Ren'Py - Abandoned - Hero's Harem Guild [v0.1.2.3b Public] [Komisari]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an easy to play, very much enjoyable game!
    For a game that is relatively just starting out HHG has a great play length with several hours of engaging plot and interesting characters.
    While the developer is using Koikatsu characters (likely for their ease of use and player likeability) Komisari isn't, however, using the classic Koikatsu locations. This gives a wonderful sense of originality to the game.
    As an [VN][Ren'Py] game I was expecting a more guided game. I was pleasantly to find a wonderful sandbox style of game.
    At the end of the day, this is a great game with immense potential. I will be following the progress of these game avidly.

    Reviewed at [v0.1.1 Beta Build 1]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story here is quite good. Several characters seem really shallow when they're first introduced, however, as the story advances there are more and more hints to a deeper backstory and motivation. The story ranges from somber and serious to light and humorous.
  3. 5.00 star(s)



    Animations 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    Personalities 5/5
    Graphics 5/5
    Story 5/5

    0.1.1 is my first time playing this game. I wanted to wait for an update before trying this one out and wow. This. One. Update already puts the game over the 6gb mark, which already says a lot about this developers' dedication to the game. I haven't finished the prolog yet, but already this game is amazing. An excellent story, well written and lovable characters , and very smooth animations make this game one to keep an eye one.

    I like the recent addition of non-story related activities like fishing and mining and you can also take baths. Emphasis how the fishing is implemented in this game, it is a very well done system; I haven't done the mining yet, but I'm sure it'll be great. There is a affection build system, but it's not grindy and there is also an in-game hint system, which is very well done. Edit >> There's only a few of these, but the moving animations make me feel sick :sick:.

    My only recommendation would be swimming at the beach, at this point.

    Worth a playthrough, keep it up.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    After finishing the last version ( v 0.1.1 Beta Build 1 ) I had that feeling to write a review. Good game with a lot of potentials. The story is very interesting and the characters are unique and likable, I love all of them. Usually, I don't play sandbox games but when I saw the good graphics and amazing characters I wanted to try it... now I can say 100% that this is one of my favorite games of this genre, and looking forward to seeing how the story will proceed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing discovery... the game is pretty self aware that its a videogame and plays it very well..Some of the character actions makes you think you are watching a episode of Bobobo, just to hit you with feelings in the next 10 minutes.
    Love the personalities of the girls (Must protecc Lucy).
    Overal, a really nice experience, looking forward to future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1524875

    really a game that mixes emotion, beautiful girls and great graphics, I hope this project lasts a long time, as it is one of the few games that really surprised me, I love this game and the creators, you deserve awards for creating this masterpiece
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written story that was totally worth about 8 hours of gameplay.
    This game really surprised me with how good a mix between Ren'Py engine and Koikatsu models can turn out to be.

    Never would have thought a game this big size - 6.7gb as of rn, beta 0.1.1 - also includes this of course still unfinished but definitely exciting and sometimes even emotional story.

    Honestly after playing through this current beta version I cannot wait till new content gets added! It's a shame that I'm not able to support the creator Komisari on Patreon but whoever reading this should head over there and leave some love and appreciation.

    At some point in the future - as I will most likely update this review anyways on newer versions - multiple other factors will be included here such as:
    - Gameplay
    - Design
    - Music < can never forget that one even with some people straight up muting the game
    - Story
    and much more

    But I think this should do it for the moment as all I wanted to say is:

    Thank you for the dedication put into the game and please keep going with this masterpiece.

    You definitely deserve these 5 out of 5!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Koikatsu-based visual novels I've had the pleasure of playing. (And it's not even complete yet!) The story is nice, funny, and can get serious when it wants. Combine that with beautifully animated scenes and you'll have a very pleasant read. Btw Evie and Sunny are my favorites! I'm glad I found a pleasant game and will support them for the great content!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    More content than most games on here already. Made me laugh and made me fap. I can ask for nothing more. 5/5

    It's clear as day that a lot of hard work and passion went- and is still going- into this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, I spent a whole day doing everything, reading all the dialogue and this is a labor of love from the dev. Dam worth it, soon as its finished im all in for this. Hit me in the feels a few times too, im a sucker for love stories, got too much free time in my line of work.

    The good, the story is great, its clear from the begging that a lot of time went into this game even in its beta stage the amount of content is enough for a whole day (if you go full investment) or a few days if you take your time. The scenes are great too but tbh... this may be the 1st game that I was more interested in the story than the porn... im a sinner. All in all pretty well done so far, im keen on following the game till the end.

    The meh, there is a bit of a grind for money in the game, not too bad but I know some people here dont come for story and what not they just want to get that nut off n shit but come on its not that bad.

    The bad, honestly it might just be me but... i cant really find anything bad, I was going to say there was a continuity bug with rollbacks but... it got fixed in like 2 mins... so yea. 11/10 would recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly a well rounded experience, funny and engaging, in the shortest terms ever this is one of those games where I actively engage and read the dialoge instead of blasting through, it's really worth a download
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice UI, easy to understand. Excellent character design and animations. Beautiful scenes and a big update is on the way. Hopefully we all get what we wanted. Again, great work. I hope to see this game going big.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinda reminds me of Senran Kagura series. Nice mix of 2D and 3D graphics, innovating gameplay system and character development. Looking forward to the next updates, game got me engaged already! Loved all the characters, they're cute and credible, which is important to make a good story.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Goat Sin Gowther

    Its goat :v
    I absolutely love the game. Fresh story, lovely characters, unique world. The gameplay itself was super fun, there are very few negative stuff tho such as the lack of content which is not really a problem since the game is still new, the animation in the H scenes could be better too but generally, one of the best games out there. Looking forward to the updates *-*
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Wise Naga

    It's cute and easy-going. Could use some work at navigating through the locations, walking around the house feels like a bit of a hassle but otherwise very fun.

    Even thought it's 0.1.0 at the time of this review, it still has enough content for a couple of hours.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's plot is engaging and thrilling at times, the character models are decent but could be improved other than that the game's system and mechanics are done well. The game is definitely worth your attention. Gonna give it a 5 star to encourage people to at least pay attention or try the game in this early stage and encourage the dev to keep on developing this
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing up to where the game lets me play, I can say that the game is quite entertaining, it's quite funny and it has a background story that if done well, it would be excellent

    bad thing for me? I suppose few "interesting" events with the girls, but it's obvious, the game is only just beginning.

    the comedy is good and it made me laugh a lot, but at first with the chicken or later with jimmy, a great person that jimmy

    I would give it a 4.5 but it would be unfair to give it a 4 so I will give it a 5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Hi. I'm a big fan of games based on these Plots and Ideas. So I leave my assessment:

    - Content {Little} = there is currently little in the game that makes you want more, especially scenes (+18).

    - History {Good} = very good the base plot of the story, puts it in an important and interesting role in the world, where it leaves with a taste of wanting more.

    - Quality {Great} = despite using an already good base system, some games end up not striving for quality, but in this game I see a tremendous effort, in Characters, where they are unique and well-designed, and maps and regions, where they are very beautiful and not found in other games, so exclusive. Apart from the Church ... I've seen Design in other games, despite having the Room behind and leaving something new.

    - Potential {High} = I really expect a lot from the game it has a good base plot, overall quality of the game is perfect, well worked on animations and with that I can say that I am in the hopeful.

    - I like the Sandbox theme, where you are free to follow the order you want in the game's "Heroines".

    - This evaluation is being carried out as of Version [v0.1.0 Build 1].

    Thank you for your attention, good luck with the Project.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    So i guess its feedback time (aint my strongest) i played the demo and the newst version as well and i can say: it got a huge potential to become something big.

    the characters are all unique and their got their own little stories (still in development tho but you got the hint)
    Even if its still in 0.0.1 it got some good amount of content like quest, scene etc.
    the story is for the beginnig good
    The character development is sure notice able in a extrem good way especially Shino,Rebecca and Evie
    The humor was on point if this was'nt a H game it would be a great comedy game for sure
    Story wise it got some really deep moments which are good as well

    Also jimmy is our lord and savior.(and you're best bro)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: Updated the review for version 0.1.1. The update from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 was massive. Ton of content, new characters. Really impressive game and hope the updates continue to show this astonishing level of quality.

    Writing: Very good, good humor, world building is top notch.

    Graphics: Excellent. Really dig the style. It's hard to believe this is produced by a one-man-development team - blows the quality of other games out of the water.

    Navigation: The UI for moving from location to location is fine. Navigating within the guild and within the market is a bit rough. This is one of the few areas that could really use improvement.

    Characters: Excellent. They are distinct and characters feel unique.

    Grind: Moderate. Takes a bit longer than I would like for the "hero income" to come on line. Mining income introduced in v0.1.1 is a big improvement over the fishing system from v0.1. Have not tried the new fishing system for v0.1.1 - a bit gun shy after the grind of the original system.

    Conclusion: easy 5 stars. Production quality outpaces the other top games on this site by a wide margin. Highly recommend.