Sadly, this update was rather short and disappointing. Now I fully understand your situation is not ideal and that due to the nature of your game I won't see everything in a single play through. My character didn't get a single sex scene this update. Still, if four months of development gives us 20% of chapter 2 with three sex scenes - one gated behind origin, so basically two for 75% of origins, that's not exactly encouraging.
You also already talk about burnout. Maybe rethink the scope and narrow it down before it crushes you down and your game ends up on the graveyard with heaps of other unfinished projects. I know, bleak, but I really liked the first release and was hoping you can deliver a finished product in a reasonable timeframe.
Oh, I'm quite nervous that an update might seem
"short" etc. As I've written before, it feels that way because of the absence of grind or any other repetitive activity.
Generally speaking, progress can be measured in objective numbers. Here are the story statistics 1.0 directly from the game engine:
And here are the statistics for version 1.2:
In Chapter 1, for example, ~900 variables are responsible for changes in the dialogues.
In Chapter 2, they became + 425. But that's only ~20% of the chapter. I.e. from these numbers, you can understand that the variability has only increased. For 20% of Chapter 2, you make almost half of the full Chapter 1 choices.
Well, all those thousands of words won't write themselves, won't translate, and turn into code (because what you see in the game and what is
"under the hood" - are not the same. Perhaps now you understand a bit better where months of work go.
Regarding you missing all the sex scenes. Um... then just don't miss them? At least the scene with
Cadonis. You can always make a save, right?
Seriously, this scene is very important and many things will go further depending on whether it happened or not. But... these consequences are still in development. So what do you have to lose if you
"give in" to him a little? You can always continue the game with another save where nothing happened.