we have implemented a motion where acid is poured into your vagina. "
Am I a damn fortune teller or what? I haven't seen the update yet, but damn. If this is not going
Guro, I don't know. Because acid and vagina... sounds not like a good time at all.
But kudos to Inui for making this update even after all that happened.
I wish Inui only the best and that he is not suffering so much. Damn,
if I could, I would hug him.
But on the other hand, I want Inui to take his time with his game and
take care of himself. He should not push himself so much just because
of finishing the game.
EDIT: Now that I saw it, no real guro scene, but painful to imagine. I mean, acid in vagina... ouch!!
But in the end, it is hard to say with the missing scenes.
But first, Inui needs to take a break for his own well. This game is not as important as his health.
f9account, please tell him from me, that Inui should please take a break and get well
before continuing the game. There is nothing good in hurting yourself only to work like a