- Sep 2, 2017
- 418
- 2,231
But... There's that option out there. Right now. Doggy style is submissive and passive. But if you tell him to lie down, it turns into active cowgirl. And if your protagonist is dexterous enough (Agility 3) to press in the right place, there is even a dominatrix option.You are doing great man, despite these mishaps. For me personally, I'm excited to give her better stats so doesn't get taken by Cadanis's "commandeering" attitude and it turns into a non-con scene. Although I would like for there to be more options rather than getting mindlessly being taken. This has nothing to do with mechanism but a really defiant female who can't be subdued to spread her legs that easy. Know what I mean?
Also some of us don't prefer humans if we're playing female MC
Regarding the non-con variant. This particular character is a seducer, not a rapist. He just... doesn't need to rape anyone. Don't worry (or conversely worry). You'll meet rapists. I left enough hints in the game itself that this world is not a Neverland with ponies and unicorns. Sometimes things can be ugly. Really ugly. And the protagonist has no plot armor for that occasion, I assure you. But, of course, all sex scenes in the Inner Empire are avoidable, consensual or not. Although, not all of them are easily avoidable.
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