Hi again, I barely realized the timeline checker I posted before was missing critical infrastructure. Heres how to actually make it work
In a txt document, paste this:
Echo off
"C:\Users\YOUR USER HERE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Python 3.10\Python 3.10 (64-bit)" "C:\WHEREVER YOU PUT THE TIMELINE CHECKER SCRIPT"
edit the user location of python if it is somewhere different. Must be the application, not just the folder its stored in. (may be a different location than mine). Edit the location of the script attached to wherever you want, then save as a .bat file (when u hit save as, delete the txt and write .bat instead)
install python 3.10.X, any version of 3.10 should work, but I use the most updated. REQUIRES PIP INSTALL NATSORT TO FUNCTION, which is a command you can run if you install python 3.10 WITH PATHS. If you install 3.10 with paths enabled (a checkmark at the bottom of the installer), then in cmd or python you should just type "pip install natsort" and it will install it.
Once you have done all of this, then you should change the file attached to a .py file, so it should be named "Main.py", and then run it with python 3.10, and it should ask for your scene folder you wish to scan, and then ask for a destination folder where it will put Timeline scenes. (Note, scenes left in original folder may contain timeline scenes still depending on wonkiness, but 99% of the timeline scenes will be put in destination folder.
(Works in windows 10, maybe windows 11, probably doesn't work in Linux, idk, havn't tried)
All credits for the script and functioning timeline checker go to Shallty on discord, hes a legend.
Thanks also to those in the community who share scenes and cards even when it doesn't benefit them.