What's the worst thing this game does and how would you do it differently?
First of all development scope, clearly they made is fakingly too big for such game, but at this point it's just too abitious. Why not make tiny island with lots of point of interests rather making big huge empty environment with huge gaps between all NPCs?
Because of that scale, game runs pretty slow in city/town I'm getting 40fps on good PC (1080ti, 64GB, Ryzen 2700)
They stated many times that, this game is more story leaning, but for fresh users it's very frustating, no navigation, no marks on map, nothing.
Okay they really wanted to make such big scale, then give us transportation - feral horses, strangers with fast travel or atleast anything to move faster than running for 10 minutes for nothing.
Time wasting dialogues. I know it's always a good thing in games, it should be here if you want more story oriented game, but it's not Tarantino movie, this game is just full of useless and annoying dialogues. Such NPCs making littile to no for overall story, why would i read wall of text how X NPC loves to chop wood and his backstory that leads to nowhere (like why interacting with NPC that leads to nothing, he could give tiny quest and recieve sex as reward)
Next things are more personal nitpicks. What's going on with art direction? Why there's always sunset? Why overall color palette is extremely dull, dirty and looks repulsive?
Don't get me wrong, I recognize many Unity assets here, it's all well designed and I think they made some effort making different assets looks common, but overall game looks pretty ugly, pretty much because of it's scale, you can't make detailed scene when your map is 10x10km.
I will not mention animations, because again, it's story oriented game, all I can say it's well done but lacking final cum.
Finally, 3 characters since very early days, I can say this is extremely ridiculous. Seeing cats (yes, cats, because dog is made from cat face) in every corner of the map, not even just different species of cats/dogs, just changing colors.
In recent builds we've got third lizard like species this is some progress, but after 5 years is kinda frustating for a project that already making sales on Steam and making money from Patreon.
Basically what we've got here:
Game with interesting story, semi-linear plot with interesting places? No. It's running simulator with kilometers long dialogues.
Game with good fap content? Again no, you have to pass all dialogues to watch b-level animations with no final cum whatsoever.
Maybe this game offers stunning visuals? No, this game looks fucking ugly
That's the problem when you creating big open world game, optimization should be here in first place and user friendliness on second place and of cource gamplay mechanics and visuals. This game fails almost in every aspect.