It'll never get so interesting sadly, pretty much going to be like this until subscribers drop off like flies. This game is classified as "erotic" and I know it's just me but when I see that I'm like nah this is gonna be boring. I don't think it'll get too intense.
Hey dude ! Still there ?
Again with amazing posts...
I do not know what you think... It is fascinating until a certain extend...
You focus on certain aspects that are detrimental to the perception that newcomers can have of the game (
always and only those that are detrimental) while omitting others that could bring a fair nuance, are you doing that on purpose or not?
I think people like Bricoman69 and Jimmy_BlueToo have an answer about that question...
Their point of view is understandable : What you do here is called
lie by omission.
I do not know what you think, I give you the benefit of the doubt... Some criticism of yours (too few though) are facts...
My main concern about what you post is elsewhere... Your lack of objectivity which borders on bad faith...
The dev said the game is erotic (maybe not the most accurate word to use here, I can agree with that) BUT the dev also said the game will have a lot of sex scenes in it in due time...
Given that, how on earth could you jump with so much confidence to the conclusion in your post replying to fuckmymamarunnin ??
HeroHate said:
It'll never get so interesting sadly, pretty much going to be like this until subscribers drop off like flies. This game is classified as "erotic" and I know it's just me but when I see that I'm like nah this is gonna be boring. I don't think it'll get too intense.
That's all ? No doubt ?
Are you sure about that ?
When you say "
will" (in bold at the beginning of your post quoted here) it means
you know something not
maybe you think it may...
Given what you have already shown to have understood about the game elsewhere (among other examples, you were able to say nothing happened in last update) makes me think without great risk to be wrong that, here, you talk too much about something you do not know enough...
What made Jimmy_BlueToo mad at you is that this post of yours implies there is no hope for anyone to have content hotter than just what we had so far later in the game when you say
It'll never get so interesting sadly...
if that is what you meant, that's dishonest unless you actually know about content to come... Do you really know something ? Feel free to share what makes you so sure about what you said here...
If it is not what you meant, it is poorly written from you...
I said I do not know what you think, I give you the benefit of the doubt... Maybe I am overthinking... But the fact there is someone else (Jimmy_BlueToo and Bricoman69) to react, should at least make you reconsider the meaning of your post to show better what you think rather than argue about irrelevant details like the right or not to post here (your post to Jimmy_BlueToo).
You are responsible of what you write (in case you want to be seen as reliable) and if people misunderstand what you write, maybe, at least, say it and help them understand better what you meant, is a nice move to make...
However, by just playing the game and take time to follow the story plot revealed update after update, it is obvious the game becomes hotter and hotter...
That is what Jimmy_BlueToo said to you when he spoke about "plot" and "storyline".
That said, the dev never said anything against orgy sex content or any hardcore sex content involving the MC as long as it is not forbidden by Patreon... On the contrary, he already said that he is willing to involve MC in hardcore content like prostitution with several guys later...
It is easy to be sure and know : just ask the dev...
The only thing to understand (again... obvious for most people but seemingly not for you), the dev does not see his game as a bag in which he just put the most sex scenes he can make... Sex scenes to be present in the game must have a reason to be present... A reason driven by A STORY AND A STORYLINE !!
That includes characters development (MC and side characters like the little sister)...
How on earth does that imply the sex scenes to come to remain too soft, or too rare or not matching players expectations about hotness of them (sex scenes) ? * facepalm *
You said the game is silly ?
For someone who can say an update only have five minutes of play (you said that), when others,
in the same time, who read the lines and try to follow the story, have at least 20 minutes of play, what do you really know about that ?
I already said it to you, I like to laugh... and that is funny...
HikBenAkk said:
Here we do not have a female MC who is the classic "hidden slut from the beginning who do not know it". MC is quite a "normal" girl (normal is here a bit too much, we are in a porn game after all...), who could have a normal vanilla life and future. However she is sexually frustrated becasue her boyfriend does not want to have sex before marriage. Thus, the MC becomes more and more corrupted by the people she meets in the city who use her unsatisfied sexual urges to corrupt her while she only longers to have sex with her boyfriend... But her boyfriend's father is a fanatic religious man who put pressure on his son to not have sex before marriage and especially with a girl he despises. being a good guy, the boyfriend obeys to his father...
And we do not have the usual loser of a boyfriend all players wonder who can fall in love with (he even shows courage and succeeded to protect MC and her sister against some thugs)... We just have a guy with strict principles of life and who makes mistakes by being too naive to understand his girlfriend wishes...
The MC is suffering because her lust makes her horny while being desired and hit on by men she cannot avoid (her landlord and her boss in coffee shop) and she feels guilty for that... She struggles to stay faithful to her boyfriend despite him to be the only one to refuse to respond to her urges.
Only a blind man cannot see that she accepts more and more from the perverted men who are hitting on her...
You can find that "silly", it is your opinion... but it is not objective... I read all lines in the game and I never found any that may give me the feeling to be from a teenager fanfic...
For example, the MC was so touching in the restaurant when she tries to invite her boyfriend to have sex and him to refuse and explaining his reasons... She looked so sad...
And that's my main criticism of you: not being objective enough.
When one posts here replying to someone's question, it's to help that someone get a fair idea of the game... For that purpose being objective and have posts to be reliable, stick on facts only, are mandatory...
Personal tastes, lame extrapolations presented as facts are at best secundary, often useless or completely dishonest...
HeroHate said:
From what I know not a great deal is revealed by pictures posted, they tended to be generic images of MC or sis roaming around.
The dev never post too revealing pictures to avoid spoilers : only pictures to give a grasp about places and situations the update will deal with :
never the actual hot content the update may have !!
HeroHate said:
this game is yet to really deliver any action and from what I know they intend to keep action to a minimum, updates every four months I think? intend to keep action to a minimum
Yes, confirmed... You know nothing... I follow discussions on Discord and Patreon : when did the dev said or implied he wants to keep action to a minimum ??
That is completely dishonest to say that !!
Or am I misunderstanding something ? Just say it if it is... As I said above :
You are responsible of what you write and if people misunderstand what you write, maybe, at least, to say it is a nice move to make...
About the pace of releases, the dev spoke about it : he tries to have 2-3 months pace but was unable to follow it so far. He posted in Patreon some ways he found to try to solve that "problem"... It is easy to blame him for that, but maybe it is too difficult to understand making a game is hard task... Or show a little bit of moral support (or suggest solutions) rather than bashing about that matter is too much of a move ?
Even in case of a misunderstanding (you may have not understand what the dev meant by "erotic"), is it too much to ask the dev to be sure about what you want to say to people here before speaking in such a misleading way ?