Can't speak for real life, though her interactions with Chris make that pretty unlikely, but based on some images I have seen, I have a strong feeling that her character in the game has been deflowered a long time ago...
It's cute, good art, shows potential (only in intro so far). a few tropes being used, and way too many blondes for my tastes, but looking good. The renders are beautiful.
I think Johnson needs to learn to keep it in his pants, but at least if he is looking for a catcher, he won't be after our women! Maybe he can help take Mike off our hands, perhaps Marcus too...?
Just say they are all in other rooms, no need to see everyone at once...
"Why is it, that I have almost a 1000 people on this ship, but I can never catch more than 2 in a room at one time? SOMEBODY ANSWER ME!"
"We're scared of you...!"
Okay, now the other threads to check, and then time to make dinner, but maybe then I can start thinking of something, humm, I wonder what direction we should take this?
Well, it was you that recommended it I might have accidentally read all of your Patreon wall while looking for the Becca thing Although I couldn't really watch the second one without knowing what happened in the first one. I mean why is revenge needed? What happened in the first one? Why did you only recommend the second one? I see now... it was pretty naff, although I did recognise a few faces (what does that say about me?) but my other points were still valid. I had to watch it for completeness and, and, y'know purely scientific purposes.
Can't speak for real life, though her interactions with Chris make that pretty unlikely, but based on some images I have seen, I have a strong feeling that her character in the game has been deflowered a long time ago...
I think Johnson needs to learn to keep it in his pants, but at least if he is looking for a catcher, he won't be after our women! Maybe he can help take Mike off our hands, perhaps Marcus too...?
Johnson is most likely a woman. Notty said that there were ten women and three men in the game, since there are already three men in the game, chances are that either; you are right and it's a man and this ship gets blown out of the sky by the LGMs with their secret laser (them being super integilent like) so no new characters to introduce or... it's an all-female crew. *has his thinking hat on tonight* and it's on the right way round this time! Who knew there was a wrong way to wear a deerstalker?
Only game I have seen on here with vitiligo is "Welcome to temptation" hasn't been updated in a while since the creator got pregnant, but still has it.
By pure, I meant unsullied and innocent-ish in the ways of the pervert!
It so does!
Johnson is most likely a woman. Notty said that there were ten women and three men in the game, since there are already three men in the game, chances are that either; you are right and it's a man and this ship gets blown out of the sky by the LGMs with their secret laser (them being super integilent like) so no new characters to introduce or... it's an all-female crew. *has his thinking hat on tonight* and it's on the right way round this time! Who knew there was a wrong way to wear a deerstalker?
It also depends on what you count as 'in the game', did the general that was on TV count, do the news people count, do the LGM count? You see, it's all perspective...
It's not what you're missing, it's what you're adding. As pointed out above, MC aka you can eventually be either a man or a woman and doesn't count among non-playable characters.
It's not what you're missing, it's what you're adding. As pointed out above, MC aka you can eventually be either a man or a woman and doesn't count among non-playable characters.
FINE! I'll just go and pout in the corner It's really not the done thing for a grown man to have to pout in the corner y'know! You all brought this on yourselves!
FINE! I'll just go and pout in the corner It's really not the done thing for a grown man to have to pout in the corner y'know! You all brought this on yourselves!
MC may be female in a future update (don't worry, it's optional, from what I recall, we simply get to choose whether to play male or female at the start of the game), so doesn't count.
According to Trisha, Marcus and Mike don't count either.
On the other hand, we had 2 male LGMs so far. No idea about the spider.
Bobe doesn't count either, as he's optional, we do have the option to play Babe in VR.
So, as far as Trisha informed me, we only have 2 males in game.
FINE! I'll just go and pout in the corner It's really not the done thing for a grown man to have to pout in the corner y'know! You all brought this on yourselves!