welcome to studio
i am not sure that we have one here but the internet is full of tutorials as studio new has been out for a while now. you can also ask if you cant find what you are looking for.
to link two animations you will have to assign 2 synced animations for each character (the boy and girl animations). to do that select each character and click on anim> then activate the animation from the "animation" menu. or you can select both characters while holding (control) from the workspace then do the same with thing as before and it should load both synced ends of an animation. one of the plugins installed in the repack does that i think. then use the FK,IK or FK/IK to adjust whatever.
to connect an object or a character bone node to anything else you can use the "nodeconstraints" plugin (control+N). more advanced.
i advice you to start editing poses with FK/IK, learn how to navigate, load objects, build a studio scene and finalizing the overall look and lighting at first then move to more advanced things later.
trepliev1.0 jacksmafia
the creator of this repack
mentioned that most likely there wont be. the whole better repack is packaged in a way that main plugins and architecture can work correctly with sideloader mods, also what screwthisnoise added for the repack itself. the link you provided and source is just a vanilla DX expansion from illusion (not modded like the one we are using), it would work if your game folder is in it's original state, using this or attempting to upgrade the libido to dx on your own will probably cause problems and conflicts and will break your game. safest thing to do is to get a clean dx repack (all in one 20gb) even if downloading the whole game may sound horrible for some people wit slower internet, it will contain all the up to date plugins and mods you need, the guy is doing a great job.
if you already have the latest plugins and all the mods and plugins on R5 and starting fresh is what's bothering you, u still can move those to dx along with all personalized plugin data, settings and chara/studio scenes if you know what to do. if not, ask for help here i will be happy to assist, just keep in mind to take back ups before overwriting/removing any thing from the new DX game folder.
too many people having this same issue, i start to think if it has something to do with covid-19 ^^. sadly i only know one person reported a fix and all i can do is keep linking to their post:
do not delete the files, just cut to another location as a backup instead. i hope it will help
i am not sure what did you mean but it may become a concern if your wife caught you