4.20 star(s) 15 Votes


Professional Bystander
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Community Liaison
Aug 14, 2016
The for honor style gameplay is actually surprisingly fun. Just needs to be polished


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
waiting for male player too .

but it sound like an ambitious and cool game. if it grow well it can be a very interresting and fun game.
kind of..... classic japanese mmorpg with nude patch and sex... hm hm.. :p
i like the manga style. and simply the dungeon game style is already a good idea.

honestly hope to see this one grow good


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Just to nip some questions in the ass, since I've played a bit of this. Sort of a mini guide.

-You can go through the dungeon and eventually you'll get to a boss, when you kill the boss there will be a teleporter that says go to floor 1, it might seem like it's sending you back to the start, but it's actually the next level in the dungeon, this is important for the Bandit Camp Mission

-The Vendor in town will give you a quest to get some root, you need a hoe and a water can and seeds. Go to your tent Area and equip the three things on your hotbar, use the hoe on the ground and you'll get a target thing, hoe the ground, then plant seeds and water them. You can then use the Tent to sleep and water again, do this a couple times till you can harvest , when you have your fists equipped. I recommend planting 20 total to get both her quests done in one go.

-The Vendor inventory resets everytime you zone in, like Diablo and what not, use this to find what you want.

-When you save at the tent it saves your inventory and that's it, if you have an active garden, you'll lose it.

-Only two bosses, Ludas or whatever his name is, in his respective dungeon, and the Bandit Queen are intractable during a fight. Damage them enough, approach and press E to do a sex move.

-The Bandit Queen can be found in the Bandit's Lair which is unlocked via the Vendor quest line. Killing the queen and advancing through the dungeon will get an item to finish the quest.

Well, butter my ass and call me a biscuit- I didn't know any of this stuff. There's actual quests? I was enjoying just running around and killing things with the Loli Army. Lol Thank you for posting this info.

I really like this game, the characters aside from being customizeable are really cute and well animated. The combat mechanic is basic, fluid, and (unless you're being mobbed) really responsive. The NPC's that you have in your party actually fight, take down enemies, follow commands, actually will find you wherever you are in the dungeon, and revive you if you fall- they have some of the best AI in any game that I've seen in a long time. The enemies are decent and don't have Megamind AI. The H-scenes aren't too bad- what you can see of them, if I had one critique for this game; it would be that the camera angling needs to be done a little better, so that you can follow or watch other characters (especially during the H-scenes). The best part is- if you want a witch in your party, you just have to equip the "Wank Wand" (giggle) and she's a witch. No training, class switching, grinding skills, learning spells- she just becomes a witch. It's also nice that you can dress them up in other outfits/enemy costumes and (maybe) they inherit the attributes once you have a full set of that particular costume. I look forward to more updates for this game and now thanks to Ghostrun- I apparently have a lot more game to play.
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Jul 8, 2017
i would have to say this game is well designed gameplay wise but the are some issues with the armor if it gets damaged you cant replace it or remove it. the combat is ok needs more work but love the defending and attacking aspect. Some things make it feel a little like the aaa games a bit with the loot system and i have no issue with anything else really just good job so far. cant wait to see if it get a story line.


Jun 2, 2017
Actually you CAN replace/remove damaged armor all you need to do is repair it by using the Tent in your Camp first...


Jun 2, 2017
if I had one critique for this game; it would be that the camera angling needs to be done a little better, so that you can follow or watch other characters (especially during the H-scenes).
The camera is a bit wonky, you can use the arrow keys to move it around, both for general play and during H-Scenes, I found though when you adjust the camera this way that the crosshair position doesn't adjust for it, so it throws the aim of ranged weapons off. You can use it to just put the MC's ass front and center while you're playing though if you're into that.

This game has a pretty solid foundation. You can join his discord and get alpha builds and help test even without being a patreon, so that's nice to. He's more into making the game work than he is getting money, although I will say he is one of the few patreon guys who does the one time and you own it thing, which I wish more would do. It's cheap and worth it, as opposed to the people that just drag the shit out for years to make money.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
The camera is a bit wonky, you can use the arrow keys to move it around, both for general play and during H-Scenes, I found though when you adjust the camera this way that the crosshair position doesn't adjust for it, so it throws the aim of ranged weapons off. You can use it to just put the MC's ass front and center while you're playing though if you're into that.

This game has a pretty solid foundation. You can join his discord and get alpha builds and help test even without being a patreon, so that's nice to. He's more into making the game work than he is getting money, although I will say he is one of the few patreon guys who does the one time and you own it thing, which I wish more would do. It's cheap and worth it, as opposed to the people that just drag the shit out for years to make money.

The camera could definitely do with some tweaks.

I'm going to have to look into that- I'd really like to see more of this game and where he could possibly take it. I like that it isn't like all the other "cookie-cutter" games out there- he's trying to do his own thing, and it's different and unique. It's not Daz(?) [I think] or the Honey Select character models that everybody is using- don't get me wrong, a LOT of games that I like use those models, but it's refreshing to see something new and original. Out of curiosity, have you tried any of his Alpha builds and how are they- more content or just to report bugs/issues?


Jul 23, 2017
Can anybody post a save? It's taking forever to get to a freeplay point.:'(

EDIT: NVM got till the bandit queen event. Completed it. now what am I supposed to do? I haven't unlocked party members option for H-Scene, . Has anyone unlocked it yet?


Sep 4, 2017
Features & Goals:
  • [...]
  • Rescue & Breeding.
  • [...]
So we are going to be able to breed adventurers Pokemon style? I wonder what's the "Ditoo" gonna look like.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mar 3, 2018
@Krikit This is a mod that i make by adding some lines to the code of game and is not implemented directed to it. At this post scroll down 5 posts and you will find my modified file and the directions to ''unlock'' this option. Also at this file are more H-moves than the original game. You don't need to complete the game so you can H-move your party member. If you change the file and still doesn't see the option to do the H-move to a NPC, simply delete your savegame file from %appdata% (Gamedemo,Techdemo) (or move it elsewhere)
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Jul 23, 2017
thanks for the help, I found the directions for the file after going through your comments list. Didn't saw that they were on the previous page and continued to look for them on 8th one. + I never realized that mod was required for those options. You're a life saver.


Sep 4, 2017
Some gameplay tips from my experiences at game version 4.2b:
  • Keep in mind that this is a very early build of the game so things like fullscreen mode being weird and the blocky walls and ground are not from laziness.
  • The guard and attack controls can be weird at first. Setting Guard Direction Input to Cursor and Attack Direction Input to Guard seems to be working the best for me. Remember that to change guard direction you have to right click every time.
  • With the arrow buttons you can change the camera's position. Make sure to set it to your liking and if attacks make no contact for no reason a lot try to put the crosshair closer to the character's "middle", because maybe that's the issue.
  • Make sure to take your time with getting used to the controls and combat. It is important to get used to what stance is guarding and what stance is an incoming attack.
  • Changing guard in the right moment when the enemy attack will make them lose balance for a moment.
  • Right clicking then quickly left clicking will make you bash the enemy. It staggers them for a moment leaving them open to attacks and unable to attack, but be careful for it costs stamina.
  • Speaking of stamina, it's that yellow bar. Make sure to not run completely empty to the point it becomes gray, because in that case you will be unable to attack and roll until the bar fully fills up again. Take your time and back out or keep blocking until it refills.
  • Your health bar is a double bar. The green one is your current HP and the red one is your max HP. When your green bar reaches zero you are knocked down. In this state the enemy can "grab" you doing some "punishment" or "sex stuff", your allies can "rescue" you getting you up and refilling your green bar, or by being left alone your green bar start refilling by itself and you get up by yourself when it fills up. Your max HP is reduced whenever your character orgasms.(oh yeah it is a H-Game after all :heartcoveredeyes:) Make sure to heal with "Lewd Vials" or Root Fruits in order to not get beaten down. Remember to right click when you are being "grabbed" to recover ASAP.
  • Your pink bar is related to the "grabs" enemies can do to you. It is another double bar. You can look at it as arousement. Dark pink is the minimum level. It raises whenever the characer orgasms or get beaten during a "punishment" move. Needless to say the higher that bar is the sooner does she orgasms and loses max HP. The light pink bar gradually decreases when you are not being "grabbed".
  • Make sure to "grab" bosses whenever you can. If you don't, they will recover HP while down. You can just right click to end the animation instant if you want to.
  • In the Village the Merchant have quests with some good reward. For the first and second one you just need to give her root fruits. You can pick 5 up from the crate at your tent, and grow more by preparing the soil with a hoe and planting seeds. The growth cycle is not implemented yet so fully grown Root Fruits just pop up. The quests give you some nice amount of "lewds"(suggestive jokes are the peak of comedy amirite?), and Toy Guns. It's one of the only ranged weapons in the game so far. The third quest will open the Bandit Hideout dungeon. It has easy enemies and a boss encounter.
  • Weapon types have differences. Two handed swords may be sllloooowwww but they can hit multiple enemies at once. They come in handy when being swarmed.
  • You can find a party member in the "Dungeons" area, the other seem to appear randomly in the R*** Dungeon and Ludas' Lair. They can be equipped(or unequipped( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) with outfits and weapons. They can be commanded with the 1 and 2 buttons. "Go!" will order them to go to a place you point at and stay there, and "Escort" will make them follow you. The "tactics" and "gifting" option is not implemented yet.
That's all I could think of right now feel free to point out if I forgot something.
Feb 21, 2018
Thoughts ver 4.2
his was a simple yet fun game. i enjoyed seeing the various outfits and weapons the experience had to offer,the simple farming mechanic which was great for providing health items and my harem which destroyed anyone who dared to look at me wrong! :D


i highly recommend this experience!


i wish we had a sort ability for inventory, would be easier for selling and knowing how much of a set we have.
it should be in ABC order. would not only help find entire sets. but also copies you want to sell.
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Sep 4, 2017

According to the posts on Patreon he is working at the inventory system right now.
You should check that page from time to time. One of the few developers who not only release full builds for free but also doesn't hide the development post behind patron tiers so you can see what's new unlike in other games where you see what's new only when you get a pirate version here. ;)
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Mar 3, 2018
Here is a list of the moves i've currently implemented in the game


h_amazongirlfuta (or male)


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4.20 star(s) 15 Votes