Started game over, finally got gun. Still have standing questions becase there's no annotation if it's in this release, or WIP (as some are marked).
- I've drank w/ Sarah, Kate & Monique (even after having them finish off a bottle, can't have sex w/ them at night).
- Girl from train, says she hopes to see me around, and unlocked beach. Nothing since, is this a dead end scenario? WIP?
- Still on path to Blackmail Aiko, did locker room scene, but no further intaraction w/ Karina and can't talk w/ her anymore at School.
- Hooked up w/ Elizabeth once at her place on Saturday after text. Nothing since, is this a dead end scenario? WIP?
- Messed w/ Jessica to repay favor for girl at Store. Nothing sicne, is this a dead end scenario? WIP?
- I can't seem to find any more (even when trying to edit save file) Blackmail to do anything w/ the girls. WIP?
I'm guessing since game is in v0.018 that it's all still WIP.
Thanks, if anyone can answer these for me.
EDIT: And I have no more 'hints' available from my current status in game.