I thought the left door was how Misty got in, not from plush abuse.
I get the confusion, her cinematic is her forcing a door open -- although the cinematic is the same even when both of your doors are open. In previous builds it was fine to let Ari open the door and have Maddie waste her time there since the door didn't drain facility power when it was open.
By what I saw when playing since version 0.804, the player could only touch the plush 10 times in quick succession before the 11th time made Misty attack you. The limit of 10 was active back when you only needed to use the plush 4 times to recharge a half unit of sanity. Then V1 made each half unit cost 7 plush touches, but I never triggered Misty since. In V2, the pursuers are aggressive so the plush limit was raised high, enabling the player to mash the plush a ton of times which is needed to cope with being surrounded by pursuers.
Since a dev team member reads posts every so often, I'll say this: achieving good difficulty balance straddles the line between fair and unfair mechanics, and button mashing tedium is neither. The plush system for restoring points needed Misty as a limiter, but if her limit was too low it felt cheap since there is no UI to indicate when you are safe to use the plush again. It typically felt high to the point of overly forgiving, so you never really felt the pressure but again, if it's too low it'll feel unfair due to lack of indicator you're going too far. Pursuers suffocating you in V2 didn't feel
bad [difficult] at all since the limit was so much higher, the player just mashed safely at that point.
The core gameplay loop is fine if trying to imitate and enhance FNAF, but one issue is the lack of reason to make scenes happen. I never tried the UE4 build but it seems to have been more interactive outside of the main gameplay loop, considering the scenes that made it into the UE5 build by gallery. The story presumably would enable safely meeting the pursuer girls.
I'm not particularly into FNAF, but the dev and fan community is active here compared to other threads and I wouldn't mind saying a little if a dev teammate can benefit from the banter. Really this game has big glaring problems but good potential too.
Edit: I changed "bad" to "difficult" in
"Pursuers suffocating you in V2 didn't feel bad [difficult] at all since the limit was so much higher...", because the point I was trying to make is that it is bad to let the player safely mash buttons, they aren't challenged but they are bored and bothered by repeat inputs.