You're also not likely to get more by saying nothing and just accepting everything like a good little boy/girl. People are going to bitch when they're not happy, and they're going to react the way they choose to react regardless of whether they pay. For you to call them out as if you're above it all is just as obnoxious. You're essentially bitching about people bitching. I do enjoy the story and think it has tremendous potential, but it needs to progress or he will lose the few subscribers he had. I'm going to stick around but may lower my investment.
Okay, BUT, there is a difference between some complaining and making your displeasure known and what I am seeing here. A lot of people are pretty drastically downplaying the content that was added and are basically just whining about the free game they pirated.
There is a middle ground between: "This game is shit and the dev is shit and they added nothing and the game was abandoned," and doing nothing but singing praises.
At least be honest in your review and offer something constructive. Most are not. I've not gone back to check what you've said so no clue if you're in that group.
Point being, if you've not paid for it, STFU, and if you have, then maybe consider constructive criticism instead of simple bitching that is full of untrue statements. *Again, not saying you did or did not do that. But a lot of people are.*
And yeah, I don't think it's me bitching about people bitching. It's pushing back on untrue statements of people who are just toxic parasites. Bitching for the sake of it would be if I randomly commented about it rather than as a direct response.
Anyway, glad you're sticking around. I think it's fair to downgrade your level until you see the level of content you want.