I suck very much at Patreon. Please help this clueless dev to do it better!


Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Charging $1 for your game on Steam was definitely a MAJOR mistake.

People associate price with quality. I guarantee you that a lot of people have looked at your game and not purchased it because it was a dollar, when they might very well have bought it if it were $5 or $6 dollars. $1 tells them that you don't value the game, so they'll assume it is trash quality.

Keep in mind that people value their TIME as well, so adversely to getting eyeballs on your game, $1 tells a lot of people that it isn't worth their time.

One of my degrees was in business, and we studied this phenomenon all the time. It sounds crazy, but it applies to all sorts of things. The fastest way to get rid of physical goods isn't to give them away for free - it's to charge for them. Otherwise, people assume something is wrong with the goods. Expensive wine outsells cheap wine all the time (even when the cheaper wine is objectively better) because people use the price as a quality metric.

Do this thought experiment:
Assume you are walking down the street and see a guy selling hamburgers for a dime. Would you think 'Great value!' and buy a burger? Or would you think 'What's wrong with his burgers that he has to sell them for a dime'? A few cheapskates or risk takers will buy a burger, sure, but most of the public walking by won't buy one even if they are hungry.

You are the dude selling hamburgers for a dime, buddy.
Yeh, I definitely messed this part up lol. The original release could probably have been 2-3 bux. The big, updated version could be something I'd sell for $5. It's too late for me to change the prices now, which is a shame, but it's a lesson learnt and something to address going forward for sure.

Yeh, I'm definitely that dude selling burgers for a dime haha.

Patreon isn't great for what you are doing. It's NICE that you are making completed episodes and games and releasing them, but that means a LONG time between updates, and frequent updates are one of the major things people look for in deciding to support a Patreon.

The ideal model is a bigger game that you update frequently (every month if possible for best results) and after a couple of years of updates on Patreon, you have a finished game that you can THEN release to Steam as a full game for a fair price. You get money during development, then you get more money and players from Steam with the completed version.

Then you have a track record and a fan base, and you transition your Patreon to a new game and rinse and repeat.

If you are only going to make small games that only get updated once, the better model is to skip Patreon, polish them well, then release on Steam with a decent fair price that will earn you living money and build a community around your games that way.
I guess my initial thinking with Patreon was that people would like seeing games finished, but people are obviously happy with the larger games with frequent updates too. I thought just releasing art packs and progress reports while I work on making a complete game was a good approach, but I'm thinking now it wasn't.

Again, Patreon works best for larger games.

I don't think linking tiers to game releases is particularly effective. As you noted, your game will likely be pirated on sites like this one ANYWAY, so everyone should ALREADY be getting your unfinished game from your Patreon for free. Your tiers should be for other things like the artwork files, discord access, voting ability for content, etc.

One effective way to do things (that requires frequent updates) is giving supporters EARLIER access to new updates, by 2-3 weeks. This means your most rabid supporters get to feel a little special, and most pirates (lets call them "passive" supporters, because they can still benefit you by word of mouth and praise) won't mind waiting a couple of weeks longer to see the new stuff.

If you keep doing multiple small games, I don't think Patreon is going to be all that effective for you. You can set it up to charge Patrons per release, but that's a terrible way to make money off of finished games. And most people will not want to support you by the month when they don't have any idea of how long they will be supporting you before a game drops.

Why support you for $5 a month for 6 months while you make a full little game, when they could just wait and buy the finished thing off of Steam at the end?

Just some things to think about. You already have a advantage over others in that you have a finished game to show, and the quality looks good.
This makes me think of another idea I had. So, yeh, I agree that multiple small games isn't the best approach, but then, I could maybe bundle them in a way that makes them one big worked on game.

Like, I'm either going to make my third game be one big area like a town or city or something and some surrounding areas. And then I'd try and get it up on Patreon unfinished, but with at least 1-2 girls with their own finished storylines. Then, I could do something where I try and bring in a new girl and questline every month or so via an update.

But then, the other idea was that I could have one game that is just a series of episodes that are about 45 mins or so each and players would just pick an episode from the main menu. Each ep could still be self contained like I'm doing now, but I could easily release Patreon versions that contain the latest ep. This way, if the episodes are small, I'd still be able to get them out in a month or so and hopefully keep people interested as well.

Both ways would allow me to do what you said and keep building something that I could eventually release on Steam later.

Thanks for this whole comment by the way. It's given me a lot of food for thought.


Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
You can just put up one tier, put a price on it, and then put all the new content you make for this particular game behind that tier.
You can roll like that till the game is done, honest devs don't really need a gazillion of tiers you see.
Then, when it is done, you could combine all the episodes and the base game into one, and release it for free.

Afterwards you could start doing the same thing with the next game.
And at the same time also release on steam, base game + dlc content scheme, but don't go free later there.

This should work well, provided your game is fun enough to gather interest of course, gaming world is fickle and unforgiving.
Eventually you will create a reputation for youself and become known and gather permanent fans for yourself who will buy your shit always. :cool::coffee:
So, you're saying work on a game and keep updating it, but lock it behind patreon tiers, but then make it free on Patreon at the end? Why would I not just keep charging for it at that point? Is it more just so that people will see I'm actually making stuff and want to support me in future projects?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
So, you're saying work on a game and keep updating it, but lock it behind patreon tiers, but then make it free on Patreon at the end? Why would I not just keep charging for it at that point? Is it more just so that people will see I'm actually making stuff and want to support me in future projects?
regardless of price your game will get pirated jus sayin =P

Alright my honest opinion!

Start a game with no plans to finish it (as in a game you can continue to add content to for a very long time)
Select the type of audience you want to appeal too
(some genres are just flooded with shitty games that makes people weary)
Use this fourm to your advantage!
(I support 5 creators on patreon, for 3$-5$ each I found them here on this fourm!)

keep in mind, alot of people wont even look at your game until they see 5-6 updates in the changelog, alot of creators abandon games D=
I just took a quick look at your other game, your game looks cute I like the art
its not something I would personally play because I pretty much strictly like Femdom/Fetish games and the occasional futa game

I honestly think if you want to grow a patreon its best to pick an audience you want to cater too
Stories are nice, I love them! but...people want someone thatll cater to their fantasies (in my opinion)

Look at games like TiTs, CoC2 (they earn 50k each monthly) with minimal updates,
ToT earns 6k a month, and heck it pretty much got its first update in 3 years a few weeks ago
there is alot of bad games that get alot of support because there is no other creator that caters to what they like

of course then theres always the issue of "you need to make a game youre passionate about"
well not everyone gets that luxury :/

so imo in the end, figure out what you want!
do you want to write a cute story that people will enjoy for a little while? or do you want to write some smut thatll bring people back for more :p
itll be a long road

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Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
regardless of price your game will get pirated jus sayin =P

Alright my honest opinion!

Start a game with no plans to finish it (as in a game you can continue to add content to for a very long time)
Select the type of audience you want to appeal too
(some genres are just flooded with shitty games that makes people weary)
Use this fourm to your advantage!
(I support 5 creators on patreon, for 3$-5$ each I found them here on this fourm!)

keep in mind, alot of people wont even look at your game until they see 5-6 updates in the changelog, alot of creators abandon games D=
I just took a quick look at your other game, your game looks cute I like the art
its not something I would personally play because I pretty much strictly like Femdom/Fetish games and the occasional futa game

I honestly think if you want to grow a patreon its best to pick an audience you want to cater too
Stories are nice, I love them! but...people want someone thatll cater to their fantasies (in my opinion)

Look at games like TiTs, CoC2 (they earn 50k each monthly) with minimal updates,
ToT earns 6k a month, and heck it pretty much got its first update in 3 years a few weeks ago
there is alot of bad games that get alot of support because there is no other creator that caters to what they like

of course then theres always the issue of "you need to make a game youre passionate about"
well not everyone gets that luxury :/

so imo in the end, figure out what you want!
do you want to write a cute story that people will enjoy for a little while? or do you want to write some smut thatll bring people back for more :p
itll be a long road

Thanks for the comment.

Yeh, I know people are gonna pirate it. I'm not totally against that. If that leads to people supporting me down the line, then it's absolutely worth it to me.

And yep, definitely doing stuff I can keep adding to after I get this second game out. Will be either an open ended game with different stories, or a game where players can pick new episodes from the main menu as I complete them.

The game I have out now and the one I've almost finished are basically story + anal, but I'll look into other fetishes I can cater to as well.

I do have to figure out what I want, yeh haha. I like writing stories, but then, I've had a lot of fun putting together the actual sex scenes too. I'd like to try some stuff that's more about the smut rather than the story as well. Little scenario sort of stuff. They might be stuff I could get out fast on the side to help build a following as well!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Thanks for the comment.

Yeh, I know people are gonna pirate it. I'm not totally against that. If that leads to people supporting me down the line, then it's absolutely worth it to me.

And yep, definitely doing stuff I can keep adding to after I get this second game out. Will be either an open ended game with different stories, or a game where players can pick new episodes from the main menu as I complete them.

The game I have out now and the one I've almost finished are basically story + anal, but I'll look into other fetishes I can cater to as well.

I do have to figure out what I want, yeh haha. I like writing stories, but then, I've had a lot of fun putting together the actual sex scenes too. I'd like to try some stuff that's more about the smut rather than the story as well. Little scenario sort of stuff. They might be stuff I could get out fast on the side to help build a following as well!
I read the comments and it seems like you did pretty well everyone everyone seemed to enjoy it
Have you considered narritive focused text based rpgs? such as
Trials in tainted space, Champions of Corruption 1 and 2, Liliths Throne

my post got fucked up when I tried to add spoilers lol


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I think your initial strategy with just going on steam with shorter games can be good, but your big mistake was to make it as 1$. If you're going with Patreon now, you'll probably need a larger game, and make it attractive enough for people to join you.

I'm not the best for advice though, My patreon was just started yesterday, and I'm still figuring things out, just like you, so I'm also reading this thread with attention.
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Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
I read the comments and it seems like you did pretty well everyone everyone seemed to enjoy it
Have you considered narritive focused text based rpgs? such as
Trials in tainted space, Champions of Corruption 1 and 2, Liliths Throne

my post got fucked up when I tried to add spoilers lol
Yeh, so far the feedback I've gotten on game 1 is nearly all positive, which is great.

I haven't considered a text rpg before. That could be fun to look into at some point


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Why would I not just keep charging for it at that point? Is it more just so that people will see I'm actually making stuff and want to support me in future projects?
Well, i'd like to think because you're a nice and generous guy like that, but you also said:

I do like the temporary idea. I do like the idea of eventually making older games free so they can be used as a lead-in to tempt new players.
So i included your wish into the scheme. :whistle::coffee:
But ultimately it's up to you what you do, i just gave you some ideas.
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Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Well, i'd like to think because you're a nice and generous guy like that, but you also said:

So i included your wish into the scheme. :whistle::coffee:
But ultimately it's up to you what you do, i just gave you some ideas.
Ah, maybe I didn't understand correctly.

I sorta thought way older content could go free. Like, if I have 4 of these Stretchalot games out, I could make the first one free.

Hadn't considered completing a full game, while charging on Patreon, and then releasing it to the public as free. If that worked to get people supporting me on Patreon for the following project, I'd do that for sure.

Oh, and I definitely appreciate the ideas. Please don't think I don't and that I'm not taking them all on board.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Hadn't considered completing a full game, while charging on Patreon
On Patreon AND on Steam, both at the same time. :giggle::coffee:
If that worked to get people supporting me on Patreon for the following project, I'd do that for sure.
What works on people or not is basically random, like i said gaming world is very fickle.
But if you keep working hard, stick to your promises and goals, people surely will notice and become your permanent fans, thus you will slowly be creating your own fan base who will support you always. It's a slow grind however.

Oh, and I definitely appreciate the ideas. Please don't think I don't and that I'm not taking them all on board.
Oh don't worry about that. To me it's not particularly important whether you disregard what i said or not. :giggle::coffee:
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Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
Hi everyone!

I'm a game dev with one game out so far. It's on Steam for $1, but it's also here on f95 as well:

Sir Stretchalot - The Wenches in the Well on F95

I was hoping I could get some opinions when it comes to Patreon, because I'm at a bit of a loss with it all. First off, here is my Patreon page:

Alright, so I'm wondering how the heck I should be approaching this thing. When I released the first game, I got a few people signing up. Maybe 10 all up in the first month. That was over a year ago, and a few have stuck around since then which makes me think I haven't done everything totally wrong, but a lot did drop off. I've got a Very Good rating on Steam and nearly all my money has come from there.

I'd much prefer to be making money on Patreon. It's a lot easier to release stuff on there than Steam, but I don't really know what people want me to give them, other than the finished games of course.

I'm concerned about my workflow as well. The first game and the one I'm currently working on now are very story focused. It isn't one of those games where the dev just keeps adding pieces through updates. I want to try that approach, but it isn't for these two games. I'm not the sort of dev who is gonna release something that I consider rough. It'll be either finished and good to release, or unfinished and I don't want people playing it and ruining the experience for themselves on a lackluster product.

At the moment, I've got three tiers on Patreon, but I'm not happy with them at all. It really doesn't matter what tier you do, you get all the same stuff pretty much. I did tell people I'd be release art packs on every tier and also single images here and there on twitter in order to try and get people interested. I'm not the sorta dev who wants to have it so there's a crap-ton of tiers with all these different rewards either. It's too much to juggle and I'd rather be cranking out content. I also don't really like delaying stuff for different tiers. If the art or the game is done, I want everyone to get it at the same time.

So . . . how should I approach Patreon? I'm thinking of changing my tiers so it's more like this:

Tier 1 - Standard res artwork packs (1280x720), developer updates, polls when I do them, demos for my games, smaller game releases. First games in a series and stuff like that.

Tier 2 - High res artwork packs (2K+), developer updates, polls when I do them, demos, all game releases.

Tier 3 - Everything in the previous tiers and likely nothing else. This tier would really just be for people who want to support my efforts more.

^^^ I feel like just having three simple tiers like that would be a lot easier to manage. Most of my Patrons that I've talked to don't even seem to give a shit about the rewards anyway. They've told me they just want to support the games I make and see updates. But that's just those Patron's saying that, and there isn't a lot of them to go off.

Does this new approach sound good? Should I maybe just have High res art packs for all tiers to make things more simple?

Any other thoughts would be good!
Your plan is sound. A few other advice:
  • Hyperlink your patreon from your game. Put it in the main title screen and the credits section, if you have one. That way people playing your game can visit your patreon or other websites.
  • Exposure is key. Steam is one of the best exposures you can have, but be active in other places, you already have a discord, but try other places like Newgrounds and, especially, itch.io.
  • Try to have your patreon linked to your social media.
    • On twitter specifically, repost your patreon posts there whenever possible. Do a normal post first, then reply to it with the link.
  • Try having a schedule of posting, like weekly, bi/weekly, monthly, etc, so people know what to look forward to.
You should probably ask for control of your game's thread. The discord link is dead there. Your game looks neat, don't add NTR. Good luck.


Game Developer
Jan 16, 2021
Your plan is sound. A few other advice:
  • Hyperlink your patreon from your game. Put it in the main title screen and the credits section, if you have one. That way people playing your game can visit your patreon or other websites.
  • Exposure is key. Steam is one of the best exposures you can have, but be active in other places, you already have a discord, but try other places like Newgrounds and, especially, itch.io.
  • Try to have your patreon linked to your social media.
    • On twitter specifically, repost your patreon posts there whenever possible. Do a normal post first, then reply to it with the link.
  • Try having a schedule of posting, like weekly, bi/weekly, monthly, etc, so people know what to look forward to.
You should probably ask for control of your game's thread. The discord link is dead there. Your game looks neat, don't add NTR. Good luck.
Sounds like a good plan!

I did have links in game 1 that led right to Patreon, but Steam didn't like that and told me to remove them lol. They'll be fine for non-steam versions though!

I didn't realize the discord on the original game's thread was dead. Yeh, I better try and get control of that thread haha.

And I won't be adding NTRs or anything because I honestly don't understand them at all, and what little I did made me think they were pretty stupid lol.

Thanks for the comment!

Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
I was hoping I could get some opinions when it comes to Patreon, because I'm at a bit of a loss with it all.
Everyone in this thread is sugarcoating the situation for you, so I'm going to be blunt: you made the fatal mistake of including gameplay into your porn game. Now I'm not one to throw stones in glass houses because the game I'm working on does the same thing, but you have to understand that most people who play erotic games don't want anything outside the most simple game loop in between their sex scenes. It's why they play these games in the first place.

Now someone's inevitably gonna say I'm wrong, and try to prove it by linking a handful of successful games with actual mechanics and complex loops, but most of those have either been in development for literally years (like a bunch of lewd Metroidvanias/side-scrollers), or are the result of extreme survivorship bias, or cater to an incredibly niche and loyal fanbase (ryona, guro, furry, NTR, etc.). It's getting harder and harder to get and keep attention from 'generic' players as time goes by, nevermind actual monetary support. Games that came out in 2016/17/18 wouldn't even be looked at today, let alone played by most of the community. People have become extremely picky, and we as devs can't even blame them since there's so much content out there for players to consume (much of it free).

There's a reason VNs are the go-to choice for most people looking to rub one out quickly, not just here on F95, but on the wider internet as well. Anything that gets in between players and their porn better be damned good and unique... and even then, most of them will ignore it. Your game has quality art, but it's just another 'generic' medieval fantasy game (I don't mean that as an insult, it's just that you don't target any specific niche or fetish group).

You can still find success, but be prepared for a slog, and possibly months or even years until you build up your fanbase...

Alright, so I'm wondering how the heck I should be approaching this thing. When I released the first game, I got a few people signing up. Maybe 10 all up in the first month. That was over a year ago, and a few have stuck around since then which makes me think I haven't done everything totally wrong, but a lot did drop off.
The best way to retain current patrons and grow your following with new ones is to make frequent releases... ideally at least one new content update every month. You, on the other hand, have weekly updates according to your Patreon, which is probably doing you a disservice. You're developing a 2D game, so the amount of content you can generate, implement, bugtext, and release in a period of 7 days is probably miniscule... even moreso because you have a game with actual mechanics that need testing and integration! If you were developing a VN then it'd make sense (tho even that is pushing it), or if you had 5-6 people on your team, but a lone dev having that kind of output for the type of game you're making just screams low-quality. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not being judgemental - I'm sure your game is great, and you're developing it with love and care. I'm just telling you what potential patrons may think.

So . . . how should I approach Patreon? I'm thinking of changing my tiers so it's more like this:
Your Patreon Tiers have nothing to do with how long patrons will support you.
If possible, try to make more meaningful updates, and you'll retain+grow easily.
Consider releasing every 2 weeks to building anticipation and generate more content.

I also saw this on your Patreon:
"Also, Sir Stretchalot isn't the only project I'm working on. I will be making all sorts of different content across a wide range of themes and settings, so keep an eye out for those as well!"
That's a major red flag. Why would any potential supporter give you money when you're stretched thin over multiple projects? I'm not saying you can't work on more than one thing (believe me, I know how fatiguing burnout from a single project can be), but at the very least don't advertise it in neon glow on your main page.

Honestly, I love interacting with players. I respond to everything and probably write way more back than I really should lol. I think I do pretty well at that part already.
This is good. Keep it up! (y)

If the game is not interesting you will not get much attention no matter what you do. :whistle::coffee:
Hard disagree on this. His game has above-average art, and actual free-roam. Lack of exposure is his problem.
It's fine for someone not to like it, I'm not contesting that, but I think more people would play if they knew about it.

Patreon isn't great for what you are doing. It's NICE that you are making completed episodes and games and releasing them, but that means a LONG time between updates, and frequent updates are one of the major things people look for in deciding to support a Patreon.
Take a look at his Patreon page, he updates weekly. If anything, it's too often! It feels cheap and rushed (not saying it is, just that anyone looking at it will probably think so... and would get fatigued after weekly update messages).

I do have to figure out what I want, yeh haha. I like writing stories, but then, I've had a lot of fun putting together the actual sex scenes too. I'd like to try some stuff that's more about the smut rather than the story as well. Little scenario sort of stuff. They might be stuff I could get out fast on the side to help build a following as well!
Do what you want to do, regardless of the market. You'll hate yourself otherwise. Chasing trends and trying to max out your income will lead to burnout if you're not working on a project you enjoy. And keep in mind everyone's bias is subjective, and all the comments in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt... my own included.

Having said all that, you just have to be persistent.

Keep going, I'm rooting for you! :cool:(y)

P.S. Followed you on Twitter, new art looks great.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Hard disagree on this. His game has above-average art, and actual free-roam. Lack of exposure is his problem.
It's fine for someone not to like it, I'm not contesting that, but I think more people would play if they knew about it.
Roam or not, didn't look all that interesting to me, probably because i prefer more serious story.
Not a big fan of comedy games.
The game is also on steam and on f95, i doubt you can expose it more than that. :whistle::coffee:

Everyone in this thread is sugarcoating the situation for you, so I'm going to be blunt: you made the fatal mistake of including gameplay into your porn game. Now I'm not one to throw stones in glass houses because the game I'm working on does the same thing, but you have to understand that most people who play erotic games don't want anything outside the most simple game loop in between their sex scenes. It's why they play these games in the first place.
Now that's funny, i don't know about others but fun gameplay is one of the top things i am looking for in any game, porn or no porn.

It's getting harder and harder to get attention from 'generic' players as time goes by, nevermind actual monetary support
Precisely because most games fail at doing many things right and people are gettin' tired of it.
They especially gettin' tired of paying for it, and i can't blame 'em.
Gameplay, combat, story, and often even porn all end up terrible in far too many games, old and new alike, also porn is supposed to act as an enhancer to the game not the primary thing that carries it. :whistle::coffee:

Games that came out in 2016/17/18 wouldn't even be looked at today, let alone played by most of the community.
Nonsense, people look even at 200X stuff.

People have become extremely picky, and we as devs can't even blame them since there's so much content out there for players to consume (much of it free).
Not only that but also the fact that it's difficult to find something that is truly worth your time, at least for gaming veterans.
We do value our time after all, well, at least i certainly do.

There's a reason VNs are the go-to choice for most people looking to rub one out quickly
To begin with, i wager a lot of people look for more than just to "rub one out quickly" in their games.
Often the problem is that "rubbing one out quickly" is all that the game can offer to you, which, once the afterglow kicks-in, is neither here nor there. Can't be jacking off constantly you see? So if there is nothing but porn in your game, you're screwed, because now that the player is done with his horny part, there is nothing for him to do anymore.

Anything that gets in between players and their porn better be damned good and unique... and even then, most of them will ignore it.
I don't think that's entirely true.
Damn good for gaming veterans like me perhaps, but the fresher gamer stock is usually happy with pretty much anything, because to them everything is new. :whistle::coffee:
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Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Now that's funny, i don't know about others but fun gameplay is one of the top things i am looking for in any game, porn or no porn.
Well, personal preferences aside, that puts you in the minority then. Most players prefer VNs. I'm with you on the gameplay front (else I wouldn't be working on an RPG of all things), but the majority of people want simple or nonexistant gameloops, with as much porn as possible.

Nonsense, people look even at 200X stuff.
Yes, because it's popular and known. Wouldn't be the case if most of those games were released today.

To begin with, i wager a lot of people look for more than just to "rub one out quickly" in their games.
Often the problem is that "rubbing one out quickly" is all that the game can offer to you, which, once the afterglow kicks-in, is neither here nor there.
You're missing my point, tho: have a read through the threads in the general section of the forum here, the vast majority of players aren't interested in navigating game loops to get to porn. In fact, in their minds the porn is the prize and the gameplay content (no matter how well made) is the obstacle to get through. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it's objective fact that most ero-game players prefer simple games (which in most cases aren't even games, but more like interactive comic books).


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
You're missing my point, tho: have a read through the threads in the general section of the forum here, the vast majority of players aren't interested in navigating game loops to get to porn.
What makes you think that those guys are the "vast majority?"
Pretty sure that if those "loops" or whatever are actually fun, nobody will mind them.
It's like those guys i see on nhentai sometimes who say: "came for the porn, stayed for the story."
Meaning that if you manage to make things interesting enough, nobody will even care about the porn. :whistle::coffee:

In fact, in their minds the porn is the prize and the gameplay content (no matter how well made) is the obstacle to get through. And there's nothing wrong with that,
I think everything is wrong with that lmao, if porn is all you want why the fuck do you even game?
Go to a porn site like nhentai and jack off there all day, no gameplay or anything to get in your way! :ROFLMAO::coffee:

but it's objective fact that most ero-game players prefer simple games (which in most cases aren't even games, but more like interactive comic books).
Again where did you get that "most" part?
Have you seen some stats or something?
Bruh you kinda pulling this outa your ass, no offense. :whistle::coffee:

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Most players prefer VNs.
There is no lack of people looking for more complex adult games with several gameplay mechanics, it depends who you are trying to appeal towards.

Don't forget that the majority of people playing games aren't posting comments and giving opinions online in the first place, if you check almost any game the number of download is massively higher than the number of people writing comments.

I wouldn't try to create any majority/minority opinion based on the 1% of players that post here, majority of which just shows up to complain.
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Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
What makes you think that those guys are the "vast majority?"
Pretty sure that if those "loops" or whatever are actually fun, nobody will mind them.
They could be the loud minority, but I doubt it. Look at the most popular games here on F95 - they're usually simple VNs or pseudo-VNs with 'sandbox' mode (which has nothing to do with sandbox gameplay and is just a linkage between various rooms or areas you can navigate in the game).

I think everything is wrong with that lmao, if porn is all you want why the fuck do you even game?
It's just personal preference. Some (most?) people aren't interested in gameplay during their porn. They just want a light, breezy, interactive comic book. Can't fault 'em for it. Personally I think sports games like NBA or FIFA are boring as hell, but I have friends who rabidly follow and buy every new iteration, and play nothing else. It all comes down to personal preference in the end.

Don't forget that the majority of people playing games aren't posting comments and giving opinions online in the first place, if you check almost any game the number of download is massively higher than the number of people writing comments.
True, but the most popular games (like for example 'What a Legend') are all very simple, mechanics-wise. Most are pure VNs, some are pseudo-VNs with an extra mechanical layer on the side (which tends to be very simple), and none of them have anywhere near the complexity of your average RPG or RTS or whatever other genre you want to compare them with. When's the last time you played an FPS with adult content here on F95? Or a space-exploration sim? Or hell, something like Civilization or Alpha Centauri? It's either VNs or card/puzzle games, which just reinforces my point.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Personally I think sports games like NBA or FIFA are boring as hell, but I have friends who rabidly follow and buy every new iteration, and play nothing else.
Well, we can at least agree on this. :ROFLMAO::coffee:
Also you really shouldn't be expecting too much complexity from games made by indie devs, it's not like everybody can be old Bioware. Personally, i think they need time and.. experience.