The joke is the west where you have to specify that even for 3d renders, while in China you have entire categories for non-consent stuff
I'm confused by your statement of,
" have to specify that even for 3d renders...".
I'm unaware of any law requiring any
labels or
disclaimers for 3D renders (or any other art), unless required by private entities that may have policies in place; the only exception being truly illegal material such as lewd depictions of underage characters. in which case the policies for those private entities would have to adhere to the laws of the country in which they do business.
Regarding the need for labels (tags as we call them here and on other sites), or disclaimers you are dealing with policies set forth by the above mentioned private entities. For example, if I were to create a visual novel and did not include the label (tag) "rape" in the description, and my VN actually includes obvious scenes of rape, I have not broken any law - at least not any of which I am aware. I may have, however, violated the terms of an agreement with a publisher, host, other private entity that has a policy requiring those labels (tags) or disclaimers.
My experience has been that the typical VN developer utilizes the typical disclaimers you see for television or movies and even then, as you state,
" have entire categories for non-consent stuff". As with all VN/games and even with television and movies, the disclaimer is a means to notify the potential viewer before they opt to play/watch, that there may be material or depictions of events that they might not like so they can avoid it altogether, and then they don't have a real reason to complain when they make a conscious choice to view it anyway.
In the case of Immoral Stories, it is painfully obvious that there is coercion at the absolute least and potentially
non-consensual acts being performed by the characters. I would say the disclaimer is incorrect, misleading, and unnecessary considering the obvious nature of the content and the fact that there is a tag clearly stating there is "rape" and "blackmail" included as part of the story.