Console commands for changing the names to the correct ones:
You'll need to do this after you've met each girl, so its not much use but at least it should help people identify who they are.
Name = u'Kim'
Beyle = u'Red' - No idea who the girl is
Em = u'Emma'
Ba =u'Billie'
DEv - I think it would be a good ides to split the name into first and surname variables. At the moment you use the same variable for conversations and headers, this means you can't put teh surname in or when a NPS speaks about one of the others NPC it would use there full name.
There are 5 minutes worth of reading no choices and one blow job scene, not worth anyone's time at the moment. I like what they are doing with the few fakes we see but the writing and story aren't great, I don't really understand what they are going for. The players character is particularly unlikable.
It very much feels like someone with a talent for art has produced some good fakes then tried to cobble together a story / game to profit from it. Not knocking them for trying to earn money but this site proves time and time again that there are way more talented artists then there are talented game designers/writers.