That was strange and a little disappointing. Did the pole dance scene with Lacey and at the end the graphics were off to the ride side. Questions appeared, but all I could see was her elbow sticking in from the right side of the view of the stage. Also, my phone is not showing any of the new scenes, appointments, events for the girls.
I will check the image problems. I did 2 images in double resolution. I'm pretty sure I tested it. Will have anothrr look.
About the phone not showing the new scenes etc. Can you be a bit more specific. I just checked Lacey and I see all the new stuff on the phone.
Also did a message appear when you loaded your old save, that your save is patched to
EDIT: I just tested the Lacey poledance scene. No problems on my system. All images are shown as they are supposed to.
Please delete the cache files, even though I don't understand why this should be necessary any more.