Gonna post a bunch of tips about this game despite knowing that nobody is going to read this now when it's so low on the front page
All the items in your inventory can be thrown at enemies. This often destroys them, but deals damage to enemies. The only items to be an exception to this are the herbs, where they just float away to no effect. (You can effectively throw bolts at enemies if you don't want to use the Crossbow).
Herbs can be prepared either in Pot of Preparation, or the Pot Man at the Hall of Pots. Some herbs are pretty straightforward, the Healing Herbs turn into Healing Potions (Which are stronger than just the Herbs alone). However, some combinations aren't so obvious. Antidote herbs turn into Paralysis Potions (Which you can either use on yourself, or throw at enemies). Sleeping Herbs turn into Sealing Potions (Which seal your magic ability but raise your Sync).
Pot of Container can only hold items, you cannot retrieve the items at will, you must destroy the Pot to retrieve the items.
Pot of Amulet gives a random buff, irregardless of items you input (So it seems, I didn't do any extensive checking).
Mysterious Spellbook and Bizarre Spellbook have random spells (Again, so it seems, didn't do extensive testing). Using either of these spellbooks have yielded a "Mist of Terror" spell.
Book of Return - VERY IMPORTANT! Unless you're running until you lose, you should have at least 1 usage of this book with you, as it lets you go back without losing anything.
Items that have red names need to be identified, this can be done by one of three ways:
1) Simplest, and riskiest, is plain using them. Herbs will immediately confer to you the abilities, books will automatically use their spell if applicable, and rings will still give you the bonuses/effects even when not identified.
2) Return to the Hall of Pots (either by losing, or a Book of Return)
3) Use a Book of Identify to identify one item.
Skills from Rings that have a white rectangle next to the skill name are passive effects that constantly buff you, black rectangles are skills you must activate.
One of the Pot Men can Fusion items for you, this allows you to buff a ring/weapon with the item's bonus (So, say you have a Dagger +1, and you find a X/Y/Z Ring +3, Fusioning the Dagger with the Ring will turn it into a Dagger +4). As well, if your weapon/ring has a [Empty] slot, the item you use as Material will pass on its own 2nd skill onto your Base weapon/ring. The same is true if you apply a item with a negative bonus (X/Y/Z Ring -1/2/3, etc etc), but it will still apply the bonus skill. WORD OF WARNING! Fusioning a new skill when you already have a skill applied to your ring/weapon will override the one you currently have!
You need to at least clear floor 10 (And help the girl) if you wish to be able to clear your items of curses, otherwise, you'll constantly be suffering the effects of curses. She'll clear your curses for a cost, and she is outside the Hall of Pots. She'll also occasionally give you items, so check in with her once in a while!
The SHIFT key is your friend in this game. It is also highly recommended you play with a numpad. If you don't have one, not a big loss, you'll just have to finesse your positioning a little. Holding SHIFT will prevent you from moving, but will allow you to change the direction your character is facing without wasting a turn, so you can set up shots and attack from corners.
You can use the Crossbow to fire at targets off screen, however don't try shooting too far, the game will either just say the bolt drops to the floor, or give you an error (At least, on my first try, the game engine gave me an error message before proceeding with the game).
Once your Sync reaches 70, you'll start taking Erotic damage periodically. Running around the map will raise your Sync, and also regenerate your Health. If you take damage, your Sync will lower. Using abilities raises Sync, with the most basic of abilities (Demolition, for example, the Dagger's skill) taking 5 Sync, and most magic skills taking 10 Sync. At 100 Sync, you lose and can reappear in the Hall of Pots.
When you defeat a enemy, you can view their stats and skills at one of the flames in the Hall of Pots. As well, if you get raped by one of said enemies, you can view their animation in the same flame.
When you lose (Either by 0 HP, 100 Sync, or repeated 100 Erotic Points damage), you can reappear in the Hall of Pots, but you will lose either one or both of your rings, whether they are equipped or not. Take this into consideration when deciding if you want to either make a loot run, or progress.
My personal recommendation is to upgrade the Dagger the most, since it is the strongest melee weapon, and doesn't require any Bolts to use properly (But you can use the Crossbow irregardless of if you have bolts or not).
Now onto the sex: This game doesn't put a primary focus on sex, but it is there. In order to even initiate sex, you need one of either effects to be active on Tsehna (The character you play as):
1) Paralysis
2) Arousal
3) Sleep
Having any of the effects doesn't guarantee that sex will happen, as enemies may just as well choose to attack you when you are affected by these debuffs, as they are to rape you. It's a chance sort of thing, it seems.
The best way to guarantee sex is to find the Ring of Desire. I didn't test it, but it seems to me that the ring ALWAYS spawns on the first floor when you start the game. However, it is possible that you will lose the ring after "dying". The ring has the Nymphomania skill, that will constantly arouse Tsehna and basically make it so every enemy has a high chance to rape her. You can even use the ring's "Sacrifice" skill to further guarantee this.
It's funny how simple this game is, and how the sex is a minor aspect of it, but I like the game a lot. I dunno why. It's just fun to me.