4.30 star(s) 259 Votes

Not a dot

New Member
Jan 10, 2022
I'm not judging anyone that enjoys Stephanie's content. It's a porn game about fucking your family, whatever, morals aren't really a thing here. But if you don't think Stephanie is supposed to be a minor that's legit denial. She acts REALLY childish, like high schooler moronically so. And there are literally lines said by MC suggesting that she's underage, like how she's TOO YOUNG to go out partying with them. And his initial guilt for messing around with his LITTLE cousin who doesn't know much about sex, like c'mon. MC and older cousin are even treated like late teenagers. What game are you guys playing.


Formerly 'Daskapital61'
Apr 25, 2023
how this is going to be argumentitave. Stephanie is literally underage. there is no point saying 'its not'. its and and even mc point out in the story she is minor. and if patreon shut down his page because of this ican understand that.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2021
how this is going to be argumentitave. Stephanie is literally underage. there is no point saying 'its not'. its and and even mc point out in the story she is minor. and if patreon shut down his page because of this ican understand that.
You do? Cause I don't understand those cringe rules of patreon. What are games/visual novels? Art and fiction. It's not reality. It's pure fiction even if it has a sexual context. I mean there are several movies about main characters developing a sexual/romantic relationship towards a minor. One of the biggest and most famous being "Lolita". I personally despise the policy of Patreon. Shitshow of a platform that does everything to limit your creative freedom.


I am the bad guy?
Game Developer
Apr 3, 2024
You do? Cause I don't understand those cringe rules of patreon. What are games/visual novels? Art and fiction. It's not reality. It's pure fiction even if it has a sexual context. I mean there are several movies about main characters developing a sexual/romantic relationship towards a minor. One of the biggest and most famous being "Lolita". I personally despise the policy of Patreon. Shitshow of a platform that does everything to limit your creative freedom.
You may or may not understand Patreon's rules. You may or may not like them, but the only truth is that if you decide to work on their platform, you must abide by their rules... Unfortunately, not everyone is better off using other things like Subscribestar, it all depends on your means and location. In my case, for example, SS is a resounding no, and this is the case with many other developers... Does it limit creativity? Definitely, but it is what it is...


Nov 13, 2023
That's clearly a normal woman behaviour, even for the mature ones. Have you ever engaged with a woman or only fictional mary sues?

About Stephanie's short height and looks take a look at this:

This is an 20+ years old athlete, she has 1,45m height and looks like a teenager even so. Am i a PDF file for thinking she's attractive? What kind of bullshit is that? Short and cute women can't be engaged with? I'm pretty sure you're american with that obsession with "muh predator".
That looks more like Josy from BADik age wise. Stephanie definitely looks underage and acts like a teenager who's having her first crush and who's being toxic about it. Which could be anything from 12-15.

Grown women being cute isn't 1-to-1 with childish behaviour either.

I am judging you if you're attracted to Stephanie. Unless you're a minor yourself she shouldn't be attractive as she is to you.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
And what would he gain by doing that?
It would be a way for a dev who didn't want to keep working to stop while at the same time being able to act like a victim (and maybe not get as much pressure to give refunds, etc.) Or they might think it would reduce the torrent of negativity online (that they would be fully deserving of), so for a dev that might want to keep the door open a crack for a future return it could be a way of being able to say "hey it wasn't my fault, please send me money now cause I'm back" if they ever did return. :unsure:


Feb 23, 2023
For me she's 18.

If you'd get out of yo mama's basement, you'd know there are 18+ girls in the world who have underdeveloped body, smaller frame, annoying, wanting attention...

She doesn't actually act ike someone who's 18 but from where I'm from I have seen less mature girls like her and the dev himself says she's 18.

Even at the off chance she's found 18, I don't give a shit and I certainly don't think I am a pdf file for enjoying her content (which i don't, coz she's annoying) nor is the dev for making her...because it's just pixels. It's like saying killing NPC's in GTA is bad and it'll make you a criminal.

If you are not a pdf file, what are you doing here playing this supposed pdf file's game containing pdf contents.

And no one actually cares about your comment so you'll probably get no reactions at all.
25360403.jpg they tell u to wait till 18 so u are more likely to watch porn and be addicted and pay for it with subscription in only fans and porn sites and they make trillions america alone made 977 million in 2022 alone so why would they allow u to get maried after u hit puberty hell no we gonna call u a pedo and u are going to follow even though god made u ready for sex when u hit puberty nah just keep masturbating and watching porn cuz we need ur money.. marriage is their biggest anemy it kills the porn industry and thats why they support feminisim to make men get away from marriage ...im not saying go in the streets and trick and 14 year old who hit puberty to sex no im all for marriage.. mods .i know but pls :KEK:


Dec 28, 2022
You do? Cause I don't understand those cringe rules of patreon. What are games/visual novels? Art and fiction. It's not reality. It's pure fiction even if it has a sexual context. I mean there are several movies about main characters developing a sexual/romantic relationship towards a minor. One of the biggest and most famous being "Lolita". I personally despise the policy of Patreon. Shitshow of a platform that does everything to limit your creative freedom.
Lets not forget about Licorice Pizza which premiered only 3 years ago. Im sick and tired of all this moral bullshit, vn's are LITERALLY a line of codes, an agglomerate of pixels together who fools you, via pareidolia phenomena, to think they are real people and places, but its literally an illusion. This hypocrites on this thread should suck a HUGE, VEINY AND THICK cock already, give me a fucking break.

Joey's Conscience

Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
I am so tired of this thread coming up on my feed. What does it take for the mods to lock it out?
I'm gonna share a secret tech with you, but don't go around spreading it. There's an unwatch button at the top of the page. You can click that, and you will no longer receive notifications from the thread. Crazy stuff, but its real. Keep it on the down low
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Joey's Conscience

Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
As for the ongoing discussion, here's my take:

1- The ONLY case you can make in favor of Stephany being an adult is: as a fictional character, she is whatever the author says she is. If he says she's a mentally challenged, underdeveloped, short girl, than thats what she is. Any other argument is mental gymnastics. What you make of her in your own head canon is up to you, but lets not pretend we don't know the intent here.

2- "Patreon rules are stupid and unfair".
If a creator is unhappy with the Patreon rules, he's free to use other platforms. As long as he uses Patreon, he's supposed to abide by their rules. A ban here would not be unjustified. If Patreon decided they had enough of adult game creators using low-effort workarounds, then they are in their right to purge everyone.

3- We don't even know if this matters. Its not like the development was cruising before Patreon stepped in. Maybe this is what kills it, or maybe the game was already dead. Either way, it's the dev's job to communicate what's going on to his supporters on discord or whatever. So ultimately, even if Xenorav is struggling with the Patreon situation, and thats what's holding the game back, he's not doing himself any favors with the radio silence.
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Active Member
Apr 14, 2024
Patreon is still under review, hopefully after that we get a new update. It is very enjoyable game.
4.30 star(s) 259 Votes