Good questions. There was some world building in the comics before this, and I made it kind of complicated on purpose so we can learn about the rules of this world together but the short of it is:
- MC has super sperm, so super it overwhelms normal people
- Tsuki is already dead, so the super sperm cant hurt her, in fact it's what keeps her alive.
- Hikari... has the super sperm... cream... yeah whatever.
- Tsuki's emotional state is hard set by the person whos super sperm she last ate.
- Sasa is... well... a manipulative whore. Trained to use her body specifically to...
The two primary story lines I have revolve around Ayre and the elder Lala sister.
Derp... as to your second question, the path where both Sasa and Tsuki spend the night with the most fertile Capt. Krish, does continue on into Ch3.
Paths that move on are:
- Sasa only with Krish
- Sasa x Tsuki with Krish
- The four wife swaps (if you win the game)
- Solo night w/ Kojia