I actually made Duckswim's latest picture my wallpaper for a little while. Between the great art work you guys have created plus nice fan fiction Bantry and others have written, I thought it would be cool it you guys could collaborate with Holiday Island - The Comic Book. The only question would be where to sell it. I don't think owners like Stuart or Comic Book Guy could include it amongst the DC and Marvel titles. Guess it would have to be a porno shop. Otherwise we would just have to send in for it.
BTW, I lost my creative mojo to put out more in the Things I'd Like To See series or the Anal Retentive Musings series. And there was much rejoicing. I can't even think of another good topic. But I am willing to take requests.
Anything that's made and posted here is to promote the main and primary creation from
darkhound1 Holiday Island the game.
Any Fan Signatures I make are to give people an idea of the game and promote it.
DuckSwim makes his fan art to promote the game. He has answered this many times. It's not about promoting his work, it's about promoting the game. Yes, it's posted on one other site but even then credits and promotes the game.
I started Fan Fiction, as a way to let people see images from the game and also to attempt to reduce negative or pointless posting, which still happens, but is no where near other threads levels now.To bring people to the thread who enjoyed the game, not trolls or time wasting posters.
Bantry &
yankeeInKy joined in with writing Fan Fiction, which I believe is for the same principle of promoting the game.
If anything was to be made for monetary purposes, that belongs to and would be the choice of the owner of this
So I can say that a comic book will not happen, fan art or fiction will always be posted here and not in another threads. And is promotion of the game, not promotion of the poster/creator unless it's
darkhound1 himself.