Well yeah My child asks me for a large sum of money, but does not tell me why. That's not a reason to worry at all. And yes, even the caveman solved the case in five minutes just by talking to Hannah. But Charlotte didn't take the initiative at all.
How large a sum was asked for? I don't recall a number being given out by Suzi other than to ask for access to her money.
You make inferences, they make implications. Neither are necessarily accurate or received as intended.
None of this seems to be relevant to this story, as I don't recall any intimations of sexual assault against anyone but Charlotte at this point. I might be wrong, but I think it would be more obvious, as none of the other content has been subtle about the violence and harm caused by it. As a parent, I am always hypersensitive to harm against children, and I didn't pick up on it here.
Sure, if you want to thrown the dictionary at 'inferences' versus 'implications', sure you win. The meaning is still the same. All three people that were there and lived it tell their information as much as the dev wants us to know. Whether you like it, or agree with it, is pointless as it's the only information given. Anything else is just wild speculation and trying to read between the lines of something not written.
And I never said sexual assault. Mental and physical abuses of any kind can be just as memory imprinting as sexual abuse is. So the point still stands. Suzi remembers very specific moments of her dad. Lucy remembers her step-brother. Charlotte remembers her ex-husband. Regardless of whether we like the given information is irrelevant as that's all there is.
Charlotte said he abandoned the family after Emma was born. Lucy, if I recall correctly, says roughly the same thing, and seems to detest him even more than Charlotte. Suzi has bad memories of her dad. Emma, likely parroting what Charlotte said also says her dad abandoned the family. Does the exact reason really matter? All three of them have reasonably consistent stories of him.