Identify Horheristo community post identification

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Nov 15, 2021

I dont know if the rules got this Stuff fucked Up so i was going to ask and thanks


New Member
May 11, 2020
Anyone know about this?

And these:

A little rant:
I heard his reason to censored even names into his Patreon is because he thought it was inappropriate to actually led you to the game since they are adult content. Is this true?

If it is, then why made people curious in the first place? To make fun of them? That is not a good reason if it is true.

If your reasoning is because it has a cool gameplay, then people wanted to experience it themselves too. By making them curious, you're just making them unable to enjoy it for themselves. Not all people wanted just to watch, some people wanted to play the game too.

Again, if this reasoning that i've heard is true. Though it is not the best decision in the first place to even post something you don't want to share just to make people curious and pay for it even though the one who should have been paid is the one who created the game.

Unless you're doing this to prevent piracy, and you are giving money to the original creator, but I'm sorry to say, if this is the reason, then it doesn't work.

Again, if all of this is true. IDK his exact reason of doing this. He's usually put sauce back then. What happened?


Jan 24, 2022
A little rant:
It's all stupid excuses to attempt justify his bullshit to literally steal money from gullible people by hiding the sources under his patreon. There's plenty other people on shittube that show off the same games but don't hide the sources behind a paywall, because they aren't scum like him.
He even removes signatures from drawings/animations, ffs.
I bet that asshole probably pirates the games too, as his latest postings about a game called "struggle simulator" curiously came out a few days after the game was posted on here. Coincidence? Maybe, but that's one sus coincidence if you ask me.
And before someone points out the hypocrisy, like yeah, we all pirate them games as well, but at least we ain't effing making money off them. I ain't, at least.

If you look up his names, hornehisto/kusemek, you'll find that he's always been scum. And if you actually check these forums here, yes you, shitteristo/kusapieceofshit, have a personal "go fuck yourself".

Apologies for guess going off topic and all, but that guy makes my blood boil. I'll see to avoid ranting about him again.


Nov 15, 2021
What is the name of these 2 Games?

5.00 star(s) 5 Votes