Paying for professional translations is pretty expensive as the Japanese generally are worse at translating to English than machine translations are and even less proficient at speaking it.
There's a reason there's Western people that get expenses paid trips to Japan to teach English to select groups of people.
And even those that get an expensive education like that often still suck at English.
Ever notice how barely any of the big name Japanese names with products, movies, anime or games in the West even understand English?
But you can't blame them since barely anyone in the English speaking West is proficient in Japanese either. Although when it comes to business, a lot of people at least try.
And it's not just English <> Japanese.
There's a lot of people that do not learn any language but their own because they don't want to and plenty languages are just very difficult to crossover to begin with.
Just like you'll barely ever see a Japanese person on a Western based website, you are also unlikely to see anyone from France outside their own segment of the Internet.
If you want good translations of these games, I'm afraid you'll need to learn Japanese and start providing translations for these games.
But at that point, if you already learned Japanese, you don't need a translation to begin with and most people then don't bother putting in that work for others to enjoy.
Personally, I don't mind MTL, it often adds humor to these games.