This doesn't work. If you do the above it will do more or less nothing (well, on your phone the name is changed and when you talk too, but the girls will still use your old name).I have seen a lot of people ask the question:
How do you change your name?
The easiest way is to open the console, and type:
player.fname = "examplename"
player.lname = "examplename"
When the game starts, the player name is copied (not referenced) to each girl. It only changes once, when she calls you by first name, in that case the player.fname is copied again.
If you really want to go to the trouble of using another one's save game and you absolutely want to change the player name, you need to do the above, plus for each girl (example: yvette):
yvette.playername = player.fname
yvette.playername = "Max"
(or whatever name you like - Max is just an example)
EDIT: If this is really so important for you, I can add it to the cheat function.