Well good fucking question...not to my knowledge, no, not easily, but here's a painstaking method of doing it, if you REALLY want to do it.
This will transfer ALL properties included in clip manager (IK, FK, position, blend shapes, clothing states, cummies and whatever the fuck else)
You will need VNGE which is available somewhere in the extra plugins / sideloader stuff within the betterrepack game files...but I don't know where.
- go into VNGE -> clip manager -> create a clip (version 1 or 2 doesn't matter, I know this works with version 2 for sure though)
- add the object to the clip to be animated
- give the object a recognisable id when you add it
- if you fuck up giving it a proper it, delete the prop that was added to the objects hierarchy in the workspace, delete the object from the clip (select it -> delete) then re-add it
- when you have a state of the object that you want to transfer, select the object in the clip manager UI and click "register" in the bottom left
- this should register a keyframe that essentialy stores a bunch of shit. You can check the respective shit by opening up the object dropdown in the animation UI
- move the seeker of the clip (top of the UI) away from the initial keyframe you just registered earlier
- change something about the object (literaly anything, like it's Y position)
- click register again
- go into settings (bottom right) -> export to file -> put it somewhere you can find it
- delete the original object from the clip completely
- delete the id prop of the original object in the workspace
- add the other object to the clip WITH THE SAME ID
- delete the entire clip again, you just needed to assign the id
- go to create a clip -> import from file -> find the file you just created -> import it
- move the clip seek bar until the object's state is changed to what you want it. You should have the two keyframes there, one of them only being necessary because the clip wouldn't do anything with just one keyframe
- ???
- profit
How and why do I even know this? Pain. Pain is fucking why. Pain while animating lol