Here is my Assembly-CSharp.dll file
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to reduce the frequency that girls will randomly appear?
gonna mod it and let you try
i think its possible, but i not have find anything yet. also its probably a bit complicated as its based on the girl amount, girl mood and others things like chance % etc...
with it, its an 101% chance to start with a random girl request (you always can refuse the request) , i have see multiple way increased by this modding way
- request ask for date
- direct request for sex (can not be refused, no choice)
- G / G action (it mostly start when you see a girl talking to herself then another girls come) , this one is not a proper 3some, player dont act, just watch 2 girls together
- bedroom request : girl come in your bedroom for request. request is variable, can be sex request (can be refused) or shit chat request (nothing happen and she just left thanks you for nice talking with her
- 3some request ( 2 girls spawn and talk to you , you can choose 1 of them or both of them, or refuse )
- 3some MMF (rarely happen, girl need to be very angry/hate at you, then she ask you to date, you can choose to stop the date, have sex solo with her or make 3some with random dude)