Been here for over 5 years, the guys being top tier supporters (including myself) and link providers are all usually 30+ (Several top suppliers of links are 60+ and support 15-20 games @ $10-$50 a month). My username has not always been what it is now and I'm not just making assumptions out my ass. I generally patron about 9 games at a time at mid to top tier levels ($10-$20 a month). I like being a no-one these days, doesn't mean that I wasn't a someone at one time, or privy to insider information... How many 18 y/o that look like they're 15 do you think, shell out $100 a month to fund porn games? No, they are working p/t jobs at gas stations, 20 somethings are in uni partying or clubbing chasing tail. It is the older guys, whose life has gone stagnant, married, 2 daughters that left the roost and are missed, own our house, are vehicles and don't go to Black Friday sales cause we already own all that shit...