Tutorial [ILLUSION] HS2 Studio Neo|Chara Maker - (Help & guides Thread)

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Nov 18, 2020
this has been a bug in studio neo since i knew it, it will hide the FK nodes but not the lines. to fix this you will have to manually disable the lines from system>settings>scroll down to "character FK settings" and disable "draw lines" from the bottom of that list. you also have to enable it the same way when you want to work with FK nodes and see the lines connecting the nodes.
Oh I see, thanks!
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Aug 13, 2018
So I got a problem in Stuido NEOV2. When I try to zoom in and out, it goes REALLY REALLY slow. Been trying to find a way to speed up zoom in and out, but no luck. Anyone here knows how to do? Is it even possible? Just so frustrating.

hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
I had experimented with different poses and many other such things. But one thing i want to ask is, sometimes when we select a H-animation such as breast fondling,. When i play the animation, sometimes hands are inside the body or they just wont align with body parts.

how could i fix this? i usually stop the animation and manually fix it by using FK nodes.
if the difference is too great between the two characters in a synced animation, most snap points will break, so most animation will be that way as well. but at the same time, i noticed some h-animationes has bugs like this in studio even if the chars's doesn't have extreme proportions. ex. the wooden horse animation. it can be fixed by simply moving the whole character's position if the error is a whole body displacement, but if this happned on a certain part of the body only. the only way to fix those animations is to edit the FK node and attach it to the other char using node constraints method i described here in this guide (which is an unpleasant way). but in your case none of this matters since you only looking for a still pose, so keep doing what you are doing by fixing the pose manually.

So I got a problem in Stuido NEOV2. When I try to zoom in and out, it goes REALLY REALLY slow. Been trying to find a way to speed up zoom in and out, but no luck. Anyone here knows how to do? Is it even possible? Just so frustrating.
it must be the camera options in studio, you can edit them doing this:

to change the speed of the camera, go to "system>settings" you can change the X/Y speed sliders changes the rotation speed for both keyboard and mouse. the camera movement speed controls how the camera tracks in and out using mouse i think? not sure but i prefer leaving it low at 1.00.

while the max allowed bu the studio is 4, you can override it by exiting the studio and go to "game folder/userdata/studio" and open the "option.xml" file and edit the speed values as desired.



Jun 29, 2017
Hey guys. So I tried launching Studio for the first time, but the app gets stuck on the loading screen with the console showing an error code. I was wondering if anyone perhaps know what it is and how to fix it or point me in the direction to look for a fix. Below is the error code:

[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
Studio.Info.LoadItemColorData (System.String _bundlePath, System.String _file) (at <44be1a251dd144ca9a0bd7065ba377a1>:0)
Studio.Info+<LoadExcelDataCoroutine>d__58.MoveNext () (at <44be1a251dd144ca9a0bd7065ba377a1>:0)
IllusionFixes.StudioOptimizations.RunCoroutineImmediately (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator) (at <d4fa5663009644c6a4b92d005742216a>:0)
IllusionFixes.StudioOptimizations+<FastLoadCoroutine>d__8.MoveNext () (at <d4fa5663009644c6a4b92d005742216a>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <a43c47796b1b4dc78509dc74aec2356b>:0)
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New Member
Jun 20, 2019
One question how do i edit for example girls head position to use along with animation, since i need to activate one of the kinematic options (ik or fk) to edit it, like you said in the tutorial the animation wont work with the kinematics in active do i need to use something in node constraints?

hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Hey guys. So I tried launching Studio for the first time, but the app gets stuck on the loading screen with the console showing an error code. I was wondering if anyone perhaps know what it is and how to fix it or point me in the direction to look for a fix. Below is the error code:

[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
Studio.Info.LoadItemColorData (System.String _bundlePath, System.String _file) (at <44be1a251dd144ca9a0bd7065ba377a1>:0)
Studio.Info+<LoadExcelDataCoroutine>d__58.MoveNext () (at <44be1a251dd144ca9a0bd7065ba377a1>:0)
IllusionFixes.StudioOptimizations.RunCoroutineImmediately (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator) (at <d4fa5663009644c6a4b92d005742216a>:0)
IllusionFixes.StudioOptimizations+<FastLoadCoroutine>d__8.MoveNext () (at <d4fa5663009644c6a4b92d005742216a>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <a43c47796b1b4dc78509dc74aec2356b>:0)
does the main game work or does it have the same error? can you try running the studio from "InitSetting.exe" first? did you by anychance moved files from the "StudioNEOV2_Data" folder? also are you sure you have write permissions over the game folder? make sure it is not located in a system directory but keep the path simple ex. "E:/HS2".

One question how do i edit for example girls head position to use along with animation, since i need to activate one of the kinematic options (ik or fk) to edit it, like you said in the tutorial the animation wont work with the kinematics in active do i need to use something in node constraints?
if what you are asking is how to adjust the head/neck while a studio animation is playing, then you can simply select the chara from working place, then go to "anim>kinematics>neck" and set it to "follow", then move the camera to where it should be looking, and then set the neck to "fixed". but if the angle is not achievable by that method, then go to "FK&IK" or "IK" and click on "refer to animation" and activate it, then uncheck all body parts but the "neck". this way the body animation will still be playing but the neck will be adjustable as pleased.


Jun 29, 2017
I have Hs2 with R5 updated and it does work for me fine. I have not mess with any file beside in the Studio folder. The only thing I can think of that could change anything there is updating from R3 to R5. I put all the file all in "C:\2020.12.22 - R3"

So I reinstall HS2 and Studio works! Thanks for looking into this!
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New Member
Jun 20, 2019
does the main game work or does it have the same error? can you try running the studio from "InitSetting.exe" first? did you by anychance moved files from the "StudioNEOV2_Data" folder? also are you sure you have write permissions over the game folder? make sure it is not located in a system directory but keep the path simple ex. "E:/HS2".

if what you are asking is how to adjust the head/neck while a studio animation is playing, then you can simply select the chara from working place, then go to "anim>kinematics>neck" and set it to "follow", then move the camera to where it should be looking, and then set the neck to "fixed". but if the angle is not achievable by that method, then go to "FK&IK" or "IK" and click on "refer to animation" and activate it, then uncheck all body parts but the "neck". this way the body animation will still be playing but the neck will be adjustable as pleased.
View attachment 961915
damn it was that easy? xD big thanks man, one last question is there a way to move girls eyes in the specific direction like eye tracker or something?
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
damn it was that easy? xD big thanks man, one last question is there a way to move girls eyes in the specific direction like eye tracker or something?
yes you can use the same set to follow/fixed method for gaze. you also can use gimmicks for both neck and gaze, go to "add>item>scroll down for hooh A>hooh gimmicks" or press (control+space) to open the item search and look for "hijack look" gimmick, you have to parent it to the character "glasses" component and it will always make that character looking that way, but since it will also move with the parent character, you will need to attach it to a different object using the "node constraints" plugin. it is a little bit more advanced but if you wish to try it this is how:

[Guide] how to use hooh's "Hijack look & neck" gimmicks (Beginner)
load the look hijack item and then expand the character components at the "work space" on the right, then expand the "face" components and click once on "glasses"m it will turn green, then click on the "look hijack" item while holding (control) on your keyboard, then click on "parent" at the bottom of the menu, this is how to parent two objects via the work space. just note that the item you click on first will act as a parent to all other items you select while holding control later on. if you wish to un-parent an item/s select by clicking on them on work space and then click on "release".

you will notice that the "glasses" component now contains the hijack item and it should look like this:

next, select the root component of the character on the top and go to anim>kinematics>gaze and set to follow, now wherever you move that blue hijack, the char's gaze should follow, but moving the character, or tilting the head/neck will also move that hijack ball along (which is not what you are looking for) so since the hijack is a separated studio item (unlike the "adjust" gaze function) you will be able attach that blue ball to other objects/characters using another method like the node constrains plugin.

next load another object or character of your liking and lets attach the look hijack ball to it, i will use a simple object like a cube just to keep this example simple.

while that cube is selected from work space, press (CONTROL+N) to load the node constraints plugin, then click on "IK" tab on the plugin menu and highlight the root node by clicking on it and click on "set as parent". a green small circle should appear on the object.

then select the look hijack from the work space, move it close to the cube we added, then select it's IK root node from the plugin menu and click on "set as a child". you should see a small red circle. then, check the "posistion" and "rotation" attachment properties from the top and click on "use current" for each. when done, click on "add new" below, now the blue hijack ball is attached to the cube. you should notice a purple line connecting both the green and red circles when clicking on the attachment from the middle box.

now you can select the cube and move it around and test the character's gaze, then tilt/rotate the character's head and nick, it should keep following that cube no mater what direct the neck is at, because the hijack ball is allso attached to it and won't move along. this will allow you to pose the neck and gaze separately. it will help you creating a fixed point where the character's gaze focusing on no matter where they are located or moved to.

you also can do the same with the "hijack neck" gimmick, but instead parenting to the glasses component, you will have to use the "neck" sub component.

you also can attach it to the same cube item or another one to gain more control over both neck and gaze rotation as pleased.

i find those useful when you want to make the character keep looking or facing another fixed object or character during an animation, other gimmicks can be used with the same technique to point them toward fix location as well.

if you like to read more about nod constraints plugin, please refer to this guide here.
-guide by: hun hunter
-nodeconstraints plugin by:
-hijack gimmicks by:
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Mar 8, 2020
Hi, I come back with a few more questions, and I'm wondering if you can help me.

So I was trying to figure out how do camera .vmd files work in studio neo v2, and came across a question, which is the starting location (or in other words the "focus centre" where the character is meant to be), can't seem to be changed. Moving my camera around or saving a certain camera position doesn't work either, nor placing a camera- that just causes the camera not being able to move at all.

So I'm just thinking, is there any ways which I can relocate the global height of a map excluding the characters and the camera, or altering the "focus centre" of a camera motion?

Thanks in advance!

hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Hi, I come back with a few more questions, and I'm wondering if you can help me.

So I was trying to figure out how do camera .vmd files work in studio neo v2, and came across a question, which is the starting location (or in other words the "focus centre" where the character is meant to be), can't seem to be changed. Moving my camera around or saving a certain camera position doesn't work either, nor placing a camera- that just causes the camera not being able to move at all.

So I'm just thinking, is there any ways which I can relocate the global height of a map excluding the characters and the camera, or altering the "focus centre" of a camera motion?

Thanks in advance!
when you load the plugin, go to the camera tab and there should be 4 or 5 sliders at the bottom to pan the camera on XYZ axis, there is also one for zooming i think, just note that the sliders maximum limit can be exceeded by entering a higher value in the field manually ex.50+-. sorry i will not be able to show screenshots as i am away currently. als, you cant change or move the camera if a mmd camera has been loaded and the animation is playing, it will disable the native camera movement as it will use it for the mmd camera instead.

try this for now and let me know if you have the desired result, i may be able to look in to the camera items later when i can and get back to you on this.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
Great tutorials and many thanks for taking the time to answer questions so thoroughly, I've learnt a lot and am having fun as a nooby in Studio v2. At the moment there are two things I seem perpetually stuck on and wondered if you could offer any advice please:

First is just some technical thing. No matter what I do, I don't have a the Hooah items in my Studio. I can't figure it out. I'm using the latest BR for DX (3.1, although I had the same issue with v3). I put the HS2_Hooah.dll in my BepinEx/Plugins and I put the actual zipmod in my mods folder, as per instructions. I also checked the KK_Manager utility to make sure they were both present and ticked, which they are. But no Hooah item options appear for me, no Scripted Dicks or anything else, just no Hooah folder. I've searched the item menu numerous times to check. Just wondered if you could think of any thing that might stop it working correctly?

Secondly, an animation I'm trying to figure out. I have a girl kneeling up and I want to animate her kneeling down....and then up again...and then....yeah you get it. So I've been playing with all manner of things to try and make this happen. A piston attached to her hips with NodeConstraints was pretty hot but she would not bend her knees. So then I tried a rotator for her knees but she just moved her leg from the knee down, whereas I want her to keep her lower leg still, on the bed, while she lowers herself down into a full kneeling position. It's hard to explain in text but hopefully you get it. I've tried attaching objects via NC to her feet and putting those at the top of the NC hierarchy to try and keep her feet in place and force her to move from above the knee, but it had no effect. Also tried rotators on her waist and pistons to pull her thigh bones down but just cannot figure out how to use the inherent bone hierarchy to my advantage to get the effect I would like. Any clues would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Picture attached which will hopefully make my explanation a little clearer
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2016
just no Hooah folder.
Hooah might be the plugin but hooh is the modder.
Secondly, an animation I'm trying to figure out. I have a girl kneeling up and I want to animate her kneeling down....and then up again
You would need something like Timeline mod and keyframes for that, it's too complicated with just gimmicks.
Although the game might have a sitting animation you could try to repurpose.
VNGE might also have some options.
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Deleted member 263149

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I'm trying to start making some animated H-Scenes in Studio Neo. I plan on following your apple-fucking guide :) to accomplish this, but every time I try to install Hooh's scripted dick plug-in, it does not appear in studio. I placed the scripted dick zipmod in the game root/mods folder and ensured the HS2_Hooah.dll was installed in the game root/BepInEx/Plugins folder. I restarted the studio and game but still I cannot see the plug in, nor the option to add one of those dicks.

Am I doing something wrong? I have the modded-HS2 game from this site and downloaded it a couple of months ago.

Appreciate the help!
  • Haha
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hun hunter

Dec 30, 2018
Great tutorials and many thanks for taking the time to answer questions so thoroughly, I've learnt a lot and am having fun as a nooby in Studio v2. At the moment there are two things I seem perpetually stuck on and wondered if you could offer any advice please:

First is just some technical thing. No matter what I do, I don't have a the Hooah items in my Studio. I can't figure it out. I'm using the latest BR for DX (3.1, although I had the same issue with v3). I put the HS2_Hooah.dll in my BepinEx/Plugins and I put the actual zipmod in my mods folder, as per instructions. I also checked the KK_Manager utility to make sure they were both present and ticked, which they are. But no Hooah item options appear for me, no Scripted Dicks or anything else, just no Hooah folder. I've searched the item menu numerous times to check. Just wondered if you could think of any thing that might stop it working correctly?

Secondly, an animation I'm trying to figure out. I have a girl kneeling up and I want to animate her kneeling down....and then up again...and then....yeah you get it. So I've been playing with all manner of things to try and make this happen. A piston attached to her hips with NodeConstraints was pretty hot but she would not bend her knees. So then I tried a rotator for her knees but she just moved her leg from the knee down, whereas I want her to keep her lower leg still, on the bed, while she lowers herself down into a full kneeling position. It's hard to explain in text but hopefully you get it. I've tried attaching objects via NC to her feet and putting those at the top of the NC hierarchy to try and keep her feet in place and force her to move from above the knee, but it had no effect. Also tried rotators on her waist and pistons to pull her thigh bones down but just cannot figure out how to use the inherent bone hierarchy to my advantage to get the effect I would like. Any clues would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Picture attached which will hopefully make my explanation a little clearer
View attachment 989127
I'm trying to start making some animated H-Scenes in Studio Neo. I plan on following your apple-fucking guide :) to accomplish this, but every time I try to install Hooh's scripted dick plug-in, it does not appear in studio. I placed the scripted dick zipmod in the game root/mods folder and ensured the HS2_Hooah.dll was installed in the game root/BepInEx/Plugins folder. I restarted the studio and game but still I cannot see the plug in, nor the option to add one of those dicks.

Am I doing something wrong? I have the modded-HS2 game from this site and downloaded it a couple of months ago.

Appreciate the help!
thank you for your kind words, and sorry for the late reply. i was away for a while.

about hooh's items, if you both have the latest hooh dll installed and you made sure that it is available and activated via kkmanager there shouldn't be a problem, my best gess is that there is maybe a conflict of some sort, like duplicated mods or another plugin/mod is conflicting with IDs, maybe something to do with the dx R2 and 3 as well, honestly i am still on dx R1 still and havnt tried the latest yet. i know it would be obvious but please check the following:
-activate the console from InitSetting.exe or check the log file in your game root folder and see if any of hooh's items are mentioned in an error or a warning line.
-make sure that the kkmanager is looking at the correct "mods" and "BepInEx" folders of the game you are using. sometimes if you move/copy the game folder somewhere else the kkmanager will keep on scanning the original game folder that you copied it from. just in case, open it and go to "tools>change installed game directory" and make sure it is correct.
-hooh also updated his scripted dick items and made some changes lately, this can be on the modder's side but i think it will be fixed soon enough if that is the case. details:

about the kneeling motion:
just as DuniX said and you personally experienced, moving an IK or an FK bone node via a gimmick will follow whatever movement rules the node has and move it accordingly, and as you see its very unpleasant to use this method for this. vnge or timeline (if it is already out) is needed for the job, where you can make key frames of the motion poses and have it animated the way you like. but, since i have not made a NVGE tutorial yet, i may give you a few ideas to perform that using pistons and NC:

first lets say with the "kneeling up pose", create a new object like a cube (anything will do) then place it under the bed or whereever, re-select your character from workspace and activate the FK&IK mode, open NC and attach both feet ik nodes and knees to the cube's root IK node (attach position and rotation attributes for all four nodes with the cube's). now spawn a piston and attach the chara's waist ik node to the piston's target FK node (the part that moves up and down), make sure that the attachment "position" attribute is linked to the attachment. this should move the hip which will eventually drag the character's upper body along and leave both feet and knees nodes fixed to the cube, but i think you will still have to work on the hand/wrist nodes as they may not move with the waist/hip node, so attach both hand nodes to thighs if you think it is more suitable to what you have in mind.

something around this may work with you but it is allot better and easier to do it by VNGE really. i will try my best to make a guide about how to make custom animations asap. please keep following this thread, i will also tag you as well. check the vnge's clip manager for more details.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
Thanks for the explanation. I will be keeping an eye on the thread for sure.


I'm trying to start making some animated H-Scenes in Studio Neo. I plan on following your apple-fucking guide :) to accomplish this, but every time I try to install Hooh's scripted dick plug-in, it does not appear in studio. I placed the scripted dick zipmod in the game root/mods folder and ensured the HS2_Hooah.dll was installed in the game root/BepInEx/Plugins folder. I restarted the studio and game but still I cannot see the plug in, nor the option to add one of those dicks.

Am I doing something wrong? I have the modded-HS2 game from this site and downloaded it a couple of months ago.

Appreciate the help!
NebulaX (and anyone else having this issue), I figured it out. I downloaded ScriptedDicks from Hooh's most recent update...HOWEVER....in that more recent post, he doesn't mention that there's another zipmod that you need. Go to the original ScriptedDicks post and down in the 'Download' section, look for the line that says, " Don't forget to download the studio category reserve! ". Click the Mega link under that and put the zipmod in you mods folder. Then the items show up in the list.
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Deleted member 263149

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for the explanation. I will be keeping an eye on the thread for sure.


NebulaX (and anyone else having this issue), I figured it out. I downloaded ScriptedDicks from Hooh's most recent update...HOWEVER....in that more recent post, he doesn't mention that there's another zipmod that you need. Go to the original ScriptedDicks post and down in the 'Download' section, look for the line that says, " Don't forget to download the studio category reserve! ". Click the Mega link under that and put the zipmod in you mods folder. Then the items show up in the list.
Well damn it, you son of a gun. You are 100% correct. No idea how I missed that part of the mod download. Well that would've made my life a whole lot easier. Thank you for this!!


Sep 4, 2018
Is it possible to dress Male in female clothes. I say this because I want to use the female armour accessories for men.
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