Chris is great, I'm really looking forward to her opening the MC up to "new experiences" (I also had this bug where she asked MC to spar/train with her, but at the end it was stated that she didn't). I liked how the scenes of landing and flying from the station were handled, reminded me of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine".
And sorry about the flagging bug. Kicking myself over that one. It won't impact upon any saves as it's a display error only but I'll sort out in a bug fix.
And glad you liked the launch and landing. Tried to make it as cinematic as possible
Looks good and the short haired girl kinda reminds me of the spic girl from Aliens.
Anyways, is there something to beat my meat to or only blue ball content thus far?
I'll confess Vasquez was sitting on my shoulder writing her
No full sex scenes at this stage I'm afraid however. To be fair the MC has only been with them a couple of hours though
Very interesting start. Sarah is cute and flirty.
Chris very much makes me think of Vasquez. I like her but I guess degree of doom-submission stuff will play out will decide if I want to go down that route.
Thank you!
The Chris route is the trickiest tbh. Well, you've met her so you know what I mean

But, of course, no one is saying you have to play fair boxing.....
Not bad start, but it needs a walkthrough for sure.
Thank you
Understand 're walkthrough. There are a lot of paths. Problem is being a solo dev and doing this as a hobby, time on a decent walkthrough would eat into dev time.
I have a flag bug to sort anyway so perhaps additional results on the scoreboard might be the way to go as a compromise?
After all I'm curious as to how many people found the content myself!
Who read "Bored Pilot", discussed Sarah's pussy or chatted with Annie about endorphin hits for example.
Of course it will, the man will fuck it up for everyone like they always do but one has to be brought along so you guys don't feel left out and whine.
Well someone will screw the mission for sure.
As to who....*wiggles eyebrows*. We'll have to see...