just the games that I completed and lost the progress.
Until a few months back, I used to often play the games from scratch just for fun. If you can remember how many times ‘I’ specifically asked for the save, then you must also remember that I also tried to help others on the forum with their problems, as little as I could. Is this not the reason that forums exist in the first place? The main reason that I desire a save file earlier was because a few achievements and missions were impossible to do either due to certain bugs or something else.
But now I hardly get any time and they are really time consuming. And my 8 year old just keeps corrupting my
PS:- I posted this on 5 threads when I was drunk. I completed 3 of those games yesterday itself. 2 were really short and needed just 5 minutes each to complete. One is huge but needs literally no brain to complete. Of the remaining two, I have lost interest in one of them. I cannot complete this because it needs that much time. I do not disrespect anyone people. But if you cannot understand that other people have lives and those lives can be going really tough and hellish and a guy just wants to lay back and relax, maybe, just maybe, you can keep an open mind and not passive aggressively gang up on them.
are you happy Internet? You made a middle aged man with a hangover over a wrecked life break down.