from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller
from time import sleep
# To open the console: shift+o (char o)
keyboard = Controller()
# Uncomment the name of the girls currently on the island
names = [
stats = [
'.rsm[0].love_max = 100',
'.rsm[0].love = 100',
'.rsm[0].affection_max = 100',
'.rsm[0].affection = 100',
'.rsm[0].favor = 200',
'.rsm[0].anger = 0',
'.lust = 100'
# to give the time to focus on the console after that script starts
# for each name
for name in names:
# for each stat
for stat in stats:
# combine name and stat to build the command to execute in the console
command = name + stat
# for each character contained into the command
for char in command:
# enter at the end of the command