- Jun 6, 2018
- 25
- 108
This entire thing lacks direction and it's main draw (the art) is largely ripped from other sources. The excuse of "It's in development" is a lazy one that means a little less every-time it's stated. Yes people expect a game in alpha to be buggy, but even still one should not have to repeatedly struggle to get through basic main functions. If you had something unique to offer maybe this would work, but by looking at this thread it seems OP spends more time defending this thing than actually improving it. My advice take it off the board for a little while, spend a few months fixing the major criticisms, and get an artist dedicated to this project to add a sense of consistency/ to get more unique assets that will actually draw more people to this project. As of right now you basically just have a more complicated version of Camp Pinewood, that promises nothing improved over that project. Not to be to blunt but people don't play these games for realistic mechanics they play them to get off too; making the game-play this tedious with the reward being reused assets just kinda feels not worth it. No amount of saying "thank you for your criticism" or "It's in development" will stop the negative comments. The fact is plenty of adult VNs made in renplay that are only a few months old have better quality, unique art assets, and smoother flow in "how it plays" than this, and even they get shit for simply not being fast enough on content. 13 pages of this thread and it's mostly just people asking you to make the game function, and you defending the project. People should be asking you for more content not to make the game playable. Don't give up on this, but maybe do a rehaul while it's still early enough to do without braking the game, and wait till you have some assets of your own to release another build.