinite potential and her model was beautiful and the animations clean as hell. It's truly a shame that Xenorav is unreliable pathological liar and probably a PDF file and that you guys fed into it so hard.

React with thumbs up if you agree that Stephanie is a child and everyone who's into her is a PDF file
React with angry if I'm wrong
It is stated that Stephanie is over 18 but her body is clearly someone under the age
4.30 star(s) 259 Votes