
Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
But, to be honest, I'm kinda losing my faith in this game. Although it has some unique features, in the last updates it has taken a turn for the worst - not only in terms of fewer and fewer innovations (it's always more of the same, like, they create an anticipation for that place close to the library, but instead of exploring that path, they bring some more "stuff" to do in the club's bathroom), but also in terms of storyline, because, judging by the dialogs and the books that are available for the protagonist to read, we are going down some jungian spiral of dissociative personality disorder (or is it freudian?). But I digress.
Anyways, I'm gonna keep following the forum's posts and maybe return to playing the game if it gets better.
Interesting post. Particularly with that detail about the ?Fort Knox? place near the Liibrary ... and what about the Library itself, while we're on that subject?

I take your point about some one-sided development of the game, where ideally you'd wish for a fuller evolution, in more directions, more locations ... (and I'd add, a bit more in the way of real hopes for Kate?). ...

Like a shrub with massive development of some branches, other branches dormant, stunted-looking, dead or just sleeping?? ... and overall, a plant taking on not quite as healthily all-sided or full-bodied a shape as you might wish.

Surely two factors are at work there?:

One, the sheer time & work it must take to build up such a monster game - with quite a few monsters in it, but that's just a pun. Especially considering the more interesting computer games are not "clickthroughs", but ones with "audience participation", i.e. quite a wide range of options/decisions players can make, there's huge capacity there at this stage. Massive volumes of text, of graphic and plot material. And, surely, it must generally be much easier to add a limited number of extensions on various already constructed areas - and locations, activity types, characters - than to construct and elaborate entirely new ones?

Two, commercial realities and existential necessities (aka: "we gotta eat!"). A game whose development relies on sponsors - as most do, obviously - surely has to seek a bit to give the people what it seems, at least, a majority want .... Feedback from users, and esp patrons, matters: not only to give developers some vital encouragement that they're not going nuts in a space-warp vacuum, but to give some broad-based idea of the sort of things people like & want to see more of, and what they find boring or irritating. And so there has to be some "LCD" at work there surely. I don't mean Liquid Crystal Displays, but the mathematical sense of LCD. On the lines of: "People call out for more scary vampires with bad breath, we give 'em more terrifying vampires with ferocious bad breath - so, hold that Listerine" ... (Other anti-halitosis products are available.)

So I sympathize with the difficulties, and hazards, the creators must have.

The main thing I'd like to see at this stage - I hope this doesn't seem hypocritical as the virtual sex is eyebrow-raising escapism - is a break or two for Kate, as possible outcomes within/to the game.

You can't please everyone, also, you can overdo a good idea, as a couple of old fables with asses (the ones with long ears, this time) pointed out, ages ago. and ~ ~ ~ Sex (in virtual form, hopefully, when it gets really lurid, and/or degrading) sells. And sensation too....

But you can also alienate increasing numbers of people, no, if you produce too much remorseless, fiendish crushing of poor human sods - sorry, I meant poor human SOULS - that people called out for more of, the loudest shouts (after all) not always being the most representative of what most people actually enjoy, even in fantasy. And on the other hand, maybe not enough (practically viable) doors towards varieties of "hope [that] springs eternal in the human breast" .... whether that breast happens to be female, male, both or neither in particular.

I mean, call her naive, deluded, will-broken or whatever you like, Kate is still - just about - an embodiment of likeably resilient, buoyantly fallible human optimism, in a world of manipulative, deceitful, destructive horror. But that world seems to be closing in on her, more and more. Hence my point. Or is it a plea?

As for the reading matter in Kate's room ... I dunno, I wouldn't sweat that bit. Probably that's just an idea some fool (*cough*) suggested, as a way Kate can pass an hour or two without having to switch back and forth between streets.

True, she does suddenly gain an impressive private library of her own - did all those books come from the old gent in the back alley? (Kate must have hired a delivery service!)

Given that the sight of the Library gives her the willies (in the "scared" sense, not the anatomical version), it seems nevertheless our MC's a good, voracious, even highly erudite reader, when she feels like it - actually I like that, as ever, good on the ever-likeable figure of Kate! - and personally, I wouldn't worry too much what contents interest her. Just as long as we don't have to read too much of that sometimes speculative theory ourselves (... he remarked, drily) ...
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May 15, 2018
Thats the third time asking now because i never get an answer =(
For what are these Dream scenes which u can enter when u masturbate in bed.
Do i need to play them all to achieve something?


New Member
Dec 13, 2018
Indeed, PPE2RedDucks. You are right. One must have at least some solidarity for the developers.
I recognize it is not easy to code through all the dialogs, scenarios and so forth, but there is no reason for the development of doors that lead nowhere.
The library and "Fort Knox" (brilliant nickname, btw) are clear exemples of a waste of time for the devs. I see it as a way of fitting the cinema on the map (and adhere to user's requests for it - which is great, of course), but it's completely out of the scope of the storyline (for the moment), it would be much easier to just place an arrow and generate a dialog (like: "I see a cinema across the street, should I go there?" // Answers yes/no).
Instead, we have a whole new place that serves only one purpose (maybe two, there's also the cars stuff - which could be relocated aswell, making it even better IMO).
While on the matter of project knox, we know that at least Zoe and Nina enjoy going there, so not only there's a door that goes nowhere, but there are characters that mention it (and somehow the cinema pops up, but not the place mentioned on the dialogs and storyline).
Be that as it may, I apologize for my little rant, I'm just frustrated. I had high hopes, perhaps higher than they should be.

Oh and a little post scriptum: I still advocate in favour of the jungian spiral of dissociative personality disorder and it's place in future chapters, for three main reasons: 1) the protagonist is called my two different names (Kate and Mava), the dissociation seems to trigger through lust and/or alcohol; 2) there are changes in the environment that are only distinguishable by the main character, giving way for the possibility of delusional thinking; and 3) there are characters that exist in the same fashion as Tyler Durden from Chuck Palahniuk's "Fight Club".

The main thing I'd like to see at this stage - I hope this doesn't seem hypocritical as the virtual sex is eyebrow-raising escapism - is a break or two for Kate, as possible outcomes within/to the game.
And that could be Kate's break.

Maybe I am the one with mental issues, but I bet there is a fight club over the knox pit (and no one talks about it, for obvious reasons).

Anyways, cue Pixies's "Where's My Mind".
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New Member
Apr 15, 2018
Huh... I can't get Stamina to increase on the treadmill. Is that a bug or am I missing something in order to unlock it?

EDIT: Obviously, I have the gym unlocked and am using the treadmill itself.


Game Developer
Apr 28, 2017
finished eva story ... its winter now what to do next ?

victor is not giving final quest
cleaned walter room 10+ times nothing new
jon met me in parlor few times but nothing new there aswell


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Huh... I can't get Stamina to increase on the treadmill. Is that a bug or am I missing something in order to unlock it?

EDIT: Obviously, I have the gym unlocked and am using the treadmill itself.
finished eva story ... its winter now what to do next ?

victor is not giving final quest
cleaned walter room 10+ times nothing new
jon met me in parlor few times but nothing new there aswell
Looking at both of these ... this thread does often look like a Progress Guidance service, staffed (very) part-time by helpful volunteers - in other words just other players, not people on the (official) Insexsity team.

As previously mentioned, I'm not complaining, I've posted such queries here myself. But the problem - for "volunteers" - is often that it's hard to know where precisely a questioner has reached in the game. Those who might volunteer solutions to such queries are clearly players who've reached somewhere further on in the game...

But the problem then is:

a) those people may have forgotten exactly what action led to (triggered) what other action earlier on in the game than where they have reached now - it may even be quite a while back for them;
b) the game is huge, and has so many "triggers" (meaning steps/events/choices you have to complete before you can do something else / take a next step in the game), that it's hard for outsiders - potential volunteers of assistance - to guess what various steps you may have completed or may have missed out so far - hence to know and be able to explain what's blocking/frustrating further progress for you in particular. And then
c) A bit like asking for help with a bug in your computer, outsiders usually would need a fuller picture (e.g. details of Registry).
For example, twont: How high is your stamina at the moment? If it's stuck at "1" or "0", it is probably a bug, such as mentioned in the Changelog* (see there, fourth Bug item in Fixed list of v0.64). Maybe try upgrading to v0.71.29?

So ... if you don't get a reply, it's probably NOT that nobody has read your request for help, and/or nobody wishes to help, and/or even that the world is almost as cruel a place for you as it is for Kate ... but simply that nobody really has an answer for you, because of a) and/or b) and/or c) above.

I'd generally say, when you can't progress, your first port of call should always be the Walkthrough. Even though it's not technically a Walkthrough, it explains quite a bit of "what leads to what", "what you have to complete before you do this" ....

And a possible second port of call, the *Changelog

esp. if your problem is connected with a particular "bundle" or "cluster" of steps that were introduced at the same time, in the same Version. You might find hints there what you haven't yet completed?


Aug 29, 2017
So, is this one of those games where you have no choice but to either do constant repetitive boring tasks, simply to get some variety...eventually. Unless you take the MC down paths you have no interest in?

Because a week has gone by in the game, I want the MC to get into a lesbian relationship, but aside from the three girls who aren't romantic options. So far the MC has all been put in male/female possible situations. It's annoying because every massage the narrative dialogue message are all but pushing the male/female sex, and since I'm side stepping that, the games getting boring, waiting for a lesbian encounter.


New Member
Apr 15, 2018
Huh... I can't get Stamina to increase on the treadmill.
I think it's because Health was limiting Stamina in some way. I raised health and suddenly it started working like it should.

Strength similarly limits Agility, if you've not run into that yet.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Reposting, for anyone looking for a challenge! ;) :

Something a bit different.

Quiz: An Insexsity Observation/Memory Test

Unofficial. (I put it together in a succession of odd moments, but double-checked questions & answers, so should be right).

I'll post answers up sometime next week, if anyone is interested. No prizes, sadly!


(Questions based on data as of (v0.71 Maxi). Data may change in final 30% of the game's development.)

Some questions are easy, others +/- impossible unless you're an absolute fanatic.

50 questions (some with more than one point), maximum possible score: 68 points.

How many correct answers/points can you get? (Feel free to cheat, & check the game: because again, sadly, no prizes.)

No need to post answers on here. Just keep a note of your answers somewhere, if you want to have a go.


1. In the early part of the game, what does Kate dream of having?

2. Who’s the very first person Kate talks to in the game?

3. Who is Kate’s first client (ever) at Walter’s massage salon?

4. And her second client?

5. On what (calendar) date does Kate start her (official) job at Walter’s? (DD/MM)

6. At what time of the day (o'clock) is Kate supposed to start work on weekdays?

7. How old (in years) is Kate at the start of the game?

8. When's her birthday? (DD/MM)

9. What’s Kate’s home address in the city? (3 POINTS - 1 point each for street name, street number, and Apartment number)

10. How many plants does Kate keep in her room?

11. Two pictures hang in the hall between Kate’s and Don’s apartments. What (subject/motif) do they both depict?

12. What sort of shoes does Kate see in the hall, that she never actually wears?

13. What message is on the mat on the landing outside Kate’s apartment?

14. How many different porno channels does Kate have available on her room TV?

15. Who lives directly above Lance’s apartment?

16. What building stands next door to Kate’s apartment block (to the left as player sees it)?

17. What street (name) is the Massage Salon on?

18. A picture hangs on the wall in Kate’s massage room at work. What animal does it depict?

19. What’s John’s nasty secret “password” for Kate’s specialist services?

20. On the walls both in his office and at home, Walter displays his diplomas. On his office wall, there are also two diagrams. One shows a human skeleton. What does the other poster show? (Bonus point for exact title, 1 point if you’re in the right area!)

21. Walter is not happy when he comes into Kate’s bathroom at work, and finds Kate in the shower. What TWO reasons (1 point each) does he give for his displeasure?

22. What drink does Kate *always* order in Victor’s café?

23. What does Victor offer Kate, free with every order? (Publicly – not in the kitchen.)

24. Unless Victor is feeling grumpy, from what time of the day (o’clock) can Kate help him with (*cough*) the dishes - or alternatively, get a key from him for the hotel?

25. From what time does Victor make exclusive (rich) clients available for Kate?

26. What (%) “cut” does Victor demand from Kate’s takings, on return from the hotel?

27. What street (name) are the Hotel, Night Club and Victor’s café all located on?

28. What (8 words) does Kate say, if you try to make her enter the Hotel when she has no client bookings?

29. What is Kate’s “alter ego” name? (as a hot date, escort or sex worker)

30. How many shampoo stations (sinks) are there in Eva/Anna’s beauty salon?

31. What % discount does Suzi offer on her special sale items?

32. How many fitting rooms are there in Suzi’s boutique?

33. What item of clothing (when worn by Kate) drives Suzi wild?

34. What’s Kate’s happy shout when she goes to sit up at the bar in the Night Club? (Two words)

35. In the Club toilets, Kate always goes in the 3rd booth away from the entrance door (2nd from left as we see it). Why never the two booths closest to the entrance (3rd and 4th from the left)?

36. Who’s the first person in the game to go into the toilet booth with Kate?

37. How much cash is Kate usually offered through the side wall of the toilet booth?

38. In the bus, there are FOUR prohibition signs (crossed-through icon in red circle). Three ban smoking, alcohol, dogs urinating. What’s the 4th prohibition? (Be specific if you can!)

39. What movie (title) is advertised on the sign on the front of the cinema?

40. Who appears, sitting behind Kate, whenever an Insexsity movie is playing?

41. Identify the THREE exceptions!

In which THREE of these ten places does Kate NOT encounter Moris? (1 point for each of the 3 exceptions):
a) Basement; b) Café; c) Cinema; d) dark back alley; e) Hotel; f) Lance’s office; g) Massage Salon; h) Night Club Bar; i) the Square (open space) between hotel & café; j) Suzi’s boutique

42. On what street (name) are the Bank and the Police Station?

43. What’s the name of the cashier at the Bank?

44. And the name of the desk officer at the Police Station?

45. What does Kate think she sees past the Police Dept.? (Off picture to the right)

46. Name the characters who give Kate each of these gifts (1 point for each correct answer a)-e), 2 pts for the two characters f):
a) a piece of pie (!); b) a laptop; c) some (very funny) honey; d) a collection of books; e) a pink vibrator; f) a memorable strap-on experience

47-49. Insexsity is a colorful game, with a lot of colors, some of them bright, some not quite so bright. How many colors can you remember correctly? (1 point each):
a) the first top that Kate wears in the game; b) Kate’s work gown (as a masseuse); c) the nasty bus passenger’s favorite dress of Kate’s

48. (Q47, ctd): d) Eva’s hair when Kate first meets her; e) Nina’s top (always); f) Nina’s favorite shoes

49. (ctd): g) Oliver’s hair; h) the nasty bus passenger’s shirt; i) Victor’s bow-tie

50. Until the appearance of the sporting couple in the toilet booth in V0.71 (Kate the "Peeping Tom"), what one *unique* thing do these five characters in the game have in common?: Ashley, Boris, Lucy, Mark & the old man in the back alley?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Indeed, PPE2RedDucks. You are right. One must have at least some solidarity for the developers.
I recognize it is not easy to code through all the dialogs, scenarios and so forth, but there is no reason for the development of doors that lead nowhere.
The library and "Fort Knox" (brilliant nickname, btw) are clear exemples of a waste of time for the devs. I see it as a way of fitting the cinema on the map (and adhere to user's requests for it - which is great, of course), but it's completely out of the scope of the storyline (for the moment), it would be much easier to just place an arrow and generate a dialog (like: "I see a cinema across the street, should I go there?" // Answers yes/no).
Instead, we have a whole new place that serves only one purpose (maybe two, there's also the cars stuff - which could be relocated aswell, making it even better IMO).
While on the matter of project knox, we know that at least Zoe and Nina enjoy going there, so not only there's a door that goes nowhere, but there are characters that mention it (and somehow the cinema pops up, but not the place mentioned on the dialogs and storyline).
Be that as it may, I apologize for my little rant, I'm just frustrated. I had high hopes, perhaps higher than they should be.

Oh and a little post scriptum: I still advocate in favour of the jungian spiral of dissociative personality disorder and it's place in future chapters, for three main reasons: 1) the protagonist is called my two different names (Kate and Mava), the dissociation seems to trigger through lust and/or alcohol; 2) there are changes in the environment that are only distinguishable by the main character, giving way for the possibility of delusional thinking; and 3) there are characters that exist in the same fashion as Tyler Durden from Chuck Palahniuk's "Fight Club".

And that could be Kate's break.

Maybe I am the one with mental issues, but I bet there is a fight club over the knox pit (and no one talks about it, for obvious reasons).

Anyways, cue Pixies's "Where's My Mind".
Well, inhalid... if you think you've got problems ...

DPD. Well certainly, as experienced by Kate. There is a psychological breakdown (and growing cognitive dissonance, at least - the wedge driven between her hopes and her daily life is increasingly extreme). BUT:

a) I think anybody still sane (or even half-sane) working in sex protects their name quite quickly with an "alter ego". "Mava" is Kate's from the start of her sex career and "dating". She doesn't need necessarily to have a split personality to have a working cover name.
b) while the psychologically spun cycle and downward spiral is how Kate experiences it - although she generally lives in denial about it, as you suggest, to a psychotic degree - I'm not sure that's all there is to it. In the external world, the city where she's living, I mean. Is it giving too much away to say I suspect Anna?

I didn't know - or remember - that the fortress place is where Zoe and Nina are drawn to, and go. Where did you see that? Sounds *cough* interesting. Zoe does mention something about a "15 Floor Club"?? or something, when she first meets Kate. I didn't make the connection to the place next to the Library, though ...

What I DO recall, looking back, is that Ashley is described by the lovely Walter early in the game as attending a group sex event in the basement of the Library, where she watches as a girl is ... etc. Which appears to explain her early departures on Friday afternoon. If the Library is a special club, would that also explain Kate's "strange feeling" whenever she sees the Library? Anyway, shrouded in mystery ... I was wondering if the (apparently) frustrated Ash was going to pluck up the courage to invite Kate along to a Friday afternoon party in the Library at some stage. Would supply a bit more symmetry to the game if Kate becomes the girl in the center of that action. Though far - further and further - from a little place of her own, then ...

As I said, I'd welcome some positive outcome possibilities too for Kate by the end of the game. Or at least, an escape to a place - and perhaps business - of her own. Some bad, some good. Would be the best way to complete the game ...

On the pointlessness of having locations that don't do anything ... well, I suppose for hard-worked developers, they are set up as placeholders. See the movie title advertised on the front of the Cinema for its grand opening (still!) ...


Mar 9, 2018
Forced on the players, or do you mean Kate?

A lot of the latter, at this stage. You'd wish she employed some of her martial arts skills at times ...
I mean forced on Kate. I tried to get her fucked by the bus creeper, but someone came and rescued her, which was super disappointing. Can I get her blackmailed or enslaved or anything like that?
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