Pretty interesting game you've got here. Had some feedback and ideas, after playing the current version and 0.4.1.
Two playthroughs so far, no mods / hacking / code reference. Playing light vers for smaller DL package.
*Bugs / Quirks
- Noticed that with the "+20% energy" monthly modifier, adjustment on gains is actually only 10% (each shot converts 10 sperm to 11 energy, not 12).
- Noticed on the girls' profiles page, some parameters (like fertility, marital status) don't show. Intended, or just missing?
--- Side question, does marital status do anything?
*Mechanics / Balance
- Girls' Stats - there are a number of weird quirks and balance things that I think could be looked at.
--- Girl Stamina / Max Stamina - while this number starts kind of low, which is fine, the upper end seems completely open-ended. At the upper end, this really gets to Energizer bunny territory (i.e., she just keeps going). Example, with a couple of the early girls I got, who now have max stamina > 500 (one is at > 800), it's near impossible to run them to empty for the free blowy. I like to do this as a "make her feel drop dead good" end, but at high max stam, it's totally unfeasible. Feels like this could use a practical cap, if only to reduce how long this can last.
----- To get this number up initially, I just spam click the licking / fingering option, esp. once I get above 100 sex XP. At the cap of 300, which is really easy to get to with this method, only takes 3 clicks per girl orgasm (and 2 if sensitive). Runs the max stamina numbers up REAL fast. Is this an intended exploit?
----- Side idea, if there's a reason to get the girls' instance numbers high in an encounter, e.g., some kind of special event or feedback for 25+, 50+, or 100+ girl orgasms, etc., then having this open-ended will help.
----- The spell that makes the girl orgasm for energy, is kind of useless. Not sure if there was something specifically intended to combo there, but paying 10 EN never makes sense. Even 1 EN doesn't make sense at higher levels, where the 300 sex XP means she will cum every 3-4 interactions anyway.
--- Girl Fertility / MC Virility - this seems oddly irrelevant at times. Other than in cases where the girl can't get pregnant (like the age cap at 45, or just a hard ~0 fertility), I haven't really noticed a meaningful use for these stats. Sure, might not impreg on first shot, but in most cases, if they can get preg, it's done in 2 shots or less. MC virility of 0 didn't seem to matter. Only had trouble with one girl, where fertility was < 20 (tried two encounters, 20 shots total (one month had the +10 virility too), no preg); once I used Fecunditas to fix the girl's fertility above 20, was a first shot go. Is this truly a chance based probability mechanic, or just one where thresholds (+/- certain check numbers) need to be met?
----- Side note, if there's a mechanic that improves preg chances based on overall girl affinity / spent stamina, etc., I think that would be great. Let the players know about that too!
--- Girl Attractiveness - this does seem oddly irrelevant, except in how difficult it makes getting the girl's contact info, and early affinity gains. With the pictures assigned being completely random, and not at all tied to the actual "attractiveness" of the girl in question, stat seems kind of pointless.
----- Maybe have attractiveness play a role for the MC's interactions with the demons (e.g., better material)?
--- Children - glad to see this game taking a stab at what is otherwise a rarely explored mechanic. Allowing not just children, but the potential for them to age into interactable characters, is pretty cool.
----- RE: male kids, even if the game doesn't explore future interactions there, would be nice for there to be a more positive outcome than just abandoning it to the mother, or selling it to traffickers. I usually save scum to avoid this at the moment, since getting a "boy" is kind of like getting a dud.
----- Also, on the other end of things, would be interesting if the various girls (or kids) could be roped into / used in some of the "demonic" rituals or interactions. Seems like the kind of thing that would go with demons. Maybe minions? Might be a step too far for some folks though.
----- A guide for events around children would be much appreciated.
- Energy / Sperm - This mechanic is interesting, seeming to be a 1:1 conversion during normal sex (sperm >> energy) / meditation (energy >> sperm), with the bonus of 1 getting 1 AP per med. Some events adjust this some, but just feels like I'm pouring water from one cup to a second, and back.
--- Given how easy it is to really overproduce / cap out on energy, any thoughts to being able to bottle / battery it away? Without the game engine cap of 100, I could see situations that let it get extremely high (e.g., enough Viagra and girls with super high stamina could run this well north of 300+ EN per encounter). If you plan to add a cap on Viagra use per encounter, then that would reduce the need for this one some.
--- Personally, I'd like to see an option that allows faster conversion on the meditation side. Because of the GIF, it takes a bit of time / scrolling per cycle to convert. Given that it's also only happening 5 EN >> 5 SP + 1 AP at a time, this chews up time when I want to convert for lots of AP / resetting sperm.
- Money - Feels like there's really not much we can do with this currently.
--- Not sure how much / how extensive of an economy you intend, but at the point in the game I'm at, around 30 months in, only real use (abuse) I can get is in doing the theater job for lots of money, and cashing it out on Viagra pills, for more depth of action per sex encounter. 5 AP gets me enough cash for about 9 pills, which ends up being about 90 sperm. With more experienced girls, ensures I can get 10 shots / 100 energy per encounter.
--- Would be great if there were ways to use cash to improve MC stats, girl stats, etc. Or buy traits?
--- Would be great if cash could be used to unlock additional content around events and/or locations (e.g., more date options, new apt/flat for encounters, etc.). Or, maybe pick up girls AT the club with drinks?
--- Would be great if cash could be used to initiate some events, esp. with the children, rather than it being completely random.
--- Echoing other feedback, esp. with the inclusion of the teaching job in the Old Town theater, really no point in going the weed route for money. It's really risky, and is just inefficient for making cash. If you want to keep the option, maybe make weed delivery or weed use part of an event or quest?
- MC Charisma - echoing some other feedback out there, this really should do a little more, I think.
--- The penalty of 3 charisma / 10 sperm for the "not doing anything" event seems a bit much. The sperm, okay. The charisma, no. You have to work hard at the beginning to get that charisma, and losing it so easily just sucks. The loss especially hurts since it applies any time you skip more than one month (so it is guaranteed for ALL longer hibernations).
--- There definitely seem to be girls that don't respond well to initial approaches, even at 100 charisma. Save scumming helps get past this, but seems odd that max stat feels quite underpowered.
----- Will echo others in saying that higher charisma should make higher attractiveness candidates more likely in given areas.
--- Does charisma make a difference on affinity gains during dates? It really should, I think.
Overall, the game has a good foundation; and I'm enjoying my playthrough so far. Hope to see development continue!