After about 8 hours of play time, here are my impressions/suggestions. These are given not with the intention to bash the game or developer, but in hopes that the game can be improved and the developer can be more successful. All this is my personal opinion, and I admit I may be dead-wrong about some of these impressions, so take it if it's helpful, or leave it if it isn't...
1) It takes too long to develop relationships and move along in the story. Too much grind. Need to increase the points gained/lost for choices so that it doesn't take thirty to fifty turns of an event to see results (maybe I'm exaggerating, but it does seem to be very slow to move the needle for statuses).
2) There is no apparent benefit/detriment in improved/worsened relationships with classmates. Maybe this is coming in the future, or maybe I haven't played long enough yet, but for now it seems a waste of time.
3) The apparent 'dead-ends' in the story for some of the characters is annoying, and some actions don't seem to have any consequences. The game content is in development, so this will get fixed I know. Just saying this because lots of us are impatient when we're following a story line and it leaves us hanging, and so I'd suggest making it a priority to flesh-out those story lines.
4) There is an impressive amount of content for these first releases. Kudos for that!

5) Too much grind. Yes I mentioned it before, and probably should keep mentioning it in every item listed here... Having to shop for food, cook/eat every day, monitor food inventory, and all that stuff is somewhat interesting for the first few times, but gets to be a boring chore after 20 or 30 times. Same thing for attending classes each week. Can a choice be provided to make this be automated after a certain number of iterations? I'm not a game developer, so don't know how feasible this is in HTML.
6) Seems too easy to become a sub, at least early on, and once you're a sub, getting back to switch or the dominant side seems unreachable.
7) Finally, while I've had some criticisms here, in spite of that I must admit that this is an enjoyable HTML game, and I want to keep playing future releases, especially if some of the grind can be eliminated. The quick release of the bug-fix version 0.1.1 is very much appreciated!!!
Many thanks @