This requires tweaking the mod used for the pantyhose. First, find the mod for the item in question, in this case [dw] dw lenggings01 v1.2.0.zipmod. Zipmods are simply uncompressed zip files - dump the zipmod file (I make a copy and just change the extension to zip) so we can find the files we need. To change the category from pantyhose to bottom, we need to edit the extracted file abdata\list\characustom\dw_leggings01.csv. The top line in the file is the category number. Pantyhose is category 245, change it to 241 for Bottom. Double check that the data in the 4th line and below has the same number of columns as other bottoms - different categories can have different data lists (these are the same).
Now in the top level of the dumped file tree, we need to edit manifest.xml - the <guid> field needs to be unique. In this case I just changed dw.lenggings01 to dw.lenggings01_as_bottoms. Now zip up these files without using any compression, the top level of the new zipfile should show the abdata directory and manifest.xml file. Change the extension to zipmod, and throw it in mods/MyMods.
The tweaked zipmod is attached. Note that I had to upload as a zip, the site won't allow uploads with file type .zipmod (lame). So if you want DW's leggings to also show up as Bottoms grab the attached file, change the extension back to .zipmod, and move into mods/MyMods. Mr-Fox used [DW]Leggings02, so look for those under Bottom. You'll need to add Mr-Fox's nicely done texture edits back too, you can grab them from his original work using material editor (you need main tex and detail main tex).
Note that if you share any characters or coordinates using the legging bottoms, you'll need to share that zipmod too for the bottoms to appear.