I know a lot of people are saying 'Not MTL? Yay!' but when the translators translate
"旦那(勇者)の留守中に人妻エルフのリリーさんが村人達とのふれあいを通じてエロいめにあったりするゲームです" to
"Elvish wife Lili goes out and hooks up with the villagers while her husband minds the house."
You absolutely know something is going to be iffy. Just simply translate the '旦那(勇者)の留守中' part in google translate, or just play for a little, and you will realize her husband isn't just minding the house.
"旦那(勇者)の留守中に人妻エルフのリリーさんが村人達とのふれあいを通じてエロいめにあったりするゲームです" to
"Elvish wife Lili goes out and hooks up with the villagers while her husband minds the house."
You absolutely know something is going to be iffy. Just simply translate the '旦那(勇者)の留守中' part in google translate, or just play for a little, and you will realize her husband isn't just minding the house.