Tutorial [ILLUSION] HS2 Studio Neo|Chara Maker - (Help & guides Thread)

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes
Aug 14, 2018
Hi, I've been following this thread for quite some time and it did help do some my own scenes. But i have a problem with installing mods through HiR.
So I have downloaded HiR and HiRNeo,(I have Ai Shoujo R9 btw) but when I'm trying to start HiR [error]Hir 1.1.1 required honey select update 2016/09/30(honey_03_plus0930i_sub) pops up. So does that mean I need to download Honey select 2 ? Also when I'm trying to start HiRNeo, it is saying "Itemlist_00_00.monobehaviour" not found.
And I know that someone has already asked about this on this thread but it was left unanswered.
So yeah it would be nice if someone could help becouse I have found some interesting mods that I want.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
If scenes start crashing, it might be due to a recent mod / plugin you installed.

Want to "rollback" a plugin to see if the plugin is the culprit?

Go into KKManager, into its "Plugin" tab, find the suspect(s) or just the new additions and click "Disable" button to "rollback" to a resemblance of how your studio was running prior to the update.


Oct 16, 2020
¿Does anybody know where can I download monplane plugin other than discord site (wich I do not trust too much)?
Thank you


Oct 16, 2020
The latest repack has monplane included. I got mine there.
It's strange... I have the last repack, but I can't find monplane anywhere. I think it must be in a folder called "[Rocky]" inside of Sideloader Modpack, but there is no such folder in my installation (and no reference for monplane elsewhere). I tried to update via KK, but it doesn't appear there also when it compares against my mod folders, so what? That's why I ask for the possibility to download it independently.
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Lazy mind controller
Game Developer
Oct 31, 2017
Oh, well... I thought "Gifplane" and "Monplane were separated things, now I have found it quickly...
You are of great help, as usual. Thank you very much.
Just out of curiosity, what does that plugin is useful for?


Mar 29, 2019
guys i need help does StudioNeoV2 have a performance option or something like that because ... lately when i try to load scenes it takes a lot of time to load and sometimes my pc just freeze... and in the scene i get like 20 or 15 fps ... i dont think that is the graphics card because i see other persons that have the same problem as me and they have a 3070... i already tried to erase some extra things in the scenes but this not fix the problem... and lately i noticed that HS2 consumes like 12GB ram or more sometimes it takes like 14GB ram... and im loading the game with the performance option in "iniSettings".... so dont know what is going on :(


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
guys i need help does StudioNeoV2 have a performance option or something like that because ... lately when i try to load scenes it takes a lot of time to load and sometimes my pc just freeze... and in the scene i get like 20 or 15 fps ... i dont think that is the graphics card because i see other persons that have the same problem as me and they have a 3070... i already tried to erase some extra things in the scenes but this not fix the problem... and lately i noticed that HS2 consumes like 12GB ram or more sometimes it takes like 14GB ram... and im loading the game with the performance option in "iniSettings".... so dont know what is going on :(

I have noticed that when I leave studio on for long periods of time, or have both Studio and HoneySelect2 open at the same time, it starts to bog down and things take longer than they should. This could be because I am loading both programs from the same SSD or because neither program clears ram cache appropriately.

Have you been loading the programs fresh?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
A quick comment on Studio Neo's light system.

You can divide lightning for a scene into following categories: ambient light, lights-light and volumetric light. Plus, a scene's background.

Let's turn absolutely everything off, and change background to black. This is an image we get:



This setting makes it feel like the scene has light, but it is only an illusion. Mostly used for fast screenshots and sketches. Here is the same image from above with a 50% grey background. As you can see turning background up does not light up the image one bit.


Ambient Light

Think the sun. This is the light that is just there.

This works even in the absence of lights. Enabled via settings and affects shadows, midtones, highlights.

Even if you don't have no lights in the scenes, this ambient light will light up your scene. Again, think the sun:


Easy way to think about "shadows, midzones, highlights" are where these lights are coming from. Shadows - from the ground. Highlights - from above. Midtones - sideways. In the image I marked these red, green, and white respectively and you can see these reflected in the image.


Let's turn background off, ambient off, and enable only lights. This is what lights that we manually add, look like:


Fog Light

Fog adds volume and is meant to hide lack of textures. I know, folks use it as background, but it is really meant to be used for situations requiring gradient:



Oct 16, 2020
Thanks for your clarifications on lightning, I'm learning a lot.

However, there is an issue that, while not strictly light related, makes my life with lightning a lot harder...
I'm talking about lights positioning, that is, I know where I want to put a light, right? But to move that light in a 3D universe could be a real nightmare, I found myself carrying the light from one side to another in the scene and it never is where I want it to be...
Sometimes I fall in desperation and end without any personal lightning at all.
Do you know (or anybody) a way to put the things at a particular point and not to die trying?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
Do you know (or anybody) a way to put the things at a particular point and not to die trying?
Indeed: you use camera object to align your lights. By default camera's position and orientation are the same as your viewport's and this is what we will take advantage of.

In short you set up your viewport as you want the light to shine, then you summon the camera object. Since the camera object has the same attributes as the viewport you will know how your viewport is oriented and would be able to apply these settings to the light. So, once the camera is up, you copy camera object's position and paste them onto a light. This way your light shines exactly the way your viewport was aligned.

Here is step by step, illustrated:

1. Position your viewport as if it was a light. Add a camera:


2. Add a spotlight:


3. This here is what makes it so easy. Align light position to the camera's: use the button "Copy Transform" on camera to copy camera's alignment and then use "Paste Transform" on the light.

Now the light is positioned and oriented just as the camera is. The only step remaining - bump up the light's strength, since its default strength is armlength only.


4. Turn the light up:


5. Enable the checkmark on camera so you know where your light is:



Repeat this as many times as you need lights. While you are learning, there really should be only 4 lights in total plus one key-light per each character. If you go over it, you have either reached proficient level or you are over engineering :)
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Oct 16, 2020
By the way, I found an interesting problem from a scene I downloaded before. As you can see, scene is focused at a short distance and, when you take distance, everything is quickly blurred (I just post an excerpt, modified by me, to illustrate the case, but the thing affect the whole original scene, which has a lot of characters too). I use to face this using the option System -> Screen effect -> Depth of field, but it doesn't work for this one. I tried everything I can think of with no success, so I ask:

- How can the author get this effect?
- And, is there a way to get rid of it?

I hope this fall into the scope of the forum, just a little defying research for the scene lovers... If not, just tell me and I will refrain to post thiins like this. Good luck!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
Navigation tip - changing scene's rotation point (AKA focal point)

To see your rotation point enable the "Cam" icon - a cross cutout in a white circle. When your camera rotates, it rotates around this rotation point/cross.

When you move your camera, the rotation point moves with it. To change the distance without changing the rotation point hold the Right Mouse Button (RMB) and move the mouse left or right for closer or farther respectively.

Here is an illustration:


PS I'll be dropping the scene card for this screenshot to the scenes folder in a few hours.
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