RMelton Seeing
SkellyBones's post, I felt compelled to answer that earlier post of yours in a different way: you can actually look up the input combos yourself, fortunately it is rather simple.
1. navigate to the "chars" folder of the game and find the folder of the character you want to check ("FutaRB Mina Majikina" in this case);
2. open the CMD file (mina.cmd) with a text editor like Notepad++ ;
3. this, ironically, can be the most difficult step of all: scroll down and find the move you want to know the input for. The difficulty stems from the fact that the name of a move depends entirely on the author and, albeit extremely rare, could be anything. In this case, however,
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4. know how to "read" the input order:
Up and
Down speak for themselves, and a,b,c,x,y,z (the small ones, since the capital letters are for directional input) keys correspond to Key Config settings within the game itself.
Going by the image above, executing RandomRape (which is non-violent; "violent" type is the one with the screen constantly shaking) requires you to press B(ack), then F(orward), then whatever button is assigned to "b" in Key Config. And if you wish to learn how to read the more complicated inputs - sex moves tend to be extremely simplified ones by comparison -, I would point you to a
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