
Nov 4, 2017
That is the only logical conclusion when development slows to a crawl after Patreon money starts rolling in. Just like with every other money-milking game that starts off well, but then "mysteriously" slows to single digit percents of the original progress.

I'm a programmer, so I know shitty codebases can be a headache, but there is a limit to how far that excuse can stretch, too. Yet it is the usual excuse given when there's suddenly half year to a year completely pause in development with these milking schemes. And yet even after that excuse is spent, the development rarely if ever gets any faster.

I have nothing against projects that take long. I've played Dwarf Fortress on and off and its development has taken more than half my life. I DO have a problem with projects that milk money with very little to show for it year in, year out.
Quite true, is infuriating seeing the way those "devs" are just laughing in the face of every single Patreon supporter, with their shitty excuses and giving updates on the progress that lack any sort of proper advance, just some "we're upgrading this and that, changing this and that, adding this and that" but not a real solid statement like "we streamlined and upgraded X or Y lines of coding, and updated A or B number of assets inside the game".

I've worked on projects that have taken up to year to be ready, and have written hundred of thousands of lines on said projects, have worked with GUI designers to streamlined the processes and make it easier to use and understand, so yeah, let me tell you that this "game devs" are just abusing of your patience, goodwill and money.

Thanks for elaborating. :)

I work as a test engineer and had similar experiences and thus know what you mean, and that's one reason to why I'm considering the one time payment on Itch instead of the Patreon subscription. I played the public version some time back and now played the version on here, and wanted to be able to come back to it over time as it progresses no matter how slowly, until it's finished or until it's abandoned which is a risk in the business.
As IT guy, programmer and QA / QC tester myself, the feeling of being cheated on, from a Dev that have not added something noteworthy on a game that has been "in development" for around 8 years is quite strong.

I refuse to spent money on a project that has been literally advancing at snail's pace for a couple of years, and that is so thick faced to keep asking for money month after month, and even more infuriating is seeing the amount of people who are willing to give their money, even thought they are being conned out to fork out said money.


Jan 23, 2018

Greetings, wizards and witches!
Another development cycle has been finished, so it’s time to share some progress on the development of our beloved Innocent Witches. Today we’ve got the latest updates and future plans for you.
First, an art preview (available in the next post). This time, it’s a scene at the table for romantic dates with waifus who’ve made their return recently in the story. Each one gets her own table decoration. The preview features art for dates with Hermione.
Let’s briefly go over the latest developments in Innocent Witches.
First off, we spent most of our time working on new art and improving the game interface. For example, we’ve added an option to remove Ginny’s clothes in the second scene in the static art version. Right now, we’re also actively working on Live2D animations. We’ve finished inserting the updated Live2D animation for the mysterious stranger event by the lake and have started on the Live2D animation for the elf scene in Act 2.
We’re always aiming to make the game interface more user-friendly, taking your feedback and comments into account. This dev. cycle we made several changes to improve the user experience. One notable addition is the addition of the day of the week next to the time of day. We hope this makes the gameplay more convenient.

Another change is updating the old inventory art to better match the rest of the interface by removing unused elements. This small but important change keeps the game’s style consistent.

We also added an exit button to the save/load screen. Now you don’t need extra clicks to exit the game after saving your progress. This change simplifies the overall process, especially for those who value every second of their time.

Besides these improvements, we’ve been fixing bugs discovered after the last update. For example, we tweaked Snape’s minions in the headmaster’s office to match the full-sized character. This fix not only removes visual imperfections but also makes the game world more consistent. We also fixed some other art issues, like uncolored spots at Hagrid’s hut entrance and inconsistencies with shadows for some minions in the Headmaster’s office. These corrections make the art more polished, enhancing the overall immersion in Innocent Witches.

On the texts side, we’ve finished translating the side quest texts for version 0.11B, and now the editing process begins. This is crucial because we want the dialogues and descriptions to be accurate, engaging, and easy to follow. We work on every aspect of the game, including texts, to strengthen the atmosphere and make every character interaction memorable.
Version 0.11B will also feature Chapter 2 in Act 2, however the main quest won’t be available yet. Since the Head Girl has returned in Chapter 1, we’ve created a sort of sandbox mode in Chapter 2 until the main storyline is introduced in 0.12A. This sandbox lets you complete side content and quests that were temporarily unavailable due to the Head Girl’s absence. We want players to enjoy all available quests before we add the main story content.
For version 0.12A, we’re continuing to write texts and create the art needed for the story events. Crafting a quality story takes time and attention to detail, so we’re meticulously working on every dialogue line and plot twist. As mentioned, 0.11B’s Chapter 2 sandbox helps us test and refine side content while the main story is still in development. This ensures a smoother main story release when it’s ready because the foundation will already be set in place. This step is important as it lets us verify that all game elements work harmoniously before presenting them to players.
In the near future, we plan to implement the side quest involving Blaise Zabini and Hannah Abbott for 0.11B, and work on content for 0.11B and 0.12A in general.

Let’s also look at the previous poll. Most of you haven’t played 0.11A yet, but those who did mostly liked it. This feedback helps us keep the game development on track to please as many players as possible. We’re also collecting critique and comments about the game, so your opinions are always noticed and considered.

Now, a new poll. This time, we would like to hear your thoughts on the news that come out every 10 days and their format. We’re looking to experiment with how much information we share and how often. Our main goal is to find the best news format that doesn’t feel overloaded and is easy to read. This is specifically about the text part; the amount of art in the news will stay the same.
What news format works best for you?
  • I’d like more concise and focused news with the main development info and plans.
  • The current format is fine, but I’m open to changes.
  • I don’t really care about the news format as long as they come out regularly.
  • I want to see the results.
That’ll be all for today, folks! We greatly appreciate you staying around and continuing to support the development by donating and leaving feedback. Thank you!
We’ll meet again soon. Until then, stay safe and have fun!
Sad crabs.
How many month to implement the name of the day and the exit in the save and load screen ?
  • Haha
Reactions: Hent_M
Nov 7, 2017
I found cheats if you all want to use and type in the console and if you want to skip some grinding in this game. ;)

Innocent Witches Console Cheats:


store.tutorial.level = 4

store.tutorial.memory_fragments = 1000


store.inventory._inventories['chest'].cols = 100
store.inventory._inventories['chest'].rows = 100
chest.inventory.cols = 100
chest.inventory.rows = 100

store.inventory._inventories['local'].cols = 100
store.inventory._inventories['local'].rows = 100
local.inventory.cols = 100
local.inventory.rows = 100


store.markets.markets['bonibonka'].avaliable = False or True
store.markets.markets['bonibonka'].visible = False or True

store.markets.markets['huntress'].avaliable = False or True
store.markets.markets['huntress'].visible = False or True

store.markets.markets['sexecution'].avaliable = False or True
store.markets.markets['sexecution'].visible = False or True

Stats Manager – Characteristics:

store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].current_value = 100
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].is_bursted = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].is_levelup = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].is_trained = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].max_level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['brutality'].value_cap = 100

store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].current_value = 100
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].is_bursted = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].is_levelup = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].is_trained = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].max_level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['control'].value_cap = 100

store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].current_value = 100
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].is_bursted = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].is_levelup = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].is_trained = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect].max_level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['intellect'].value_cap = 100

store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].current_value = 100
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].is_bursted = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].is_levelup = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].is_trained = False or True
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].max_level = 6
store.stats_manager.characteristics['perception'].value_cap = 100


store.paths.abilities['atonement'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].level = 1
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].max_level = 1
store.paths.abilities['atonement'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['diligence'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].level = 1
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].max_level = 1
store.paths.abilities['diligence'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['fervor'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].level = 3
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].max_level = 3
store.paths.abilities['fervor'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['influence'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['influence'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['influence'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['influence'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['influence'].level = 2
store.paths.abilities['influence'].max_level = 2
store.paths.abilities['influence'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].level = 1
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].max_level = 1
store.paths.abilities['legilimency'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].level = 3
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].max_level = 3
store.paths.abilities['manipulation'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.abilities['xray'].activateable = False or True
store.paths.abilities['xray'].active = False or True
store.paths.abilities['xray'].cooldown_counter = 0
store.paths.abilities['xray'].cooldown_hours = 0
store.paths.abilities['xray'].level = 3
store.paths.abilities['xray'].max_level = 3
store.paths.abilities['xray'].on_cooldown = False or True

store.paths.investment_points = 0

drinking_game_inv.cols = 100
drinking_game_inv.rows = 100

influence_catch_level = 0

money = 10000

Girls' Relationship Level and Value:

Relationship Level:
relationship_lvl[daphne] = 0
relationship_lvl[hermi] = 0
relationship_lvl[luna] = 0
relationship_lvl[susan] = 0

Relationship Value:
relationship_val[daphne] = 0
relationship_val[hermi] = 0
relationship_val[luna] = 0
relationship_val[susan] = 0

Girls Interact, Happy, Angry:
girl.interact[daphne] = False or True
girl.interact[hermi] = False or True
girl.interact[luna] = False or True
girl.interact[susani] = False or True

girl.happy[daphne] = False or True
girl.happy[hermi] = False or True
girl.happy[luna] = False or True
girl.happy[susani] = False or True

girl.angry[daphne] = False or True
girl.angry[hermi] = False or True
girl.angry[luna] = False or True
girl.angry[susani] = False or True
Last edited:


Game Developer
May 23, 2024
Their patreon makes 22k a month despite having copyrighted girls from Harry Potter in it. Damn haha :D


Dec 22, 2017
That poll just tells me they are getting too lazy to write those posts and want to make them shorter

Anyway, I only care about the art. Speaking of which, anyone has the preview post image?
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Sep 21, 2019
This clearly meets the fair use rules in copyright law. This is satire/a reinterpret and or remaining of the IP. That is not to say there can't be a lawsuit but if they chose to fight it, they would win.
I mean, Harry Potter is a UK franchise, Patreon is american and the developers are from Russia(or East EU at least).
Knowing which law does apply looks like a nightmare on itself.

However if the people who manages the rights to HP send a message that just says "nuke the account", Patreon would probably do it.
  • Like
Reactions: kuindai


New Member
Jan 30, 2021
Does this still have like a time skip and incomplete act 1 or what it was? I just remember it skiped from like the first few weeks to somewhere act 2 or 3... or is the inbetween done by now?
3.00 star(s) 334 Votes