"shit" that i throw at this game are features others games have AND.. features that players asked for long times.
working a bit on what community want help.
But sure thing, do white knight stuff if you want. i not care. i just share my opinion.
What i am seeing as for now is features that many people asked to be implented, being totaly ignored by devs for many years.
ye needed an almost civil war to get that female MC coming up.
i played this game sinze it pop out, was nice, but then turn honestly boring with not much attracting things coming up in the years.
as the way it goes, it wont change in the next 20 years. still same house, packed with chars more and mroe, until no more places, many detective missions and stuff, and repeated mission that will turn every players bored after the 3rd gameplay on it.
thanks there is mods.
how having a name wont work on the game ? have you ever played game that you canactually put your name and it's voiced ? you know.. like FALLOUT for exemple .. it's not THAT hard to twist the sub-text different than voice but still implenting your name on the text just to give a bit of feeling YOu are in the game. specifically in a game like this one where text eat a good part of the screen during dialogs that make it very visible.
game wont work in 3rd person ? that's a joke right ? it's just devs doing this for them. dont say it wont work in the game , it clearly could.
whatever , i m out. aint gonna fight with white knight all days about a game that barely progressed in many years.
Sorry to be rude, but it's true fact. i aint playing "The COVID's Time" game being locked in a restricted area forever with same chars and same bullshit to do over and over because nobody is smart enougt to do anything on their own in that house.
Good riddance to myself !
(no need to answer, thread is blocked and hidded now.)