I love this game. Granted, I don't like the parts where you have to fuck a guy or have him fuck you, and sometimes there is no option to transform the guy into a girl before you do it.
I am having some issues with parts of the game.
1. In the Police Precinct, I've corrupted everybody and got the Police Chief under your control. However, the Notes tell me the Police Chief is corrupted, but all the other ones are not. Its funny, because to get to the Police Chief you have to corrupt everybody else. So, something is wrong here and I'm also getting an image error for Vikki and Adam.
2. When I go to the University, I've corrupted everybody there, but it still gives me the option "Corrupt the University" and it just keeps giving me the same pictures and text every time I click on it.
3. When I go to the CIty Center, there are two issues here.
a. In the Town Hall, it shows the picture of the Mayor, but I have no options to talk to her or follow her or flirt with here or whatever. She is supposed to be one of the main people you are supposed to corrupt, so, there should be an option to start the corruption of her.
b. In the Nightclub, you are supposed to gain entry into the VIP area. You have two options of corrupting a girl to get the VIP card. First is Luna, which is just a girl from the dance floor and the second is Ela, a bartender. When I click on the link for Luna, is says I should start with Ela. So, I click on her. First option gets me kick out of the bar and banned for life. The second gets me her phone #, but what do you do after that? I don't seem to have access to my phone on the left side or anywhere else, except for when you wake up every morning and get a call from the Chief saying your two sisters were arrested for public nudity or something like that (by the way, as I said, it happens every single morning/day and even after visiting and getting them released, it keeps happening ((a bug??))).
4. Last but not least is the Outskirts. You have the option of visiting the Mansion, but not until you can get invited. You can spy on several girls, but gives you no options about them. Doesn't even give you an option to follow them. (For some reason your character doesn't have a car but has to rely on others to drive him around, which is kind of dumb since he is driven to a place and left there).
Minor things: There seems to be two girls named Olivia, one in your neighborhood and one in the Mansion. This might confuse some people into thinking they are the same person and keep wondering why, after corrupting the one in your neighborhood that you can't get her to take you to the mansion. You have the option to give gifts to the girls you are trying to corrupt, but where do you get the gifts from? Is there going to be corruption paths for the girls in the mall? If not, maybe you should remove the links to them. Also, same for the people in the Church, Medical Centre and Five-and-Dime. And when you are in Neighborhood, at the time is says "Neighborhood and Police Precinct are the only places with content right now." That is incorrect, as there is a lot of content in the Gym.