Hello guys, i've downloaded alot of Female cards and as i'm going through and opening up the girls to FIX them(because the way the come into my game, uhhh their bodies are not good so i have reshape them) ,i've noticed there are some where the character's texture is fine but just that spot around the private part, it makes it look like her entire genital area is burned, cause it looks black, and no it's not pubic hair. For one thing it doesn't look like pubic hair, and i always make sure to turn off pubic hair. . it's like black burned. I can't seem to find how to fix it or what because when i open the original Main Texture or Detail main Texture as a PNG fiel( After i go to the Material Editor for the Body in the Bodysection/Overall, then press the Body Material button and then export the Main Texture and Detail Main Texture) i check those two out and they're in their PNG form
a)The main texture just looks like a balck background with nothing in it, but this one that looks like it has a charred/burned genital includes the genital in the black background image .It's just the little genital image surrounded by a large amount of black background or it might be white just that it's PNG and it's transparent so it looks black, or it might be a special kind of image that actually has a body texture but it doesnt show it using the simple GIMP, you might need some special program to see the skin b)The detail main texture is just like a few shapes of black and also the genital image piece is included.
But when i compared those a and b above from a character that has a burned/charred genital area and one that doesn't, i don't see much of a difference except for the fact that the one with the charred/burned genital, the main texture includes the genital in the Main texture and is surrounded by a big black transparent or black color.
By the way, where does the character get it's texture from I've always wondered..... , i don't see any texture in the Main Texture or the Detail Main texture depicting the limbs or body with texture, so where is it getting it from?
PS i will include 4 pictures to see if someone could help me solve this problem.
First two are: WorkingDetailMainTexturePICTURE and WorkingMainTexturePICTURE, they belong to the
character who does not have a burned/charred genital area.
Next two pictures are: BurnedGenitalDetailMainTexturePICTURE, and BurnedGenitalMainTexturePICTURE, they
belong to the character who has a sadly annoying burned/charred genital area.
Thanks for reading, please help