I know I am not paying so I cant say anything about it.
But if we look at the game there are whole sex scene for other characters and only bits for Jennifer which all of you know and mentioned also.
And Dev also says that it is erotic novel but looking on other characters it seems like same slutty porn game except for MC.
It feels double standards that it is EROTIC NOVEL only in the case of JENNIFER (MC) but a PORN GAME for NPC whom we are not intrested in.
I want to know your thought on it and I know I will get many facepalms and negative comments.
But just posting my thoughts on DEV's Double standard.
So, first of all, if you played the new v0.07, you will have noticed, that the last thing the bar owner tells the MC, is that the next time he sees her, he will f*ck her. So Next update she will get her first very own sex scene I guess.
Now what does that mean? It means the title of "erotic novel" was not chosen because it's actually only erotic instead of pornographic, but simply because it sounds fancier than "adult novel".
As to your question, why side characters get sex scenes while the MC doesn't, that's fairly easy to answer: The developer puts a lot of effort into the character development of the MC, so he doesn't want to rush it. Meanwhile he knows what kind of horny mofos play his game, so he wants to give them good fap material even tho the story isn't advanced enough for the MC to be doing it. That's why he uses side characters where chatacter development is less important in order to still give us at least some sex scenes.
So, long story short, I don't see it as hypocrysy from the dev, I see it as him trying to cater to the demands of the players, while remaining true to his high stadards for the MC. And I believe that once the full game is done, you won't even notice the lack of sexual interaction in the early story anymore. It's just that right now in the development phase, since there are a few months in between updates, you are desperrately waiting for a scene with the MC.