
Nov 13, 2018
how is it possible to beat the last mission of chapter one? seems impossible even at lvl 20 my heroes get stomped. is there a way to go down in chapters other that the shop keeper in chapter 3?


Jul 5, 2017
where did you find the upgrade in that mission as its not in one of the 6 chests?
EDIT: Even the chests behind the locked doors don't have it
I was sure I found it on the very first mission, but after your comment I checked and it's actually the second scenario. The one where you are outside the castle and have to flee through a bridge but when you try to cross it a boss shows up. The village on the south of the starting point has the crest
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Jun 7, 2020
how is it possible to beat the last mission of chapter one? seems impossible even at lvl 20 my heroes get stomped. is there a way to go down in chapters other that the shop keeper in chapter 3?
I could beat it at lvl 28, with my hero, Elite axeman, elite archer, two more archers and another axeman. Charlotte guards will be tough deppending on your level, I had no problem beating them. As for Charlotte I had found best way to defeat her is with archers, keeping distance, all my melee warriors got rekt within 1 or 2 hits.


Jul 21, 2018
how is it possible to beat the last mission of chapter one? seems impossible even at lvl 20 my heroes get stomped. is there a way to go down in chapters other that the shop keeper in chapter 3?
The demon axe shopkeeper appears in chapters 4 and 5 as well. I beat it by grinding chapter 5 since all the chests there gives stat ups, basically maxed my heroes and then went back to chapter 2 and my spears 1 shot the guards and 3 shot the princess.

Hero sama

Jan 4, 2020
I was sure i found it on the very first mission, but after your comment I went and checked and it's the second. The one when you are outside and when you try to cross the bridge a boss shows up. The village on the south has the crest
I found a berserk crest on the round ship right of castle that needed to seize


Oct 24, 2017
I've encountered a bug with the Black Market quest "Serpent's Lair". Once you I reach chap 3, this quest become available. But once I finish it, I return to chapter 2. Do anyone had this issue ?
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Feb 5, 2020
To those of you wondering about Elaine the axe girl (best girl), you have to sneak from the top of the map, then kneel with all your characters one by one to unlock all her CGs. Also if you go and try to rob the ship at the far right while she is close there is another scene. So all the CGs are there after all!

Still not sure for Eva's scenes though
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New Member
Dec 19, 2019
If someone need there is an decryptor for "*.srk" files.
Extract to game folder and run exe file
ive tried to use this, worked for extraction of the picture, thanks. But anyone has an idea why is there are no file with name item_A.png and the game keep asking me when i start the new game? It was supposed in the folder mapchip according to the error.
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Active Member
Jan 24, 2018
Anyone knows where to find a rebel in the castle lever switch level? The quest says there is a recruitable guy but i cant find him.
I can't find the recuit too.
I thought the bottom of the map looked quite suspicious and I tried to open the southern door.
It does not work.
Maybe you need some kind of other key that you get later? I'm not done with the whole game yet.


Jul 21, 2018
I can't find the recuit too.
I thought the bottom of the map looked quite suspicious and I tried to open the southern door.
It does not work.
Maybe you need some kind of other key that you get later? I'm not done with the whole game yet.
It's the north door. There is a door on the right side top of map that you need a key to unlock.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Oh my! How in the crap did this flew under my radar?

I'm checking it out right now, thank you very much for the recommendation!

EDIT: oh now I know why... it's in japanese and therefore unplayable :cry:
You can make use of Textractor/AGTH to understand the story. The Hud can be screened with an OCR program so you can enjoy the gameplay too.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2018
Just finished the game!
Man I was scammed by the 1.0 version.
Sorry but I am a bit disappointed. In my opinion this not a full game but a prototype with a more or less completed story but no actual Femdom content.

A quick review for everyone who is thinking about playing this, it should be spoiler free but may contain slight spoilers but I try to avoid them.
There are no real Hscenes.

Gameplay: Fire emblem gameplay with many problems.

1. There is a RES stat but it does not matter in any way... no mage units whatsoever. I was so happy that some of my units had insane RES luck but after a few hours I realized that Res is useless.
The same for MAGIC
There is no DOUBLING. Speed is not important at all. I think it just affects your avoid by a very small margin.
The most important stats are STR, DEF, HP, SKILL - The rest is kinda meh.
There are not enough promotion items and the promotion is just a "class change" which does not reset your level but just gives you a few extra stats.
Items respawn and you can go back to earlier chapters. It is possible to farm stat booster items and max out every unit. It will take you ages (and is not needed at all) but it is possible.
The promotion items are hidden.... really annoying. I missed the archer promotion item. There is just 1 in the game and it is hidden in a ruined house on the very first sidemission. Why would I check out a ruined house? You need to get it though because archers are a bit better in this game since bows have 1-2 range and you can easily get max STR on your archers which will make them very effective. Many enemies spawn on hills or castle walls and can only be killed by your own archers so I advise to actively use all of your 3 archers.
Anyway it is kinda balanced but some missions spawn infinite enemies and you can easily lvl abuse on some of the earlier maps.
You need to frequently go back in chapters to access missions which sadly takes a lot of time. One of the very first missions features one of the hardest bosses in the game and you need more or less lvl 20+ (max lvl is 30) units to stand a chance.
Thankfully this is basically Fire Emblem casual mode, even the MC is allowed to die. There is no penalty whatsoever. This way you can at least avoid restarting the chapter if you make a mistake.


Every boss has 3 similar scenes. It always plays the same scene (the MC seems to be the one on screen) regardless which unit you use.
1. She kills you the normal way which leads to her pointing her weapon of choice (sword, spear, bow, whatever) at you and lifting her foot. Nice CG but well it's not a H-scene because it is implied that she just "killed" one of your units.
2. Kneel option (it's like a surrender button) - Basically the unit just kneels and masturbates while the Dom insults and humiliates the unit. Afterwards your unit is "killed"
3. Every boss activates her H-mode every 2-4 turns. If a unit stays in a 2 tile range when this is active a Hscene will initiate which is an instakill, like kneel. This is the main content of the game and I think there are 10-12 of those scenes because that's how many different Doms are in this game.

There is NO Hscene after the ending.

There are 2 or 3 extra scenes which are relatively easy to figure out. Not worth mentioning.

There is a secret ending which is kinda hard to get because after the game is over you can challenge all Doms at the same time and you will face the secret boss.
If you manage to defeat her you can get a story only "good" end which hints at a upcoming patch. Apparently a female pope or saint or whatever targets the MC, text only though. You can also choose a "bad" end if you accept the deal offered after you defeat the last Dom. It's 1 extra scene. Sadly in this game there are only a few scenes with a very limited amount of fetishes.
No Sex... nearly nothing.
Actually I only remember the Doms using their legs to strangle the mc, the mc willingly masturbating, armpit licking/smelling and sitting on the mc. That's all if I remember correctly.
I kinda regret wasting my entire Saturday for those kind of scenes.

I don't recommend playing this game, only if you are very bored.
It is the opposite of Tower of trample.
EXTREMELY long gameplay - very few scenes
Tower of trample has so many scenes and the gameplay part takes only a small amount of time.

Included are save 39 and save 41.
Save 39 is on the final extra map, you only need to hit the boss with the spear unit and you will directly go to the choice between good/bad ending.
Save 41 is after the "good" end. You have access to the entire game with a squad which managed to finish the game. So in theory you can easily access all scenes.
I can confirm that there is no CG room or scene recollection.

I hope that helps.

If you have questions just ask ;)
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Aug 26, 2019
Not really, you can save game at any moment during battle, just not when dialogue is on. So before killing the boss, try saving in case there's a choice.
Oh no I understand that much. I do appreciate the tip though, it's something I immediately did after my first mistake. My gripe still lies in the fact that if you blitz an encounter and don't save, you have to play through that large chunk of game again just to loop back which makes it a much more annoying process. If you can save freely during battle, then why can't you save during dialogue? You can't even save during a scene to "bookmark" a moment which is something I like to do often if a game lacks a recollection feature. It's one of the reasons why I personally dislike SRPG Studio games, and understandably why it's rarely used. Lacks too many features and has too much jank to deal with so I tend to avoid them, but in cases like this I have no choice, I like the content.

Especially since I'm more of a "one handed" player when it comes to erotic games. SPRG frontloads too much "gameplay" when one handed players just want the lewds and not a full on Steam indie game experience.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
You can't even save during a scene to "bookmark" a moment which is something I like to do often if a game lacks a recollection feature
You will not be able to play most RPG games not made on a visual novel platform then. Also, games made on VN engines aside from recent Unity won't have much gameplay aspects to speak of. So it's chose your poison, either gameplay or porn.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2018
anyone found princess throne scence :confused:
What are you talking about? The only special scene for the princess happens when you equip her boots from the chapter 2 sidequest. But the "throne scene" which is the starting background does not exist as far as I know.
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