So, you're saying the author's ambitions outstripped his ability and budget? Well, that's another aspect of bad game design, but I don't think the true problem is about that. The author clearly has a lot of ability, and with this kind of effort, the game could be a lot more fun.
I've seen this problem happen even in tabletop RPGs. Tons of worldbuilding, that are not for you.
I usually perceive it as the author being too high-strung and needing to relax and make a game that is less serious.
Like I said, tabletop games are in their very definition... free of limitations. And comparing them is again... frivolous.
And ambitions outstripping ability and budget? Thats a very weird take... most of the time ambition leads to creativity and dream fullfillment... not the otherway around.
And again, this is a very low budget porn game... it takes time to flesh out something like this; you seemingly fail to understand that with games like this, there rarely ever is going to be a finished product, and people like you usually are the ones who end up killing these games before they're finished because you make brasstacks out of nothing and spam on the again... unfinished and very low budget game for faults that take time to flesh out such as compelling story, fun gameplay, etc, etc.
The author is clearly world-building first to make a foundation for things to come. Which means gameplay isn't going to be amazing, or story might not be coherent or make sense.
I even said myself that its weird that these naked anthromorphs can splice people into existence. Also, where do they have the scientists to make this weird blood cure for the feral minded folk?
Like I said, things take time... people have lives. They aren't going to make the game in like... a year, especially with people needlessly finding things to berate them about that they probably have plans for, but can't make quite yet. They might not want to spoil things also, to keep it refreshing.
Also seemingly ignoring the fact that they aren't a triple-A dev whose payed to make games for millions... this a random person with some computer software, couple Terabytes of space and programs. They might even have a second computer to take a break from developing to just enjoy themselves.
Is this hentard guy a backer or someone that works on the game? They seem pretty obsessively defensive of this game.
I'm a Hentard... what'd you expect?
Of course I am defensive of the game, whats wrong with that? And i'm defensive of plenty of games that I see potential in (Mostly ERPGs because fapboxes are lame)
Discussions are for... discussions about aspects of these games, but I always see people finding very stupendous mountains to climb on and send down negative vibes with no clear backing.
So of course I am backing this game, I see potential in it... and I know if enough people keep sending hate, the author might abandon the project or outright turn it into another one of those patreon scam games.
Because instead of people being patient for games like this they decide its gods great gift to them to be as impatient as possible and to find as many things wrong with the game to hate on the author for and for no reason, decide that the author is an idiot or something.
You want something finished? Donate for that... you want something random like clothes or a fetish? Surprise! The game'll never be finished.