VN Unity Abandoned House of Pleasure [v0.4.5] [deepandsilent3dx]

2.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
If i may jump in for a response.

Alright, since you insist on keeping your "I still am nowhere near crossing the line" attitude (wauw, how did I predict THAT would happen?) let's take the points 1 by 1:

- The house in the game is NOT from DS. He has no copyright on it.
I never mentioned anything about whether or not DS owned the house (or any other assets from his game), the point I made was that you claim that your game is in no way similar to BB, while using the EXACT same assets that he does, which only proves that you have no intention of trying to set your game apart from BB (other than the filter)
True that nothing to add here.
- Same charachter names? So what? Are names copyrighted?
Technically yes, some names are very much copyrighted. In particular names from big movie franchices/books. As for the names that are relevant to our discussion, while the names aren't copyrighted, it shows how you WANT your game to be assosiated with BB, by copying it in every way you can find, instead of setting your game apart by using original names instead.
As this is 100% true it still baffles my mind to this day how people think its hards to find new names or invent the wheel new when coming up with names. My prime example is a very young boy who goes to a school for wizards called simply harry. Harry is neither a new name nor can it be copyrighted as millions of people running around which names are exactly that. Yet it made a certain women Billions of dollars writing it.

And since you mention star wars later on. Vader is in another language the word for father (i think it was norwegian or something) and a mix between that and the german word for it "Vater" so the dark lord of the sith is actually named the entire time as a "Father" while Millions of people had no idea what vader even means.

- Characters look the same? Come on! 2/3 of all games here use the same assets over and over again. DS didn't even take the trouble to change the characters for BB in any way that can be bought freely in the DAZ Store. I have at least changed the shapes and faces of the game characters according to my taste and liking.
Again, yes, there are a limited number of assets available. However, given that you keep pointing out your vast experience with 3d modeling/rendering, it would have been a piece of cake to make some characters, which looked nothing like the characters from BB, or at least change them enough that you could tell they were inspired by a character, but changed enough to be it's own thing (how about giving Kira a new haircut/haircolor/body type/skin color/WHATEVER to make her stand out from how she looks in BB?
I did some Dazing (is that even a word??) myself and you can find literally thousands of unique models for a cheap price. You can even reach out to some Daz Model makers giving them a photo and ask them to make you a model. From 19.99€ to actually 200€ (only if you want multiple unique clothes as well) and according to them it takes them literally 2 hours to make as example Helen Mirren, Natalie Portman and the only things i found that are hard for them is unique stuff like half a cyborg or a terminator model of arnie with half his face gone. That takes actually days if not weeks.

BUT if the the stupid dude (me) who can't do much in Daz managed to make an unique young goth chick with the assets provided, then everyone can. Especially the dev of this game or anyone else who is willing to watch some tutorials on youtube and experiment with daz for some hours.

- The story will be changed and extended in many aspects.
Yeah, can't wait to see that. Disney also changed the story in star wars and the fans are known for their BOUNDLESS love for said changes.
Especially since the 2 new movies contradict each other cause the writers didnt know the other movie. Made alot of sense on disney's part. Lets piss of the biggest fan group of this planet who ever existed. The dev here has a better starting ground then they do. Cause if the next movie sucks as well Lucasarts can by Contract remove the license from disney once and for all.
(Crossing fingers it happens)

- Only cartoon filters placed over the renders?
I call things as I see them. I see only BB with a cartoon filter on it, and so does most of the people in this thread, judging by the comments.
I dont mind that but alot of people seem to do.

Not a single render in the game is from DS. All are created by me from scratch.
My condolences. It pains me to learn how much work apparently was put into such a lazy looking result.
While you might dislike that i have to agree with the dev on this one. Making renders, Setting the light correctly and adjusting the models is a job like old movies who used claymation (animations with clay) and a pain in the ass. After 2 days of work and only 30 renders i gave up ever managing to actually get something done there. Its hard. And no one thanks you for it. Not even yourself.

So i understand the dev defending this point. However i also understand that people dont want something they already know for that amount of time already. Still changing all again would put the dev back instead of forward. What i would advice is take the critique and learn from it.

And I know at minimum two creators who make money on patreon with games that contain complete visual material and text from DS-BB.
"But Mooooom, you can't blame me for stealing apples from the neighbors tree, because Hank and Bobby were doing it as well!" (In case this confuses you, just because someone else does it does not legitimize you doing it as well)
While that is true you have to admit that many people make millions if not billions with the same idea. Werewolfs, Vampires and even Zombies and other fantasy creatures are all copyrighted you can only avoid paying the owners of those rights by either naming them differently or giving them completly other origins and traits which technically is another fantasy creature by then.

Alone to avoid copyright issues with Zombies we have already seen alot of avoiding calling them that way. Infected, Runners, Biters, Walkers etc.

At last i think everyone should calm down now and not bash each other. If you like the game play it if not make some pointers what should be better so the dev can work on it instead of feeling like to defend every point someone makes as some posts are clearly attacking the dev who what i have seen so far makes 0 money of it.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Ok. You've got your message across. You don't like the game. You gave your thoughts and your opinion and expressed your concerns. Deep has replied to them. Everyone has said their peace.

Question now is, can we all move forward. HK47, are you willing to help Deep constructively with his project?
I am always ready. Ready to move forward, or to discuss things when I truly believe that someone is in the wrong. I want learn new opinions and challenge other people's opinions (which is borderlining on being a crime this day, I know).

As for the dev, I simply want him to admit that he is using BB and all the work that Dark Silver has done to create the characters/story, in order to promote his own game and lure people to him. Constantly arguing that the game is nothing like BB is not a smart move, when you basically made a playerbase of people who knows BB better than anyone else and knows that you are lying to their faces.

If the dev admits to this, there is no problem (or at least enough problems removed, that I won't bother the guy anymore). If he keeps trying to piss on my shoes and claiming it to be rain, then I won't go anywhere.


Aug 7, 2016
I really don't get the appeal to Big Brother. Talk to person, click through an entire week, talk to person, click through an entire week, talk to person, scene, repeat. And the writing wasn't even good. The fact that there's so many of these even worse clones is just astonishing to me.

As is apparent, people have different tastes...

But, with that said, even I can tell that this is a total fucking rip of that game. Not that I care about that in particularly.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
If i may jump in for a response.

While you might dislike that i have to agree with the dev on this one. Making renders, Setting the light correctly and adjusting the models is a job like old movies who used claymation (animations with clay) and a pain in the ass. After 2 days of work and only 30 renders i gave up ever managing to actually get something done there. Its hard. And no one thanks you for it. Not even yourself.

So i understand the dev defending this point. However i also understand that people dont want something they already know for that amount of time already. Still changing all again would put the dev back instead of forward. What i would advice is take the critique and learn from it.

While that is true you have to admit that many people make millions if not billions with the same idea. Werewolfs, Vampires and even Zombies and other fantasy creatures are all copyrighted you can only avoid paying the owners of those rights by either naming them differently or giving them completly other origins and traits which technically is another fantasy creature by then.

Alone to avoid copyright issues with Zombies we have already seen alot of avoiding calling them that way. Infected, Runners, Biters, Walkers etc.

At last i think everyone should calm down now and not bash each other. If you like the game play it if not make some pointers what should be better so the dev can work on it instead of feeling like to defend every point someone makes as some posts are clearly attacking the dev who what i have seen so far makes 0 money of it.
Sorry for cutting you comment into a smaller bit, but it was kind of large.

First of, I don't mind you agreeing with someone else, don't worry.

As for the rendering, I work with Daz myself, and have worked with 3DS Max, ages ago, so I know how much effort goes into making renders & animations. I agree that my comment was probably harsher than it needed to be, but seeing as how the dev hasn't exactly responded well to critisism, I won't bother to apologize either.
I think it is indeed a shame that the dev is putting in so much work, for something that just seems so cheaply made. I know that he says he is doing it from scratch (which I actually believe) which only makes it more tragic that it just looks like a cheap photoshop filter, which took 10 seconds to add.

As for not bashing others and giving pointers, I have tried (and perhaps failed) to explain to the dev that he needs to face the fact, that people are going to keep on claiming that he is just copying Dark Silver's work. It is simply a thing that comes with the territory, when you base your creation, on the work of someone else.
If the dev doesn't want to be compared to BB & Dark Silver, then he should have created an original project, with original characters. In this case, you WILL have to choose: You can't have your cake, and eat it too.

Hope this response is good enough ^^


Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
Please add the option for the player to rename the m.c. A lot of gamer's dislike it when they have to use a default m.c. name some are o.k with it However I am not and I am sure there are others that will agree and some that will disagree or don't just don't care .


Feb 27, 2019
I am always ready. Ready to move forward, or to discuss things when I truly believe that someone is in the wrong. I want learn new opinions and challenge other people's opinions (which is borderlining on being a crime this day, I know).

As for the dev, I simply want him to admit that he is using BB and all the work that Dark Silver has done to create the characters/story, in order to promote his own game and lure people to him. Constantly arguing that the game is nothing like BB is not a smart move, when you basically made a playerbase of people who knows BB better than anyone else and knows that you are lying to their faces.

If the dev admits to this, there is no problem (or at least enough problems removed, that I won't bother the guy anymore). If he keeps trying to piss on my shoes and claiming it to be rain, then I won't go anywhere.

I get it. You're a BB fan and you feel like Deep is just another in a long line of plagiarists who stole and reused all of Dark's hard work so they can get Patreons and make money.

Deep is telling you that this is not that and that it is a tribute game.

You can't accept that answer and you won't let it go until you get him to admit that your vision and opinion must be the correct one. Hiding behind illusions that that you wish to learn new opinions and "challenge other's opinions" is just bullshit. And of course to follow it up suggesting that somehow what you're doing is helpful and then attempting to mitigate the negativity in it by insinuating that somehow the community is snowflake sensitive to it as a "crime." It's fluff and everyone can see it. You're trolling the guy because you believe he's somehow violating unwritten rules in erotic game development and you want the world to know you're right. That's the issue here. The more you write, the more you prove the point and the more people can see it. And you know it...

Ultimately, none of that solves anything. Truth is, Deep will continue to make the game. It is up to you have you handle yourself. You can continue to troll him but that only shows who you are and what kind of character you possess. You can help him and give him feedback on bugs and spelling errors and support the tribute. Choice is yours.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
I get it. You're a BB fan and you feel like Deep is just another in a long line of plagiarists who stole and reused all of Dark's hard work so they can get Patreons and make money.

Deep is telling you that this is not that and that it is a tribute game.

You can't accept that answer and you won't let it go until you get him to admit that your vision and opinion must be the correct one. Hiding behind illusions that that you wish to learn new opinions and "challenge other's opinions" is just bullshit. And of course to follow it up suggesting that somehow what you're doing is helpful and then attempting to mitigate the negativity in it by insinuating that somehow the community is snowflake sensitive to it as a "crime." It's fluff and everyone can see it. You're trolling the guy because you believe he's somehow violating unwritten rules in erotic game development and you want the world to know you're right. That's the issue here. The more you write, the more you prove the point and the more people can see it. And you know it...

Ultimately, none of that solves anything. Truth is, Deep will continue to make the game. It is up to you have you handle yourself. You can continue to troll him but that only shows who you are and what kind of character you possess. You can help him and give him feedback on bugs and spelling errors and support the tribute. Choice is yours.
Jesus christ, and you claim I am the one who is negative.

I am not a BB fan, although I do admire the game for pushing the genre along, back when the games were still finding their footing in the industry. However, though I am not a fan of the game, I am not a fan of profiting of other people's work either.
You claim I am determined to view the dev in a single way, without even noticing the hypocritical nature of your statement, as you are clearly determined to view ME in a single way as well. In short: You are no better than me, even though you obviously seem to believe so.

I poke at the dev the way I do, because others in this thread have tried to talk reason into him with polite words, and he has only responded by being stubborn and denying any wrongdoing on his part. I get it; It's his game. He should be permitted to make the game he wants to. However, since this is the path he wants to go down, he can't tell his players that they need shut up and just accept what he is doing, when he fully intentionally lured them in from another game, with the premise that they would get something they wanted: A completed Big Brother.
If you lure people with the promise of a completed Big Brother, then it is simply MORONIC to suddenly tell the players that your game is actually NOTHING like Big brother, and your story will go in an entirely different way. Don't paint a fluorescent target on your back, and then act surprised when people start shooting at it.

As for me being a "fake" nice guy, you can call it what you want. I behave nicely to people I deem worthy of being treated in such a way, and people like you, the "DONT CRITIQUE THE THINGS I LIKE OR I WILL END YOU!" types, well, you are not in that category.
And no, I don't think that this (as in, the users of this website) community are easily offended snowflakes, but my point was simply that people in general get offended by anything and everything these days. Your behaviour is not really helping to change this perception in any good way.

The dev can continue building the game, that's fine by me. I am just saying that judging by his patreon growth, a lot more people seem to agree with my point of view, rather than yours, so maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to take some of the points to heart, at least if he intends to make any significant profit with the game.

Good day to you sir. At least you managed to make me smile a little today, so I guess you can't be all bad ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
wow you can feel the steam created by these arguments on this thread...trying to convince L&P groupies that A Wife and Mother with its two updates per year is the biggest scam project since BB, is nothing compared to the avalanche of arguments and counter-arguments found here!

Simple question: is the story the same bloody tease in this remake as in the original BB, or is there any interesting fap material? If so, I'd say this rip-off is definitely worth it, though I'm not too much of a fan of this drawing effect on characters.

Sorry, too lazy to try it out for myself, or perhaps just waiting for more updates...


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
wow you can feel the steam created by these arguments on this thread...trying to convince L&P groupies that A Wife and Mother with its two updates per year is the biggest scam project since BB, is nothing compared to the avalanche of arguments and counter-arguments found here!
Two months ago, I said I don't want to know about this game anymore, but this heated debate made me curious too.
Simple question: is the story the same bloody tease in this remake as in the original BB,
You'll cry for BB grind and tease.
or is there any interesting fap material?
Only if you are a voyeur kid: some nudity, not always full.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
any fucking yet? I'll pledge once intercourse with 'mom' starts.
I agree, she's quite hot, though the drawing effect thingy kinda screws things up...

Can't understand why this dev doesn't realise his lil' rip-off would be a money-making machine, would it actually give what the original BB didn't, instead of repeating its flaws: providing actual sex scenes, orgies, complete depravity, etc. ...And going much further into story dev with mommy but above all with aunty Kira, IMO the most wasted character in terms of its potential in the recent history of western porn gaming...
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Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 13, 2018
providing actual sex scenes, orgies, complete depravity, etc. ...And going much further into story dev with mommy but above all with aunty Kira
And all this preferably in the first ingame week, right?

Don't worry, there'll be a lot more stuff coming.

I have already explained in detail on the previous thread page why development of the game is progressing slowly.
  • Thinking Face
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Mar 3, 2018
Perhaps i am to stupid ... but i cant find a way to interact with the characters, only at dinner u have a few choises.
Same here. Maybe I am a dum-dum, but played it for like 2-3 days, and I couldn't interact with anyone. I kinda called it quits at that point ...

Did I miss something?


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 13, 2018
Russians really love penis close-ups and getting smacked on the ass. There's even a masturbation picture where he made eye contact with me.
Oh, you want to play a porn game as a male main character, but you don't want to see his cock, because it's too gay?

If you jerk off, you probably do it in the dark and under a blanket, don't you? ;)

P.S. : By the way, I'm not russian.
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Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
Oh, you want to play a porn game as a male main character, but you don't want to see his cock, because it's too gay?

If you jerk off, you probably do it in the dark and under a blanket, don't you? ;)

P.S. : By the way, I'm not russian.
Though you and I don't agree on a lot, I will agree with you on this point. Never got why people are so scared of seeing a dick, during a masturbation scene (or even an actual sex scene for that matter).


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
And all this preferably in the first ingame week, right?

Don't worry, there'll be a lot more stuff coming.

I have already explained in detail on the previous thread page why development of the game is progressing slowly.
Hey man, didn't know you were on this thread as well, I like devs who get involved in these forums.

Don't get me wrong, as I said, If I see Kira getting some real action this time, along with Mommy, I mean proper, regular sex matching her perversity, I will actually support you. Though not a milionaire, I support several devs, but only a dollar each. But "me love devs long time", which kind of adds up to subscribing to a porn site with already finished games, for, lets say, 20 bucks a month. And if everybody did that with the games they liked, you devs would be living in a very, very different world...

My feeling about these build-up issues is that, as long as you stay creative, you can keep adding more and more depravity and perversity to a game which already starts with an "advanced" level of family corruption. Haven't found any such Western games yet and its a damn shame. Only the Japanese seem to be able to get the point, and make a lot of money out of it.

As I said, if your game won't need by version 7 or 8 badly rendered fan versions to have a complete family orgy with a sex craved mommy and Kira, I'll be one of your future patrons. But I've been dissapointed too many times to support western devs who use this classic "realistic build-up" bullshit (not saying you least not yet ;)). Who heard of moms fucking their sons elsewhere than in sordid trivia news anyway? Its porn! Good, healthy, crazy, completely unrealistic poooorn...:p
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2.00 star(s) 3 Votes